
The Philosophy Of Education And Education

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Every school district, instructor, and administrator has a set of correlated beliefs that influences what/how students are educated. This set of beliefs is called a philosophy of education. “A philosophy of education represents answers to questions about the purpose of schooling, a teacher 's role, and what should be taught and by what methods” ("Philosophy of Education"). Educational philosophies differ among all individuals in education. With individual educators, some choose a teacher-centered philosophy and others choose a student-centered philosophy. It appears that both realms of philosophy play an important role in education inside the typical high school. It is personally believed that progressivism and existentialism are the key philosophies that should be taught inside every individual classroom. Progressivism states that lessons must be relevant to the students in order for them to properly learn. Existentialism states that individuals need to shape their own futures. Combining these two philosophies allows the students to become the central focus of all classroom activities, strengthens their education, and prepares them for the future. Keywords: Philosophy in Education, progressivism, existentialism, future

All teachers’ create their own educational philosophy before setting foot inside the classroom. Whether teachers’ are planning lessons, or giving assessments… the methods and procedures used are what help define one’s educational philosophy. It is

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