
The Pearl Symbolism Essay

Decent Essays

Symbolism in The Pearl When most people think of a pearl they would think of something exquisite. In the short novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck the pearl symbolizes the opposite of what the readers would expect. Steinbeck uses many symbols throughout the novel to represent the theme in the story. In The Pearl the theme things may not be what they seem to be is shown to readers, with symbols and characters like the mountains, the doctor, and the pearl itself. To begin with, the doctor in The Pearl is one of the characters that relates to the theme, things aren’t always what they seem to be. A doctor is usually a kindhearted, sympathetic person and is inclined to help anyone, but the doctor in The Pearl is very contrary. The doctor is racist, egotistical, and self-centered. He even says “Have i nothing to do than cure insect bites for little Indians? I am a doctor, not a veterinary” (11) . This is an example …show more content…

At the beginning of the novel the pearl symbolizes hope and prosperity. By the end of the story it represents greed and materialism. “And to Kino the secret melody of maybe the pearl broke clear and beautiful, rich and warm and lovely, growing and gloating and triumphant. In the surface of the great pearl he could see a dream form.” (online)This quote is from the beginning of the story and it represents hope for the family, and Kino’s dreams of Coyotito going to school and Juana and himself getting married might come true. The pearl also causes greed within the town. “ ‘It has come to me thou hast found a great fortune, a great pearl.’Kino opened his hand and held it out and the priest gasped a little at the size and beauty of the pearl.” (online) Everyone in the town is fantasizing over the pearl, even the priest. The pearl is one of the main symbols in the novella, that represents the

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