
The Poetry Of Confessional Poetry

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Poetry isn’t just a mere play on words to make something sound fancy, rather it is a personal piece of artwork that defines the moment for what it is.
With the coming of the late 1950s to the 1960s, there arose a new style of poetry, they called it confessional poetry. In the complete literary sense, confessional poetry translates to personal poetry or rather in the first person. Confessional poetry is more than just that, confessional poetry is a platform or rather a stage where the emotions and personal experiences of poet make something as beautiful as poetry. Confessional poetry did touch upon touchy subjects like mental illness, suicide, sexuality and so on.

As the times progressed there were quite a few poets who came out to dabble …show more content…

The poem shows the anger and frustration towards society in a long piece. Its ruthless words and explicit language clearly bring out the rage the poem holds. And like most Allen Ginsberg poems it is very long and extensive. The poem was a person called Carl Solomon, a friend Ginsberg made at the mental institution. The poem depicts the pent-up frustration for his present generation, as he calls out the people of his time. He builds up to talk about the true nature of the “best minds” of his generation and how they were oppressed by the American culture. The poem depicts a nightmare like a world, a rather wasteland that has become of the generation. The poem shows a form of madness or insanity and blurts out every detail of what is going wrong. The notions of sex and drugs as a form of escapism from the extreme pressure of American culture that has been put on the people. It emphasizes the deteriorating characters and personalities and going against all the ethical norms. And they also open up about homosexuality and talks of sexuality as …show more content…

Ginsberg is to have recalled hearing “a very deep earthen grave voice in the room, which I immediately assumed, I didn't think twice, was Blake's voice.” He added to that by saying “the peculiar quality of the voice was something unforgettable because it was like God had a human voice, with all the infinite tenderness and anciency and mortal gravity of a living Creator speaking to his son.” With this encounter in mind, Ginsberg was rather keen to have such images and abnormal experiences in the future. So with that, he started experimenting with various special kinds of drugs. Drugs were already a part of Ginsberg’s life, he’s done it with fellow friends back in college. Yet, at this point is when he discovered psychedelic drugs. He is said to have written some of his best works while he was under the influence of drugs. He wrote the second part of Howl on peyote, Kaddish with amphetamines, and “Wales—A Visitation” with LSD. When The Paris Review interviewed Allen Ginsberg for our Spring 1966 issue, he stated a feeling of conflict about hallucinogens. The wacky effects on one's consciousness that the drugs give you, Ginsberg was pleased with the effect.—“you get some states of consciousness that subjectively seem to be cosmic-ecstatic, or cosmic-demonic”—rather his body wasn’t taking it in

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