
The Pleasure Paradox By Mike Copeland

Satisfactory Essays

Copeland, Mike. “Americans Are ‘Spending’ Themselves Into Unhappiness.” Baylor Business Review, Waco Tribune-Herald, 2000. Mike Copeland researches the transformation of spending money and the negative side of it which can lead to unhappiness. He aims to show the emerging compulsive spending habits of emerging generations that do not end in positive emotions. He proves this with new patterns of shopping which occurs mainly online and with credit cards which have many unknown yet common traps. Copeland only proves that compulsive spending can lead to unhappiness, but does not examine the possible stress relief, relaxation, and happiness that could also be a result. …show more content…

She proves this by using statistics that relate wealth to happiness and concludes that after basic needs are met, excessive additional money does not come with extra happiness and can even decrease it. She includes many examples of items such as beauty products that do not achieve permanent happiness and also proves that the middle class often are the happiest and spend their money in ways that are beneficial to happy emotions even compared to the wealthier class. McGowan does not cover the possibility that there are more things that can be purchased which bring people happiness other than physical objects. Her argument that money cannot buy relationships and bliss support my counter argument of money’s inability to buy …show more content…

“Spend Smarter, Be Happier.” Time Inc, Money, 22 June 2010. David Futrelle discusses the physiological component of spending money and how to spend it wisely with long lasting satisfaction. He examines the behavior of average consumers who spend spend their money on both items that become normal or items and experiences that potentially last longer. He found those who spent money on items that eventually become much less special such as household upgrades did not remain satisfied while those who spent their money on lasting and even obscure things such as vacations had longer lasting satisfaction and happiness. Futrelle's research will assist the development of my argument as it provides a unique way to look at ways to spend money and more information on the ways to spend it that bring out the most positive emotions. This article fails to incorporate the possibility of a counterargument as it is obvious that not all purchasing bring happiness in any

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