
The Pituitary Gland In The Brain

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The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain, just below the hypothalamus. Being just the size of pea, the pituitary gland has huge role in the brain. It has three sections know as the anterior, intermediate, and the posterior lobes. To begin, the anterior lobe is primarily involved with the development of the body, maturation, and reproduction. The hormones produced by the anterior lobe adjust growth, stimulates adrenal and thyroid glands along with the ovaries and testes. The anterior lobe also generates prolactin which allows new mothers to produce milk. Then there is the intermediate lobe which releases a hormone that stimulates the cells that control pigmentation known as the melanocytes. Lastly, there is the posterior lobe …show more content…

Sometimes, the pituitary gland goes through some obstacles such as getting a disorder. The most frequent type of pituitary disorder is a pituitary gland tumor which is most common in adults. They aren’t brain tumors and majority of the time aren’t cancerous. There are two types of tumors, a secretory and a nonsecretory. Secretory tumors produce too much of a hormone usually made by the pituitary, while nonsecretory tumors don’t. If the tumors become large that can cause problems and interfere with the normal function of the pituitary gland along with other structures in the brain. According to, the problems made by the pituitary gland fall into three categories, hyper secretion, hypo secretion, and tumor mass effects. Hyper secretion is when there is too much of a hormone in the body which is caused by a secretory pituitary tumor. Hypo secretion is when there is too little of a hormone in the body caused by a large pituitary tumor, which intervenes with the pituitary glands ability to produce hormones. It can also end up with the person needing to get surgery or radiation of a tumor. Tumor mass effects is when the tumor grows and presses against the pituitary gland or another part of the brain and causes, headaches, vision problems, and/or additional health effects. Along with …show more content…

Then there are diagnosed tests that find out if it has spread throughout the nervous system or other parts of the body using MRI’s. To get rid of the tumor you can get surgery, radiation therapy, drug therapy and chemotherapy. Along with getting rid of the tumor there are treatments for hormonal problems caused by the tumor or other damage done to the pituitary gland. For growth hormone deficiency a daily injection can be taken. For a deficiency of TSH and thyroid, hormone replacement therapy is needed which consists of thyroxin which is observed by blood vessels of thyroid hormone. For deficiency of ACTH and cortisol, cortisol or a similar steroid must be taken under harsh supervision because it is the most life threatening out of all the syndromes. For anti diuretic hormone deficiency causing diabetes insipidus created by damage to the pituitary stalk or posterior pituitary gland, a replacement of anti diuretic hormone must be taken one to two times a

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