The Pentagon Near the Potomac River in Washington DC lies the Pentagon. The pentagon has five sides of concrete that surrounds more than 6 million square feet, five floors above ground, two basement levels, and five ring corridors per floor with a total of 17.5 miles corridors. The Pentagon has a five-acre plaza, shaped like a pentagon and is called "ground zero," a nickname found during the Cold War. The Pentagon is one of the largest office buildings in the world. On September 11, 2001, 60 years after the building's construction began, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked and flown into the west side of the building, killing 189 people. It was the first successful foreign attack on Washington, D.C.'s governmental facilities. On May
The novel, The Culture of the Cold War, is the all about the cold war and how that time period effected America in the 1960s. It talks about how the Cold War era haunted America with constant threats, and the talk of communism all across the nation. The author of the book, Stephen J. Whitfield, described that the Cold War gave the nation an identity crisis and that suspicion started to arise. The novel is very descriptive on that topic and elaborates on certain ideologies during that time.
As millions were watching the events unfold in New York, American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown Washington, D.C., and crashed into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 a.m. Jet fuel from the Boeing 757 caused a overwhelming firestorm that led to the structural collapse of a portion of the enormous concrete building. All told, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed in the Pentagon, along with all 64 people aboard the airliner. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) It was initially thought that this plane was bound for the White House or the Capitol Building; however, because of lack of visibility coming from the west as it did objects obscured these targets making the terrorists change their plans and crash into the Pentagon. (Limbacher, 2001)
After World War II there was still a main conflict between the two major world superpowers; the US and allied countries that supported democracy and on the other hand the Soviet Union (USSR) who supported communism and wanted to spread it. The conflict was that the Soviet Union tried spreading communism in other countries, but the United States was not going to allow that. This conflict influenced the Cold War to be fought by the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union) and Western Bloc (the United States and allies). When the Eastern Europe was taken over by the USSR and turned into communism the US helped the Western Europe to not be taken over by communism. As an adviser to the President of the United States the policy that he should follow is to rapidly build up the political,
At 9:12 on Flight 77, staff and passengers contacted their family and friends and air traffic control that the plane had been hijacked. Approximately at 9:36, Secret Service agents evacuate the White House employees to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. The reason they evacuated the White House is because the authorities were expecting that another hijacked plane was going to attack either the White House or the Capitol (9/11 MEMORIAL - September 11 Attack Timeline, pages 20, 22-23). At 9:37, hijackers crash Flight 77 into the Pentagon’s western facade, killing the fifty-nine on board the plane and one hundred twenty-five military and civilian personnel inside the Pentagon. This had been the third attack on the United States within fifty-one minute. To help the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) find the hijacked planes, they ground all flights over, or bound for, the continental United States. At approximately 9:59, after burning for a total of fifty-nine minutes, the South Tower collapses within ten seconds killing many rescue workers and responders (9/11 MEMORIAL - September 11 Attacks Timeline, pages 24-25,28). Around 10:15, the damaged section of the Pentagon’s outermost offices, known as the E ring, collapses. No on was injured. At 10:28, the North Tower collapses after burning for one hundred two minutes, killing about 1,400 people in the building and the surrounding area (9/11 MEMORIAL - September 11 Attack Timeline,
After over 10 years, the United States still mourns the people who died September 11, 2001. The enormous loss of Human lives and the help they would have been and made to the world. The results form the inquiry made by 9/11 Commission and the actions of the people of the United States. From the 9/11 tragedy at the World Trade Center has became known as Ground Zero. Every seven structures that were part of the complex got destroyed or either damaged and also other buildings. Inside the World Trade Center 2,606 people died, 371 were passengers and crew that were apart of The American 11 and United 175 flight. 125 people died at the Pentagon when American 77 crashed into the building, killing the 59 innocent victims on the flight. 40 people died as they turned on the attackers that was on flight United 93 and that prevented it from hitting its target. On September 11, 2011, the 9/11 memorial opened and they named it National September 11 Memorial & Museum. The Memorial is located in New York city which commemorating the 9/11 attacks that killed 2,977 people. The memorial site seats on about half of the 16-acre site that was formerly known as The World Trade Center complex. The memorial has two gigantic waterfalls and reflecting pools, which both are about an
Europe after the capitulation of Nazi Germany and the subsequent Allied victory in World War II was in ruins from years of fighting and bombing. Cities and infrastructure lay flattened and shortages of vital consumer products of food and fuel persisted across Europe. The economic situation of Europe was also in tatters; many countries suffered from severe inflation, debt, trade deficits, and depleted gold supplies. The United States having remained virtually untouched by the destruction had emerged from World War II stronger than ever before both an industrial economic, and military powerhouse. The Soviet Union though also suffering from the wounds of the war began to establish pro-Soviet communist governments in the Eastern European countries
Research this week was fruitful and my bibliography grew substantially. A large part of the reason for this growth was the mining of the bibliography of other sources. One of the most fruitful was, The Cold War in a Cold Land: Fighting Communism on the Northern Plains. The book provided me with a variety of both primary and secondary sources. The list of sources includes, books, articles, and government reports. A second book that provided more sources was, How We Forgot the Cold War. The bibliography provided some sources created by the North Dakota State Historical Society. In addition to these sources, I have been looking into newspapers. I have ordered some rolls of microfilm of the Griggs County Sentinel-Courier and am still waiting for them to arrive. I started with these rolls because they came from the paper closest to the geographic center of my research, as well as the dates of my research. In addition to the rolls, I have ordered The Cold War in a Cold Land, which provided a list of other newspapers that may be useful. In addition to ordering more microfilm reels that I will have sent to me at school, I will also have the opportunity to examine many more when I return home for spring break. Many are housed at the State Historical Society, just twenty minutes
The September 11 assaults (often referred to as 9/11) involved a series of four organised terrorist assaults by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda in the United States on the Tuesday morning of, September 11, 2001. The assaults comprised of suicide attacks that were used to target popular U.S landmarks. This atrocity was carried out by 19 terrorists from the east coast of America, where they hijacked four airlines, which they later crashed into the twin towers in New York City. Two American airline planes: flight 11 and flight 175 crashed into the north and south towers of the World Trade Centre and within 2 hours collapsed also affected 10 other buildings located in the same vicinity. A third plane flew into the United States department of defence building, more commonly known as the Pentagon. Lastly the fourth plane steered towards Washington D.C, the passengers became aware about the other attacks and they tried to intervene, this caused the plane crash into a field near Pennsylvania. It was the deadliest incident for fire –fighters and law enforcement
In 1993, President Bill Clinton?s Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, outlined a defense plan for the future, The Bottom-up Review. The Cold War had ended and Aspin was tasked with defining a defense strategy to fit the economic cuts promised by the newly elected President. Aspin penned a new defense plan. One that did not quite match up to the imposed budget constraints, but more importantly, he afforded himself the use of many assumptions while devising his plan.
The beginning of the Cold War in 1947 marked a pivotal moment in American history that would ultimately go on to shape the trajectory of the 21st century. The period between 1945 and 2000 witnessed transformative changes across politics, culture, social dynamics, and technology, each continuously evolving and maintaining an enduring impact on contemporary America. Politics during this time saw a massive shift as a result of growing fears of communism, leading to dramatic changes in the nation’s approach to defense policies and international intervention, as well as aiding in the popularization and support of the civil rights and feminist movements. The exponential growth of technological advancement and economic prosperity of this era similarly
Many people, including the US Government say that a plane hit the Pentagon. According to these people, a terrorist hijacked the plane and flew it with amazing skill and crashed into a near vacant part of the Pentagon. But the evidence just doesn’t add up. The Pentagon was not hit by a plane. First off, the hole was much to small to be hit by a passenger plane. According to Craig McKee, a reporter that covered the pentagon story, “The Boeing 757 is 155 feet, 3 inches long. It has a wing span of 124 feet, 10 inches. And it is 44 feet, six inches high at the tail. The opening in the building was about 75 feet wide after the upper floors collapsed, and about 90 feet at ground level (less than 20 where the fuselage would have hit)”(McKee). Therefor, the Pentagon was not hit by a plane because the hole was much too small and the wreckage
Since the end of the World War II, the world countries are facing in political hostility characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare called Cold War. Within the nonstop Cold War of the world countries; finally, the World War III will be coming. Unlike the other past big world wars, World War III will be the most disastrous for human life. The reason is because many countries are armed with nuclear weapons. For example, at this time 16 thousand nuclear weapons are stored at sites in fourteen countries and many are ready for immediate use( source : These nuclear weapons are more than enough to make the planet uninhabitable. Initial blast of nuclear weapons could
As millions of Americans watched the events in New York, another plane circled over downtown Washington, D.C. and flew into the west side of the Pentagon, which is the military headquarters, at 9:45 a.m. Jet fuel from the plane caused a terrible fire that led to a structural collapse in a portion of the Pentagon. In all 125 military personnel and civilians were killed in the Pentagon, along with all 64 passengers on the airliner.
The legacy of the cold war and the struggle between the USSR and the United States continued to flourish in large portions in developing countries. The two world powers had different ideologies and were in a battle for supremacy. The Cold War pitted an American led alliance against the Soviet Union divided the economical and political world into two major blocs. The cold war involved a contest of ideologies that intensified after the two great powers, America and the Soviet Union started competing for friendship from dozens of new sovereign states that had previously been colonial powers. The super powers really hunted to recruit the newly emerging nations to their side and, way of life. Each super power sought to convince the rest of the
The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted in major shift in United States foreign policy. For years, the United States supported tyrannical dictators in return for stable anti-communist government receptive to United States interests. The Cold War resulted in a new world order with the United States as the lone global hegemonic power. In Eastern Europe in particular, the end of the Cold War ushered in an era of economic growth and a large increase in the number of liberal democracies. Although the world saw a large increase in liberal democracies, a new regime type referred to as competitive authoritarianism began to emerge. According to Levitsky and Way, “In competitive authoritarian regimes, formal