
The Play I Didn 't Help

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As I observed Ruth in the play I couldn’t help but to feel connected to her in so many ways. I could sense her emotion and the stress of making sure everyone and everything was taken care of. Her marriage to Walter was lacking connection she desperately wanted and needed. She was never put first by herself or anyone else in her family. She was tired and worn out, but she never gave up, she pushed herself so far she didn’t even realize she was pregnant. I view her as a great woman with strong qualities and beliefs. She stood by her husband no matter what type of situation he got himself into and some may call that weak, but I admire her strength. There was a time in my marriage when my husband first joined the Army and was stationed in South Korea. Naturally being so far away created issues in our marriage however it developed into more than I ever expected. My husband became an alcoholic and distanced himself from the kids and I. Due to obvious reasons we separated and stayed separated for many years. Once he came back to the states and told me he was receiving help we talked about reconciliation, I never wanted the separation but sometimes you just don’t have a say. Reconciliation was definitely something I wanted to do but I needed to make sure the he was really getting help which was hard since he was in Texas and we were in Florida. So I took a leap of faith and moved, it was ruff in the beginning the first few years were a lot of work but in the end it paid off. The

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