
The Peter Reflection

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those classified in a certain category is well illustrated through the librarian who, when asked if Peter did anything to her, answers “He didn’t do anything, but he made me think that he is going to do something bad to me. So are you going to protect us?”(52:43) Peter didn’t do anything; however, the librarian by witnessing his abnormal behavior and finding out about his schizophrenia adapts her experience to something that could have been dangerous. Similar to how Hacking expects classificatory looping to work on those classified. She had an incomplete perception of the events and took his actions to be part of his irrationality, instead of Peter’s attempt to find his daughter and stop the radio noises in his head.
Throughout the movie, we see Peter as this schizophrenic doing irrational things like cutting his head and nail. Peter barely talks so the audience can only perceive him through these irrational actions. With this, the audience is left to interpret the parallel killings as Peter’s work. It is only when Peter is with his daughter that he talks freely about his delusions and the audience starts seeing Peter as a rational human. (62:34) It is during his interaction with Nicole that there are no background noises, irrational behavior or delusions. The audience sees only an awkward father trying to connect with his daughter. It is during this moment that the audience starts seeing Peter as a human, suffering with Schizophrenia and the pain of separation between him

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