
The Patriot Vs Movie 1776

Decent Essays

“The Patriot” and “1776” are two movies that are about how the United States Of America started. The movie ‘1776’ is about how the Declaration was created and how the Congress had to debate on being Independent from Britain. The movie “The Patriot” is about the Revolution. It is based on what the war looked like and all the battles that were fought for Independence. They both have a few things in common too. They both have the same concept but have many different details. One detail that's different between the movies is “The Patriot” has war and fighting scenes, but in “1776” there are no war scenes. “The Patriot shows the wars they had to go through to defeat the British. It also had scenes with shooting, violence, and lots of action . “1776” shows the debate that Congress had deciding if they should be independent or not. Most of the movie was shot inside of the Congress building and did not have physical fighting. “1776” is based on the Congress, not the war. Another detail that is different is that “1776” is a musical and “ The patriot” is not. In “1776” there was a lot of singing during the movie. “The Patriot” had no singing involved. “1776” was also less serious than “The Patriot”. “1776” had a few …show more content…

The base of the movie was about the Revolutionary War and the hatred between two main characters throughout the movie. The “1776” movie is based on the Congress’s debate and how John Adams had to convince a whole Congress to vote for independence. Yet, in both movies there were two main characters that disliked each other very much. In “The Patriot”, Benjamin Martin and Colonel Tavington had a strong dislike for each other. In “1776”, John Adams had a hard time trying to convince John Dickinson because Dickinson thought that Adams was annoying and obnoxious. Throughout the Congress debate they would fight with each

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