
The Physics Of The Atomic Theory

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Matter is anything made up of atoms and molecules and the study of these “things” called atoms dates back to the time of Ancient Greece to the present. The information about atoms known today is certainly much greater than what was known centuries ago. First, there were only hypotheses on this idea that everything in the world is made up of tiny, unseeable particles. As technology advanced, these hypotheses were tested, critiqued, modified, and built upon. A mass of knowledge is known regarding atoms, thanks to the research of numerous chemists and physicists. The atomic theory is the building block to the study of matter, just as the atom is the building block to all matter. Around 400 BCE was when the Greek philosopher Democritus, alone with his teacher Leucippus, the idea of the atom was born (the word atom comes from the Greek word “atomos” or “atomon” meaning “that which cannot be split”). This was a completely new concept, and Democritus’s theory stated that atoms were indestructible and homogenous, and different states of matter were made up of differently shaped atoms: solids had sharp and pointy atoms and liquids had large round atoms. Later these ideas would be proved inaccurate, however, this was the beginning of the discovery of the atom even though the people of this time had no instruments capable of testing the theory. It was not until centuries later that the atomic theory was truly looked at again. In 1803 an English chemist and physicist named

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