The Perks of being a Wallflower
Wallflower, a person who sees things, you keep quiet about them and you understand. Charlie is a freshman. He's not the biggest geek but he's also not so popular. He's intelligent beyond his means. He's shy. He's a wallflower. He's trying to live life while trying to run from it. A wallflower like Charlie is one of the most interesting people to talk to if given a chance to. The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is a book that I encourage anyone to read it. This is a simple sentence and complex to understand,at first, book. While reading this I admired the fact of how the author, Stephen Chbosky, used his words to create mental images of the settings where Charlie found himself in the transition of
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We might think it's the end of the world when we lose a close friend but it's not we just have to accept it and keep moving forward. We have to accept the fact that some people may not want to be friend with us and it okay and we have to learn how to keep moving forward. I can visualise how sad Charlie must of been to be writing this in his letter. The main plot of the story is that the anxiety that Charlie has and how he has to live with it day by day. I feel that i can understand everything the author is saying when I am reading. I like his vivid imagery because i feel feel like i am at the setting with Charlie and all his friends wherever they find themselves in the book. The Perks of being a Wallflower is definitely a book that you would enjoy and that you would feel like you are in the book with the
‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ fits into the romance and drama genres, but the movie truly shines in its role as a coming of age film. ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ tackles the hardships and pain that growing up can sometimes make you feel, and depicts high school in the most realistic way I have seen for a while. Other coming of age films like ‘Clueless’ and ‘Mean Girls’ portray high school in a sort of innocence, with issues going on in the protagonist’s lives only occurring during their times at school. This film doesn’t sugar coat things. It shows Charlie’s struggles from all different angles of growing up and
In Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie is called a wallflower by Patrick, his best friend, which means that Charlie is typically alone rather than engaging with a large group. Mary is also someone who prefers to be away from people instead of engaging with them. Another similarity is that both Charlie and Mary have trouble fitting into societal norms due to their uniqueness that sets them apart from everyone else. Charlie is shy and is very smart for someone his age. Since he is quiet and is really smart, he doesn’t seem to fit in with everyone else at his school.
Life lessons that the books gives is relationships, depression, and suicide. For example, it talked about an abusive relationship. In the book, Charlie’s sister has a boyfriend, who punches her in the face hard (Gale). The sister did not seek for help, instead, she kept the relationship going like if nothing bad had happened. This example can open up teenagers eyes especially when they are starting to build up love relationships and demonstrates what is not acceptable in a healthy relationship. Another example is when Charlie wanted to kill himself because he had depression. That can also happen to any other ordinary teenager. Any young reader can learn from this experience and if they go through this they can get some if it does get as bad as Charlie’s did. The Perks of Being a Wallflower also talks about rape. Rape is something big in life. The book talks of how rape can occur. Whoever reads the book, the person might when through rape when they were small and did not realize. Reading this will open their eyes and come out to the truth. Reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower may get the reader to realize how important and realistic it is that it can happen to any other person. As Bancroft mentions
With the number of people suffering from depression rising at excessive rates due to the presence of social media it is important to look back and reflect on the depression that Stephen Chbosky created in Perks of Being a Wallflower. Charlie is a teenager about to enter high school and for many people that can cause anxiety and fear that can plunge them in the darkness many people know as depression. Throughout the book, Charlie’s depression progresses to a point where it has become a form of self harm and he needs serious medical attention.
The book also focuses on Charlie’s home life. Charlie has two siblings that make him feel invisible. There’s a hidden resentment in the tone that is used by Charlie to explain his sister and brother. But by the end they have managed to form a certain bond that Charlie has always wanted.
Character- The main character Charlie is developed in many ways throughout the story. His whole demeanor changed from page one. He actually started smoking in the middle of the book. “When I light it, I didn’t cough. It actually felt soothing. I know that’s bad in a health class kind of way, but it was true.”-pg 102 His personality was different after that. He always tried to be friendly to anyone he met but if you weren’t nice to his friends he didn’t really respect them after that. His dialogue is very similar throughout the whole book. He is very friendly when he talks and tries to be polite. Charlie is trying to make friends and keep them. He succeeds with some coaching from his english teacher who Charlie calls Bill. Bill
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel written by American novelist Stephen Chbosky set in the suburbs of Pittsburgh in the 1990's (Wikipedia, 2012). It follows the life of a teenage boy named Charlie.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a novel about coming of age that is seen through the perspective of Charlie, a young ‘wallflower’ that is starting high school and experiences the troublesome teenage life filled with drugs, sexuality and love. Charlie writes this book in a series of letters to an anonymous person. Charlie is the main protagonist of the story who is apprehensive and a kind-hearted boy however he has many problems happening in his life that he doesn’t like to concern others with “I just don’t want you to worry about me, or think you’ve met me, or waste your time anymore”. I admire Charlie because he is very considerate of others and although he is shy he overcomes this fear when he tries to find friends and step out of his comfort zone” Normally I am very shy, but (Patrick) seemed like the kind of guy you could just walk up to at a football game even though you were three years younger and not popular”. In return Charlie is rewarded with his first real friend at high school. I also admire Charlie for his mature attitude towards finding new friends and moving on from the death of his friend Michael. Charlie really needed to start interacting more with people, during the story we find out that Charlie misses having a friend and that being alone can be difficult and cause negative effects “It would be very nice to have a friend again. I would like that even more than a date”. I think
Charlie is very far from what most people call normal: he is shy, introverted, awkward, independent, paranoid, confused, respectable and kind; showing many examples of this throughout the book. He keeps to himself for the most part and is constantly in his own head. Aside from the many negative traits he also has many attributes: he is a loyal friend and listens to the people he talks to, he is a caring person and comforts those in need. However he has his flaws as well: Charlie can get very angry and upset at others which causes him to lash out with violence or sadness, he is extremely sensitive, crying frequently and constantly questioning himself. Several of his peers labeled him as nerd or a weirdo, which damaged
Miles liked to ask a lot of questions pertaining to the meaning of life, like Charlie Miles also liked to sit back and be a “wallflower”. Miles and Charlie were very alike in many ways, both started off being a wallflower then both evolved into a outgoing, involved, and an
Charlie, the main character in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, tells his story through a series of letters written over a span of one year, or Charlie’s freshman year of high school. Author Stephen Chbosky, tells the story of a young man trying to find his way and also trying to make friends in school. Along the way, Charlie has trials he must go through, and not everything results in a happy ending right away. Eventually, all is well in Charlie’s life, but he must struggle in order to finally be content and happy with his life. Charlie’s coming of age story is told through his trials of trying to fit in by going to parties, drinking and even doing drugs while many of his relationships are hurt in the process. Just as every other high school student, Charlie wants to feel like he belongs, even if that means becoming someone that he is not. Along the way, not only is Charlie hurt, but also his friends Sam and Patrick. The relationships with these two friends, and Charlie himself are tested by all of their actions and how they live their lives.
I believe i’m just like charlie but before I explain why i’m like charlie I would like to first explain charlie. His characteristics and personality. Of course charlie is an introvert a very awkward one and doesn’t have very many friends(when we first meet him). He’s extremely caring and loving, he wants the best for everyone he cares about. He is very intelligent. And most importantly has patrick said “You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand. You're a wallflower.” page 37.
At the start of the novel charlie is just about to start his freshman year of highschool without any friends because his only friend michael killed himself but then at a football game he meets Sam and Patrick and make him a bit more sociable for example in a part of the novel he takes part in something called the rocky horror picture show in front of hundreds of people.By the end Charlie is now able to socialize and make more friends.This evidence shows how Perks of being a wallflower is partially about friendship and why it's important.Through socializing more and making new friends this shows that perks of being a wallflower teaches friendship and why it's important.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower is a book about the changes teens go through as they mature and the obstacles they face during this time. Charlie comes across changes in his relationships, his own stance in his family, school, and friends, and how he thinks of himself. He learns about his past and makes changes towards how he thinks about himself and why he is who he is.
He feels lonely, blames himself for his aunt’s death, abuses substances at parties, and has thoughts of suicide. Before he returns to the mental hospital, the camera shows him reaching for a knife. This moment suggests he would have committed suicide if his sister had not sent the police to his house. His depression could have been caused from his PTSD and feelings of loneliness. He was lonely on the first day of highschool because his best friend had also committed suicide the May before. He even describes to his new friends, “I didn’t think that anyone noticed me” (Perks of Being a Wallflower). He describes himself as “getting bad again” when his best friend dies, when he has not seen his friends for two weeks, and when his friend group leaves for college. These are all times when he may have been feeling lonely. He reveals his PTSD and depression through his relationships as well. Charlie is close to his family and reveals he has not spoken to anyone outside his family since the school year, but he meets seniors who help him find his way. He is loving, caring, and thankful for his friends and is sad when they leave, and he even stands up for them after they had asked Charlie to stay