
The Persecution Of Witches In The 1500's

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Olivia Dean #4
European Studies Period 4
December 12, 2014
The Persecution of Witches in the 1500’s
500 accused witches were burned at the stake by church authorities (A History of Witchcraft Persecutions). After the Black Plague, the church lost prestige of society because they were not able to stop the spread of the disease. Therefore, the church informed their followers that witches were the cause of the disease and must be condemned. In the 1500’s, with Protestantism and religious conflict spreading in Central Europe, the church turned to witch hunts to protect its power and status. During the 1500’s to 1600’s, Europe suspected women of witchcraft due to the strange, unknown deaths of children, livestock, and unexpected illness. These women stood as outcasts and were typically poor, …show more content…

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