In the movie “The Patriot”. Directed by Ronald Emmerich. The movie was released on theaters on June,30 2000, Actor Mel Gibson stars as a widowed man named Benjamin Martin, Father of seven children. The movie is based upon the story of “The Swamp Fox, Francis Marion”. The Plot of the movie revolves around King George giving too much power to the states. The tyranny from the British, and the abuse towards taxes and domain from the king. The people of the thirteen original colonies decided to act together against the abuse, they wanted to declare independence by joining the army or in the different militias group. The premise of history presented in the movie “The Patriot” shows the militia forces in its own selves.
The movie, The Patriot, is the story of a South Carolina plantation owner, Benjamin Martin, who leads a local militia against British troops in the South during the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Martin, who is a widower with six children and a veteran of the French and Indian War, wants nothing to do with the war until a brutal British Colonel, William Tavington, kills one of his sons and takes his eldest son, a member of the Continental Army, prisoner. Martin, who’s character is loosely based on Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, uses guerrilla warfare to cut British supply lines and attack outposts in an attempt to slow General
This was a against Britain and France that the colonies originally fought, and Britain decided to send troops to help the colonies. After the war Britain was deep in debt. Instead of taxing the residents of Britain, he taxed the colonies heavily. They felt like the King was being unfair, and that they shouldn’t have to pay for the war because they did most of the fighting. This started more rebellions around the colonies. This argument was going throughout Britain citizens and the colonies. Both sides felt like the other should pay for the war and they should not spend any money on the war. To sum it all up, the King taxing them even more because of the war led them even closer to another
The story starts out looking at an unhappy John Adams who is calling on congress to acknowledge his ideas of independence for America, he is denied by congress and told to sit down. After failing to be heard once again, Adams resorts to allowing someone else recommend independence and the responsibility fell to Richard Lee. When the Congress reconvenes in June and Richard Lee proposes independence which is approved to be debated upon. The debate ensues and Dickinson defends Britain, making Adams seem as though he is only greedy and revolution is unnecessary. Franklin argues that they should not be part of Britain because they do not have the full rights of an Englishmen. The debate ends after Rodney faints and Delaware’s vote is turned to no, moving to postpone the debate indefinitely. The vote for independence became six to six after New Jersey finally arrived and voted, though
American Sniper by Chris Kyle, is one of the most accurate depictions of the life in special
The Patriot The movie, The Patriot, was released in the year 2000. It is a drama/action film that relates to the American Revolutionary War. Although the plot of the movie is fictional there are many aspects that relate to what happened in the war, but some have discrepancies. The Patriot is the story of a South Carolina plantation owner, Benjamin Martin, who is played by Mel Gibson. It is more a story of a family during the war then the war itself.
The Movie Vs Reality Did you know that the movie The Patriot had some events did not even happen? That is just what the director wanted in the movie. The Patriot is a historical war film that takes place York County, South Carolina. This film is about a family that gets threatened and the father (and son) join the Continental Army. I believe that the movie “The Patriot” is somewhat historically accurate because it has Benjamin Martin made up by a bunch of people, the Battle of Cowpens did not happen in the movie, and Colonel Tarleton did not die like in the movie.
They were also very organized in battle as shown in the movie, and that's why they didn't know how to deal with militia men. However, the brutality wasn't as much as shown in some parts of the movie. It is done to show the evilness of the British and so when the patriots killed any British, it seemed that they are taking revenge and so the brutal actions of the patriots were acceptable. In one scene, the British regulars order the execution of a colonial soldier captured in uniform. In fact, such war crimes by regular troops rarely happened. In the most incongruous scene, the people of the entire town are locked in a church which is then set on fire. It is very hard to believe that any British soldier would actually burn a church, because mostly everyone at that particular time was either Puritanical or Catholic. To desecrate such a sacred ground would be tantamount to sin; something that a British general would never order, nor would his soldiers follow, even if the order was given. As historian Thomas Fleming puts it: 'Of course it never happened. If it had, do you think Americans would have forgotten it? It could have kept us out of World War I' (Online). The events that people were exposed to in the film, were extremely violent, not to mention, only one side of the story is given.
Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline, follows protagonist Wade Watts, better known by his avatar Parzival, as he searches for an Easter egg, containing a billionaire’s life savings, hidden in a virtual reality called the OASIS. Parzival displays loyalty for fellow gunters, dependence on his close friends, and courage in a risky situation during his quest for the egg. Parzival remains loyal to the gunters when confronted by the Sixers. In addition, Parzival depends on the people around him, for both help and company, during the contest. Wade also proves that he is courageous when he invents a plan that could end his life.
The Fourth of July is a holiday that typically involves joyous events such as barbeques, family gatherings, and quality picnics. Additionally, it is a time that can draw those who have drifted apart closer once again. However, in the 19th century as the racial and social divide deepened, the effectiveness of this national holiday came into question. Although the Fourth of July was supposed to pull the nation closer, it actually inclined some to question their place in America. This was supposed to be a unification holiday that made the country stronger. Instead, the national holiday carved a deep divide between the various groups that made up the population at that time. Furthermore, in the 19th century the Fourth of July established division between groups, cultivated questions about America’s progress as a whole, and ingrained national confusion about the purpose of this holiday.
In the book “Go Set A Watchman”, Dr. Finch said “not much more than 5% of the South ever saw a slave, much less owned one.” to Jean Louise. This statement brings the idea of slavery away from the racist views which are clearly present in characters like Dr. Finch and Grady O’Hanlon. Although the validity of this statement is questionable, the impact slavery had on society in this country is clear. Slavery impacted many aspects of society, including the people of Maycomb, the views of the Southern/Northern states, and racial tension in today’s society.
The book “The Other America”, written by Michael Harrington, describes poverty in America in the 1950s and 1960s, when America became one of the most affluent and advanced nations in the world. The book was written in 1962, and Harrington states that there were about 50,000,000 (about 25% of the total population) poor in America at that time. The author did extensive research with respect to the family income levels to derive the poverty numbers, and used his own observations and experiences to write this book. This book addresses the reasons for poverty, the nature of poverty, the culture of poverty, the blindness of Middle Class America with respect to poverty, and the responsibility of all Americans in addressing the issue of poverty in America.
Harper Lee’s novel, Go Set a Watchman, tells the story of the 26-year-old Jean Louise as she gains awareness of her father’s flaws and becomes a more independent and flexible person. During the novel’s exposition, Jean Louise is on a train returning to her hometown, Maycomb, to visit her aging father, Atticus. Upon returning home, Jean Louise quickly gets into an argument with her aunt, Alexandra, over trivial matters. The two continue to bicker at each other until Atticus intervenes. While Jean Louise finds it extremely frustrating that her aunt is never able to understand her point of view, she finds comfort believing that Maycomb has remained the same since she last left.
It is very hard to not allow prejudice out of your mind, making decisions about others. It always seems that prejudice obscures the truth whatever you do. This best sums up the story of the play, Twelve Angry Men. Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, is about twelve caucasian jurors who are forced to make a verdict on whether a defendant of non-caucasian descent is guilty or not for premeditated homicide against his father. Unfortunately, the whole verdict seemed to depend on the thoughtful juror number eight who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is. In the drama, biases are unceasingly evident in the courtroom and disastrously influence the crucial decision of what will take effect to the defendant of a case. Many biases are chaperoned in the courtroom of the play from the jurors that heavily influence the verdict.
The movie "The Patriot" is about a man who is living on his plantation with his family, until the war gets bad and he is requested to join the war. His son joins first, and later returns home wounded. Benjamin then takes in the wounded soldiers and begins to heal them. The Redcoats then find them and kill most of them, setting the house ablaze. After Benjamin, the main character, realizes that nothing is getting done, he takes matters into his own hands. He and his son Gabriel take off to help in the war, recruiting their own army along the way. After losing many of his men, it seems as though luck is no longer on Benjamin's side. He then discovers that 18 of his men are still alive and he is able to get them back from the British. Later on
Loyalty is a bond a mutual trust, the most personal and sacred bond in human history. You must have loyalty before you can have friendship, or love. Loyalty means someone can count on you, someone can trust you to be there when in need. Loyalty is a major theme of George Orwell’s novel 1984. In a totalitarian world where loyalty, love, and any other personal feelings are outlawed by the vicious “Party,” some are still trying to find the strength to rebel. Winston, a silent rebel of the party, lives in constant fear of being captured and tortured for his suppressed protest. He yearns to live, to feel, and to make love. After he meets a beautiful girl named Julia, who shares his disdain for the Party, he knows she is the key to his dreams. The love story between these two revolves around loyalty and rebellion. This novel focuses on the importance of loyalty, and why it must be suppressed if a totalitarian society is to be achieved. It also focuses on how even the strongest of loyalties can be broken under extreme stress. No loyalty is safe when torture, and constant torment are forced on an individual. This is a heartbreaking and depressing novel that sheds some harsh reality on loyalty and betrayal. The importance of loyalty, and the breaking point of trust are both major themes of the novel 1984.