
The Philosophy Of Philosophy And Philosophy

Satisfactory Essays

Philosophy is recognized by the questions being asked, and the methods used to answer them. These questions are usually the ones that are open-ended, abstract, or the ones that lead to controversial answers. Due to the openness in philosophy, the uncertainty, there is not just one viewpoint that is completely accepted by all to be true. This leads to many disputes and conversations that are ultimately driven by the core of philosophy, which is its latin translation, the love of wisdom. Now, the wisdom tradition is a major aspect of philosophy. It works by seeking knowledge in order to understand human life, and how life is best lived. There are many intellectual people who have pondered upon the question of, “What is the optimal way of living?” This abstract philosophical question, has lead to many answers that are still up to debate. Augustine, a highly respected philosopher and theologian, used his understanding of human life in theology in order to answer this intensely sought out question. Rather Socrates, also a highly respected philosopher, shifted away from using a theological undertone and foundation, and looked solely to knowledge for and as the answer. Socrates believed that knowing the nature of good leads to the best way of living, while Augustine believed that the root of wrongdoing, is not lack of knowledge but in the weakness of the will. There is a fine distinction between the two philosophers. Socrates’ finds that knowledge is the key to living the optimal

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