
The Placebo Product

Decent Essays

The Wonders of the Placebo Product In the humorous piece by The Onion, the writer of it satirizes and mocks commercials aimed at people who suffer from some kind of pain/medical issue. It takes the common themes that run through many of these kinds of advertisements and the continuing strategies employed by the creators of it. They target how products are marketed to consumers through the use of pseudo intellectual jargon, the exaggerated stores . the durability of their consumers , as well as the leaps in logic among them. They use all of these strategies in the piece, but exemplify the flaws within them, through a mix of irony, sarcasm. And contrast, in ofer to put it into a far more comedic light The way , the onion. Is able to get their message across to the reader, in their goal of a humorous satire for the price, is they employ a great deal of …show more content…

“Only magna-soles utilize the healing power of crystals to re-stimulate dead foot cells with vibrational biofeedback,” as well as, “... harnesses the power of magnetism to properly align the biomagnetic field around your foot, “ (line 30, line 7). In these areas, it is very obviously attempting to invoke how commercial will insert scientific buzzwords so they can falsely establish an ethos to give their product more credibility. In those kinds of advertisements, they do this, or at least can get away with this technique as a result of the average person not grasping the terms wholey, and would have the effect of making them sound smart, rather than actually being smart. Other strategies put into effect is the use of sarcasm and contrast. Such as “... using no fewer than 5 forms of pseudoscience” and, “...proving popular among consumers, who are hailing them as a

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