Inside a dark, dusty apartment was a harassed room that had furniture in positions and places they shouldn’t have been in and a 12-year old boy named Jake who couldn’t move. With a couch that was on top of a smashed T.V. and much other distraught content, Jake was slowly being crushed by a steel table and his situation could only get worse. Jake’s body had already become numb and he had long since given up trying to escape or be saved. The situation had transgressed to this level the night before last when Jake’s drunk father Edward who was on a down from using all the households money in gambling and many other situations; this current situation was the result of Edwards rage.
Jake’s family was originally well off; he lived in a nice house
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He wondered himself why he failed to comply with his father, since it would usually result in a better outcome. Edward decided that Jake won't do as he says which angered his possessive side and marched at him in a rage and smacked his head which threw him off the lounge with brute force. Jake cringed on the floor with his hands over his head trying to protect himself and prayed that his father would settle down. Contrary to Jake’s prayers, Edward was not finished and kicked the lounge with tremendous force over the lounge room and slammed against the wall. Jake was within the zone of danger of the lounge and dived to the side in reflexive …show more content…
Jake realized that he was nearing the limit of his fleeting life and felt a wave of nausea hit him, but even this feeling was short-lived and was interrupted by the sound of knocking. By this point Jake couldn’t have even dreamt of answering the door but still attempted to call out to them but could only work up a meekly wheeze that was barely audible. He realised that this was the loan sharks who were at the front door from the knocking pattern that they had. Jake had listened to them knock several times and had picked up their habits, this person knocks using the back of his fist and usually knocked five or six times sequentially with a two second break between each set. Jake laughed at his weird hobby but cringed in pain as his laughter shifted the table from resting on an already numb place on his body
You choose to take the shortcut to the town so you get to Johnny’s college quicker. While you are waltzin down the ole patharooney and you see a dark life force down the beaten path that you’ve been taking a stroll down. When the tv show cast finding bigfoot jumps out and yell “hey there have you seen bigfoot.” Then the big ole soul goes sprinting out of the sight of your corneas, and Bobo pulls out a bigfoot call and starts grunting. Then a yeti jumps out and clubs Bobo in the noggin; You run over to Bobo, and see that his injuries has taken his soul. Then the rest of the finding bigfoot team runs away like a bunch of chumps. Then you look to your left and see a large brown beast,and you tell Johnny and he looks and screams like a chipmunk.
Jake: I know I can’t treat you like that but you’ve got to know I didn’t mean any of that stuff…I just freaked out on the situation, not at you…. I was drunk, and I walked in and saw the two of you together and I totally flipped out.
Jake and Alonzo move on to the gangster’s house named Smiley. When they get into the house Alonzo says he has to use the restroom and leaves Jake alone. Jake realizes a bit later that Alonzo has left him on his own. While on his own he figures out from Smiley that Alonzo owes the Russian MOB 1 million dollars by midnight or be killed. At the that time Jake realizes that he needs to get out but is stopped and dragged to the bathroom and a gun put up to his head. But turns out that he protected Smiley’s cousin in the alley earlier that day and was set free. Jake starts to look for Alonzo and finds him Sara’s apartment and tries to arrest him. While this is all going on Alonzo tries and gets the crowd around him to kill Jake, offering to pay them. No one took up on the offer and just walked away. He gets away and runs to LAX and while there the Russian MOB fire at him while in his car and they kill him. Jake finally feels some relief until he turns on the news to see them saying Alonzo died while serving a warrant to a high-risk person at LAX.
Jake is a determined person. He is always determined to make a better life for himself and his future. As Jack is thinking of the job that he has been assigned to, he thinks about everything he can do when he is finished with his job. Jack says to himself, “Your job is just to get the boat there [with 2 thousand pounds of hash on it], and for that, you will get 10 thousand dollars… This was the Jackpot. The answer I was looking for … my exit from St.Croix and entrance to whatever good school that would take me” (Gantos 69). Before Jack took the job,
Kat jumped to the ground and watched the wranglers lower Jake’s unconscious body from the wagon. “Don’t jostle him.”
It shows how Jake is persistent and dedicated to his job, even if it always seems like he is in over his head. Jake, however, also departs from the film noir tradition when he lets his emotions get the best of him. The greatest example of this is seen during the exchange between him and Evelyn when he is trying to find out the truth about Katherine. Resorting for the first time to violence against a woman, the near desperation with which Jake pushes Evelyn to confess is an expression of his fears and anxieties about being completely lost amidst the lies that surround him. The result is the humanization of Jake Giddes’ character. He simply is not perfect, and ultimately fails to see the bigger picture of what he is involved with until .
Ben was starting high school off with good grades, and a bully issue. One day Ben came home to his mother and asked her about buying new “in style” clothes, but she said no because they look cheap. After her response, his disrespectful behavior began; it became so horrible to where Ben even threatened his beat his mother. Ben started to hang out with his use to be bully, but now friend, and bought a knife. He went home and started practicing on how to use it. He later on got into a dispute with his friend and drove the knife into his stomach, luckily the knife broke off on impact. He ran home and prayed for his anger to go
It was a hard rain that woke him up, the pitter patter on the windows and the clunking against the metal shackles. Tennent lifted his head off his blocky, drink stained pillow and headed toward the door. The sound of glass breaking whistled behind him as the liquor bottles sprung off his bed, being dragged by the blanket he held onto, like the pain and regret that were held in the shards would always follow him. He finally reached the door as he turned the bolts to lock as he always forget too, and started crawling to the mini refrigerator that hid in the back corner of the room. As Tennent crawled to the iced bar he remembered why he was only supposed to stay in this over expensive motel for a few nights, having to help his mother though the latest and recent flu that’s been going around.
Jake turned back to Bobby and Josh with an ‘I win’ smile. “Sorry to be trouble,” he said as he walked past the detectives and headed for the elevator.
The stones looked out of place and uneven as Edward wandered the street. He hold one hand on the wall as he walked. One time he almost slipped, but he steadied himself on a railing. It almost made him vomit. The drunkenness tore him apart every day, but he could not stop it. Joy appeared in the ale he drank, and when the glass was dry, the sadness hurt again. He had tried to forget it for years, but the memory always came back. Edward remembered himself standing in the chaos trying to help a cause he did not remember. The entire memory bore violence, blood and a death in the family. That day was a turn of events for him. He remember him holding a rifle and shooting warning shots in the air. Edward was sixteen, a man grown, with start of a beard
Jake recuperates and uncovers evidence proving her innocence. The real shooter, Duvall, followed Rodriguez’s orders. Now Jake’s goal is within reach, but he must also save his family and his grandfather’s legacy.
Twenty-one years old my middle brother began to drink constantly on a regular basis. Problems back home had influenced him in drinking, but also the people he correlated himself with back then. He took quite some time to overcome his addiction, but during his intoxicated moments he resembled that of Victor’s family. One night during my brother’s intoxication my brother had come down to our house to get away. When my brother rang the doorbell, I quickly rushed towards the door, opening it to find my brother’s eyes bloodshot red. Walking in face forwards he slowly took what felt like one hundred paces to our red couch, which already contained a few broken springs on the left cushion. Once reaching the target he plopped down like a heavy book
Jonathan was a good friend of mine, a person who I could count on to make me laugh when I needed one. He always carried a good heart, loved basketball and I enjoyed spending time with him, but the streets raised him and took him away. To his family he was the brightest, and the most loving son. On June 10th, 2015, a tragedy struck. As a young man he became a member of a local gang. Unfortunately, Jonathan was riding his bike in rival gang territory when he ran into some rival gang members. The two young boys around the same age as Jonathan shot him multiple times and he bled to death later that night. Jonathan was only 16 years old. One life lost and countless others destroyed.
Ellie and I lay in our beds, neither one of us knew what to say. In the other room, our host parents were arguing. We didn’t know what about, but we knew it was serious. Then we heard a “THWACK” followed by silence. Ellie and I sat up in our beds and looked at each other, I could tell she was as scared as I was. “Was that? Did he just?” she asked me. Then the arguing started back up again. We calmed back down until we heard it again. “THWACK” We knew then, the noise we heard, was him beating her. We got up, our hearts racing; neither of us knew what to do. We got our nerves together to go get help. When we opened the door to our room we saw the children sitting on the couch crying out for their mother. I could see the fear in their face and I knew something needed to change.
I remember the competition days as if they happened a week ago. Even though it was two days ago. The thought of the memories plays in my head like a movie. All this amazing residue for four days. Four days of friendship, experiences, and lighthearted pleasure.Forever making me feel jubilant. Forever making me chuckle. Forever in my heart.