The picnic
By:Mikalah ferguson
One day little red riding hood was at her grandmother’s house wondering what she could do, so she asked her grandmother for ideas. “Well’ her grandmother said, “you should host a picnic in the back” she pointed to the back door. “Great idea!” little red riding hood then ran out of the kitchen to go spread the news, first , she ran past humpty dumpty’s wall and told him all about the picnic “that sounds delightful just make sure there are no egg products !” he says with a chuckle, “ok ,make sure not to fall of the wall!” she yells back.
She ran to the three little pigs who all live in the brick house and told them all about the picnic “oh! That sounds amazing we will be sure to be there”. She was very
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When she stopped she heard a howl and immediately knew who lived there… The Big Bad Wolf, little red riding hood ran as fast as she could all the way to her grandmother’s house. As soon as she ran into the house she told her grandmother everything that happened. “I told you to stay away from those woods red!”, “Sorry grandma i just thought that it would be a shortcut to your house”. Her grandmother told red that she would go out and tell everybody else while she sets up, red went up to her grandmothers attic and got out some tables, after a few minutes she heard a knock at the door and went to go see who it is, as soon as she opened the door she saw the big bad wolf standing in front of her. “W-w-what are you doing here said red, “i heard you were having a picnic so i ran over here for the details” I NEVER INVITED YOU!!!” red yelled very angrily, “calm down please i just wanted you to know that i am a changed person and i am very capable of controlling my hunger and anger.” The wolf then asks red if he is allowed to come and she still says no, “ok then says wolf i’ll be back later” the wolf walked away and and red went back to setting up. She hung the lights and prepared the food red set out lots of delicious foods and drinks and was all prepared when she heard the doorbell ring, “who is
Each one of has the different job. One is the hunter, one is a doctor, one is the cooker, and one is daycare. One job is Daycare, a watch baby wolf. Hunters and other provide food for everyone makes sure no sleep or any danger their job keep everyone safe. Daycare is sitting their very boring job; all they do is change the diaper and feed them. Daycare wants to play a dumb trick on the hunter, Daycare decides to yell sheep, sheep, Hunter runs down and says where and where. But there wasn't any sheep. Hunter was mad daycare; Daycare laughs all night was so funny because hunter face expression was good. Next day Daycare couldn't wait to do it again. Daycare waits until noon and yells sheep, sheep. Hunters run down and say where, where. Hunter, this was VERY angry at the Daycare. He says if you do one more time you kill. Daycare realizes this was not a joke this time. Rest the day was quiet and went
After a rough night, Billy and his team went back to the camp with several coon skins. Because of his dogs determination and loyalty even through a blizzard, Billy won the competition. After that, everyone started to head home. Awhile later, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann went hunting again. Billy was not prepared for this hunt. During the hunt, Old Dan and Little Ann tracked down a mountain lion. They would not give up the hunt until the lion was dead. While saving Billy's life, Old Dan and Little Ann were wounded very badly. Even though Billy and his parents did their best to treat Old Dan and Little Ann's wounds, Old Dan did not make it long after the hunt. Shortly after Old Dan's death, Billy buried him. Since Old Dan and Little Ann had always done everything together, Little Ann was so sadden that she stopped eating and became weak. As she was dying, she drug herself all the way out to Old Dan's grave and died beside his grave. Billy buried her beside Old Dan. With the competition money, Billy's father and mother had enough money to move to town, so they did. Before leaving, Billy visited Old Dan and Little Ann's grave once more. There he saw the legendary red
Once upon a time there was a land named furryville that had humans and hamsters one day it was a huge holiday in furryville and everyone was celebrating but what they didn’t know was that The evil witch was in her lab trying to figure out a evil plan to take over furryville well she was mixing stuff a ghost popped out of the pot that her potions were In and said if you want to take over furryville go to the volcano tonight and get some lava then go back to your lab and mix three potions with the lava and then if the lava starts to bubble I will pop out again and tell you what to do. So that night the witch went to the volcano and she got some lava then when she came back she put three potions in the lava then 2 minutes later the ghost popped
she ate one of the horses sugar cubes the women got mad and gave her back to the auction place.
So when the sun was just about to go down you could feel the rumble of the ground shake. Almost as if it was an earthquake. The buffalo bull had brought his whole herd, the herd surrounds the brothers and the sister into a circle. The brothers moved close to a tree, and the sister followed. The buffalo had spoken to the sister and said, “Now that I brought my people here, would you marry me?” Again the sisters' answer was no. So the bull got angry and started to charge at the girl. Right before the bull could get her the brothers grabbed her and they climbed up to the top of the tree. When the bull saw them pull her up, he started hitting the tree with all his might, shaking it, as if it was the tree was going to fall over. Just as they reached the top and could not go any further, the tree started to grow. It grew so far up that when they looked down, they could see everything. The tree took them up into the sky, and when they started to appear towards the clouds they dismounted off the tree, and they all stood there looking at each
Jenny Ferguson and Nghia Tran fails to sell part of their business, but I think the pitch is successful.
The version Perrault had Little Red Riding Hood had a cake and a little pot of butter her mother gave her to take it to her sick grandmother’s house. So off she went to her grandmother's house into the woods where she was found by the wolf. The wolf had asked her a lot of questions only to find out where she was going so that he could later eat her. With the questions, the wolf had found out she was going to her grandmother's house then tricked her into giving him the location. He took the straight path making it first while Little Red took a roundabout way. The wolf had made it to the house and then ate Little Red's grandmother. Then he waited in the grandmother's clothes for Little Red. When she got there she knocked on the door and the wolf told her how to get in. then Little Red began questioning the wolf in her grandmother's clothes. Little Red had ask her last question “Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!” The wolf then ate Little Red. The story then
After walking for miles they found themselves in another part of the forest. They cleared their throats and Alex shouted, “everyone we have an announcement to make! An evil wolf has invaded our territory and is trying to turn us into clothing attires, we must fight the wolf but I can’t do this alone, I plead for you to help us!” No animal made a comment, it was quiet as it can ever be in a forest. Until a turtle yelled, “I will help you if it means getting justice!” Soon the other animals joined along and not long enough almost every animal was willing to join the fight. After gathering the animals Alex and Roy returned to their home. The wolf snickered and said, “have you come back to join your little friend, Mel was it?” The two minks looked at him fiercely and said, “We are not afraid, we will get our home back!” The wolf laughed and said, “Ha! You think you can defeat me? You little minks can’t even fight for yourselves!” Without a word the animals arrived and wolf was frozen of
Werewolf goes toward the wooden hut and go into it without thinking about anything but only hoping that he will get help. Inside the wooden hut he finds only cloth he makes the best out of it and cover his hand, slowly stopping the blood from leaving his body. As the werewolf is resting he feel a sensation of being watched he quickly turn around to look behind he finds a woman wearing a purple close from her toes to her neck. The werewolf look at the woman face he see a great amount of angry for him, he ask her the reason why she is so angry. Soon as those word came out of his mouth, she kick him on his chest as he went flying across the room breaking the wall and landing on the pond behind the hut.
One day her mother said to her “Come, Red, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your granny, she is very ill and weak, and they will do her good. You might want to set out before it gets dark, but when you are on the rode watch for the wolves and the deers in the country. Do not go too fast because you might break the bottle of wine or crush
Marisa lived under a single leaf. One day, she wanted to go outside because she thought it would be a wonderful day to go and play! She went for a walk and then decided to play at the playground. She met two animals there. One was Gordon the fox and the other was Jeremy the elephant. They came up to Marisa and started making fun of how tiny she was. Marisa was sad. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to be big like Jeremy and Gordon. Marisa decided to walk away because she felt as if she were going to cry and didn’t want Gordon and Jeremy to see her upset.
He had just moved into the neighborhood when a boy invited him to hear Chonita make a speech. He saw she was a scrawny girl with dirty feet. All of the children were looking on as she stood atop an alley fence. Everyone was shouting, "Speech! Speech! Let Chonita make a speech! Talk in English Chonita!" She yelled out, "Give me the hammon and the beans! Give me the hammon and the beans!" Every evening Chonita would make her speech as the young boy waited until they could go play.
She screamed loudly enough so that the woodcutter could hear her, luckily he did. As soon as the wolf was about to gobble up RRH , the woodcutter busted in the door and cut off the wolfs head and he saved her Granny. Red Riding Hood was just obeying her mothers orders which was to deliver the cakes but Goldilocks doesn't care about the consequences, heres why. Goldilocks was a girl who walked through a forest by herself ( catching on to the similarity of both stories!?) Later on, Goldilocks came upon a house, whom she didn't know who it belonged to. She knocked on the door and when nobody answered she just decided to take it upon herself to just break in and enter ( RRH had a purpose … Goldilocks didn't ). Goldilocks decided to eat up all 3 bowls of porridge, she sat in chairs and broke 1 into pieces, and then she slept in someone else’s bed! Goldilocks then woke up, she screamed ( which idk why because it wasn't her home anyways) and then ran out the door into the
This is the true story of what really happened between Little Red Hiding and I. I know the other version puts me out to be this cruel wolf, but really I’m not. I was walking along the path for my usually daily morning walk. When walking along this path I saw a girl with brown braids swaying behind her. She had a really bright ruby red hood with a ruby jacket to go along with. This really strange girl that I have never seen before was walking down my path! No one dare to go on my path but she did! I dashed into the bushes so I could watch her to see where the heck she was going. The girl saw me in the bushes and glared at me with a disgusting look on her face. I noticed she was carrying this delicious looking picnic basket! She walked up to
Once upon a time many many years ago in the early 1800’s in Paris is a little girl known as Little Red by all the town folks. One night in late October Halloween to be exact Little Red wanted to hang out with with her friends but her mom and grandmother didn't think it was a very good idea to let Little Red out with her friends so late at night on Halloween but Reds mother loved her so so so much that she just couldn't say no to her l. So as the day gets darker Red is getting to begin the night. When her friends show up she greets them with food that she has made for them to all eat. As it gets darker her and her friends begin to leave the house but the weather is not so good it turns to overcast making the whole town look spooky and dangerous. As the night goes on they all become bored of Halloween so Little Red begin to tell a story about an ogress that lives in a nearby cemetery no one believed Red so Little Red suggested they go to the nearby cemetery known as Les Catacombes where the ogress lives. They arrive to the cemetery dark and gloomy the fog so thick you can’t even see what is in front of you or who is by you Red begins to worn them all about how the ogress will feast on your blood and will not stop at anything to get what she wants the kids still didn't believe Red they told her to just give up you're not gonna make us scared of this so called ogress who doesn’t even exist. Red was deeply scared but didn't want to show it she regrets