Ever since I was little I’ve always looked up to my Aunt Katherine. I had wanted to be a cheerleader just like her. I loved all the cool stunts, jumps, dances, and the gymnastics incorporated into it. My favorite part has always been the gymnastics part. I have always been fascinated by its beauty and gracefulness. Over the course of my experiences I’ve learned that gymnastics can benefit one’s day to day life physically, mentally, and socially. There are several physical benefits by one doing gymnastics. Gymnastics can benefit you physically in your coordination. Little kids who do gymnastics teach there eyes the proper coordination that you need to read. Therefore these kids have an easier time learning how to read and they learn how …show more content…
With this newfound politeness one benefits in being more respectful and many other things. Therefore one is better listeners. One is not only a better listener but is also more disciplined.
One does not only socially benefit in there politeness but they also benefit in there communication skills. One who does gymnastics is less likely to be antisocial and many other things. There not only less likely to become antisocial and many other things but they also learn communication skills. Communication skills is important quality and aspect for getting a job. One learns how to handle conflict and relate positively. Positively relating to others is not the only communication skill obtained. One also learns how to work with others. One does not only benefit in there politeness and communication skills from gymnastics but also in there interactions. One who does gymnastics works and interacts with a wide range of different ages causing one to gain a social maturity which is not gained from endless hours of T.V and video games.
("What Are the Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids?", "Top 10 Benefits of Gymnastics", "What Are the Health Benefits of Gymnastics?")
One not only benefits physically and socially from gymnastics but also mentally. The interactions with a wide range of different ages not only causes social maturity but also friendships with the older kids. This friendship boost a child’s self esteem. With an increase in one’s self esteem it reduces
It is important to remember that each area of learning and development does not work in isolation but they are all in fact interlinked. Good quality activities will cover more than one area of development. For example, allowing children to access the outdoors will not only support their physical development, but encourage their communication and exploration of their environment. Where a child experiences a delay in one area, it is likely to limit their learning and development in the other five...a child with cerebral palsy who experiences hand-eye coordination difficulties is likely to find completing a puzzle difficult therefore hindering
Why should Albany schools offer gymnastics? * Thesis Statement: Gymnastics has many benefits and some consequences involved. *Small Question: What are these benefits and consequences?
Some good things about wrestling are by participating in a team sport doing that you can make a lot of friends by doing this sport. It can also help you in reality are in your business life or work. Wrestling also teaches you respect which is a skills for life. You learn to respect not only the other wrestlers but your coaches. In
Politeness is able to show a person’s feelings towards others and awareness of a social custom. There are many purposes of politeness including: creating a public self image, creating solidarity, threatening people to send a negative message, not threatening people or upsetting them, indicating social relationship, showing awareness of social context, and power dynamics. The value of polite speech in a culture has the purpose of creating solidarity. Polite speech in a specific culture is very important and should be practiced as much as possible.
a: If a student has better skills, for instance, in Mathematics than there are lots of opportunities like math contests and quizzes worldwide to take part, by which students learn problem solving skills. And as far as the physical strength is concerned, gym doesn 't genuinely do anything other than fun.
I wouldn’t be in this place if it weren’t for gymnastics, I highly love gymnastics and It really makes me work hard for the things I want to happen!
Ballet requires a lot of fitness. Dancers also have good endurance and have to do conditioning just like other sports. Some of the boys in our dance studio use ballet for agility to help them with other sports
An enormous amount of the average adult population, today want to get students in better shape, such as making them stronger, faster and to have a better cardiovascular system. If those students want to achieve those goals than wrestling should be the sport the physical education curriculum should introduce it to their system. Students who have ever wrestled usually have better strength, speed, and cardiovascular system. It teaches about sportsmanship and helps someone learn how to deal with being by themselves. However, one of the most important part of wrestling is it's a very fun sport.
Understanding how the muscles inside your body move and the mechanics of how your body moves is incredibly important in dance. If you understand how something needs to move to create a certain you are sure to recreate that shape with the same precision every time. I also find the human body fascinating. How we as dancers come across injuries and how we should go about mending them. Dance is so powerful that understanding the mechanics of the body greatly assists how you move. I have an anatomy coloring book that I use frequently to find how muscles connect and how to make something move. I would love it if one day I became a special physical therapist/ kinesiologist for dancers and helped them understand how they
Wednesday, April 7th, 1994 started out like any other day, I was attending Jr. hHigh sSchool, in St. George Utah. As a I was a young 12 year old girl that was obsessed with gymnastics, I breathed it, studied it, and lioved it. Gymnastics was my Life.! I daydreamed about competing in front of hundreds of people, lights dimmed down, the spotlight right on me as I performed each skill I worked so hard at perfecting each day at practice. I would picture myself going over my routines, every step, every pose, each body positions, how I’d present myself, f . . . . everything. I wanted to be a college gymnast.
Imagine walking on a four-inch piece of wood that is four feet off the ground, or flying through the air performing skills people only dream of doing. Gymnastics is a sport that taught me many things including, how to preserve through difficult situations and how to overcome my fears. I did gymnastics for ten years before I decided that the sport was too stressful and time consuming.
Through Gymnastic formations, students can learn how to cooperate others and treat others sharing the same pain. Although I had an experience falling from the top of the ten people pyramid when I was an elementary school student, it was the most memorable memory for me, because I learned many things and half of students mentioned about it on their graduation essay, whose theme was the most memorable events in six years. So banning Gymnastic formations deprives students of the rights to move and learn by experiences. Adults should care about it rather than afraid when they fail.
This was me a year ago, someone who wished they could change the past. As an early adolescent I felt that I was not in control of my life. Gymnastics had that control. I started gymnastics at the age of 3 and rapidly progressed. From the age of 6 I was in the gym seventeen hours a week - even longer as I got older and was moved up to the higher levels. It was an environment where there was no crying, no whining and no quitting - we wanted to so badly, especially me. I was injured multiple times a week and my body ached, but still kept strong and did not quit. While homework was
My brain goes silent. I forget my problems, my issues, my struggles, and everything that makes me feel dead inside. Nothing gives me more hope and happiness, then running on floor to hanging on a bar. From the darkness inside comes a light that feels like an eternal flame that can never be extinguished. Nothing can stop me from feeling more alive. Starting gymnastics has been the best decision I have ever made and has made me the person I am today. With every move, every skill, and every moment, gymnastics makes me feel alive.
At the age of three my parents decided to put me in gymnastics, I excelled immediately and after a couple months I entered into the pre-competitive program. My love for gymnastics continued and I became a provincially ranked, high level gymnast until the age of fourteen when I shattered my ACL and meniscus in my knee which required surgery. However, my years of gymnastics taught me a great deal of skills that I carry with me to this day. Primarily, I learned exceptional self-discipline, time management, and balance (metaphorically and physically). Gymnastics is exhausting on the body and the mind as you need total cohesion of both to excel. During my peak, I was training five hours per practice, upwards of five days a week and during the summer I would train six hours a day, six days a week. Gymnastics taught me that if you want something badly enough you will work as hard and as long as it takes to reach your goals. After shattering my ACL I pushed to continue training and I competed in my final competition and was the provincial champion on the bars event for my age category. I refused to let this surgery end my career. Six months after the surgery, I joined a competitive cheerleading team who I competed with for three years. Cheerleading was very different for me because it required all of the skills I had learned from gymnastics and on top of that I had to learn how to work with a team. I believe gymnastics is a huge part of who I am and has helped me to become the