
The Patriot Movie Analysis

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When it comes to the history movies and films, people do not think if the story of the history movie is a truly based on our real history or it is just filled with bunch of fiction. People usually guestimate that every history movie is a part of a real history but the reality is that almost every single history movie contains at least little bit of fiction in it to make it great story and to keep the audience's attention. The movie’s theme is about freedom, but it’s different from the liberty freedom. Instead, it depicts freedom for Benjamin Martin trying to live his life in peace and not be bothered by war. This paper will provides the audience about the summary of the film “The Patriot”, the film production and the significances of the revolutionary war that …show more content…

The movie “The Patriot” took place during the revolutionary war. The revolutionary war is one of the most pivotal moments in world history. It’s 1776 and the intense fighting was going on in the north, while in the south the people are scrambling to recruit anyone who was willing to fight the British (1). A fledgling collection of royal colonies dared to rebel against a kingdom that had provided them protection and even the very land they inhabited. However, the colonies no longer desired protection at the expense of liberty, they began to understand that security without liberty is really not security at all. However, in the movie should have been more focused on the actual American Revolution than on the story line concerning Benjamin Martin and his family (1). Instead of doing this, the movie focuses on Benjamin's eldest son Gabriel who was eager to get in on the action, and signs up with the rebel forces against his father's wishes, joins the fight against the British. The fuel of determination to fight ignited as Gabriel seek revenge for his beloved but

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