
The Patient Anti-Dumping Act

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Working hard with minimum to no pay is an unfortunate situation. Working hard and receiving pay that does not mount to your work ethic is even worse. Money is a route to a successful healthcare facility and work-life balance. Although money is very important there are many people in need that can’t afford the services and have an increased number of medical issues. During my undergraduate clinical settings, I’ve witnessed multidisciplinary teams who set back their abilities because of those who come in for help and don’t have the funds. As future healthcare administrators, I believe it is important that we maintain good service and help advocate for those patients and stand for the right of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). This law was passed in 1986 under Section 1867, also known as the Patient Anti- Dumping Act. …show more content…

Enforcing this act in the healthcare facility is necessary for healthcare administrators to be aware of facilities that receive patients, provide care, and cease unnecessary transfers to avoid the lack there of. “This means if a patient arrives at a hospital that accepts Medicare, the hospital isn’t allowed to refuse patient care, and this protection also requires healthcare providers to assess and stabilize all patients regardless of financial status”, (American Health Lawyers Association.

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