
The Plausibility Of Post-Traumatic Growth: Article Analysis

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Victory Over Suffering: The Plausibility of Post-Traumatic Growth
Throughout the years, people who have encountered trauma, diversity, and anguish, to the extent of suffering, have been advised by the wise words of German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche insisted “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”; however, does suffering actually yield positive outcomes? In Dr. Steve Taylor’s article, “Can Suffering Make Us Stronger?”, he advocates the findings of psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun. Tedeschi and Calhoun conducted their research on people who had undergone tragic events such as illnesses, combat, and fires and concluded that people can show positive resilience in the face of crisis; thus coining the idea of post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic growth indicates a positive psychological change as a result of adversity. Although suffering is typically viewed as a negative, withstanding traumatic experiences can reap deeper relationships, personal strengths, and newfound spirituality. Suffering is a universal …show more content…

Psychologists Tedeschi and Calhoun, who conceived the concept of post-traumatic growth, also argue that people who undergo traumatic experiences gain a sympathetic heart for others (Taylor). With this sympathy, they can become a trustworthy guide and an empathetic companion for others with similar situations. Jill Suttie’s article “Can Suffering Lead to Success?”, like Taylor, affirms suffering is beneficial to relationship building. Suttie cites Feldman and Kravetz’s research findings that hope and the cognitive belief of social support are some of the influencing factors that trigger positive growth. By enduring suffering, one will seek social support and become more empathetic which may result in better relationships with others, therefore, making them

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