There are different types of steroids that people may use. One steroid is for medical purposes that can help when people are sick and a different kind of steroid is a performance enhancing drug. Steroids that are used as performance enhancing drugs are bad for you and can have negative effects on the body. There is no doubt that if you were to talk to a serious athlete they would say that the competition is fierce. The athletes are either trying to win a championship, a gold medal, or something for their country. The competition is getting fierce so the number of athletes using performance enhancing drugs has increased over the years. Most sports have banned the use of steroids; however, not all of the athletes have followed the rules. Some of these athletes have been caught and have been suspended from the sport that they play for weeks up to years. The main reason they use the steroids is to become much stronger than everyone else. The athletes will use them to help in the sport that they are playing, for instance, in baseball, to hit more homeruns or to throw harder for a pitcher. …show more content…
Most of the time athletes can use them for long periods of time and think that everything is good because they are performing like super stars, but most likely, in the end, the athletes will suffer because of the long term effects on their body. In men, steroids can cause baldness, enlarged breasts, shrunken testicles and to become sterile. Women can have a deeper voice, increased body hair, and baldness. Some long term major side effects are anger, paranoia, delusions, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure as well as others. Although performance enhancing steroids can help an athlete gain a competitive edge, the negative long term effects are much worse. In the long run, these steroids are not good for you or your body. It can make you do crazy things or even become fatal. Steroids are not good for you at
Anabolic steroids are taken by tablet, injection, and also by pads on the skin. Even with the possible benefits that steroids could possibly have there are many many more dangers. Some of these include deep depression, aggression, and bad nervousness. Some physical dangers include high blood pressure, liver disorders, and even going bald. The athlete that makes the poor decision to use steroids, also faces the danger of getting caught and being suspended or even banned from the professional sport of which they
The more that steroids are taken, the more severe it impacts the user's life. Like every other drug, steroids has many side effects. To name a few there’s, heart problems, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Users have different reasons for doping and, subsequently, steroids have different health consequences. Some common side effects from steroid use are the following: acne, genital changes, water retention, yellowing of the eyes and skin; women may experience: male-pattern baldness, decreased breast size, deeper voices, hairy bodies, and menstrual irregularities; men may experience: reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, difficulty or pain in urinating, baldness, and irreversible breast enlargement. But these are just minor setbacks right? One could say that, like those aren’t bad, but researchers have also linked steroid abuse to much more serious risks such as: fatal liver cysts, liver cancer, blood clotting, cholesterol changes, hypertension, stroke, and even heart attack. Despite all these potential problems, many still choose to take steroids.
The use of steroids in sports has been a very common argument for so long because there has been arguments that it enhances performance. Why you should not use steroids! Steroids make you have mood swings and can damage your physical appearance. The more steroids you take has a bigger effect on your body. steroids should not be allowed because they cause health risk, behavior issues/mood swings,and they affect the brain.
Steroid abusers subject themselves to more than 70 side effects ranging in severity from many differnt types of cancer including lung and liver to acnee. Steroids are body enhancing drugs that use natural and synthetic substances that copy body functions (Thomas, Santel 18). There are many different kinds of steroids. Some increase muscle mass or oxygen delivery. Others are stimulants, relaxants, weight and pain control and nutritional supplements. There are steroids that mask drug use to avoid detection in drug tests ( Thomas et al. 19). Steroids are very dangerous and should never be used unless for medical reasons. People use steroids for many different reasons, yet there effects can be damaging.
There are many health hazards for both men and women who take steroids. Male side effects of taking steroids include shrinking of the testicles and breast development. For females, the risks include growth of body and facial hair, development of deeper voices, and changes in the menstrual cycle. Overall risks of steroids are tumors to the liver and kidneys, cancer, and high blood pressure, all of which can cause death (NIDA).
Steroids have many different effects, mostly negative. They cause the rapid increase of strength and power (Roberts, 2). Steroids help to heal muscles quicker after they have been used. It acts as the male hormone testosterone and gives the user more energy. This is the effect that most users are trying to obtain. They also have the effect of powering up the bodies metabolism and helps to burn body fat. This output is looked for mostly obsess people. With have the time and effort of regular diet and weight training steroids may look like a great quick body tune-up. However the negative effects may short live the positive by a long shot.
Steroids are hormones that have long lasting side effects on our bodies. Steroids increase cholesterol, blood clots and strokes. Steroids can also cause baldness, and the shrinking of testicles. There have also been cases where steroids have taken the lives of athletes through suicide.
side effects and health consequences can be really bad. Not only do steroids and performance enhancing drugs hurt the health, but behavior is also changed. Liver damage and heart failure can occur, infection of vital organs and even death if these drugs are used to much (Munigangaiah 5). Once an athlete has used some type of steroid or performance enhancing drugs, the chances are high for that athlete to continue using hypertrophic drugs. In psychological terms, the side effects can lead to depression, violence and criminal behavior, and also increased aggressiveness which is known as “Roid
People use steroids for many reasons whether it is to bulk up, perform faster and stronger or to improve their physique. Steroids are known to produce both anabolic and androgenic effects. Which are muscle building and masculine characteristic effects. The anabolic effects raise testosterone
Steroids have a long-term, negative effect on the human body. These effects range from cardiovascular problems to mental and psychological issues such as rage and anger problems. Steroid use has been linked to increased alcohol consumption, marijuana use, cigarette smoking, and narcotic use (Buckman, Farris & Yusko, 2013). Many athletes may not be aware of the lasting effects steroids can have because all they are worried about is their performance, not their health.
The consequences and effects of doping can be noticeable, harmful, and very devastating. These performance enhancing drugs can lead to severe health conditions or problems, and even death. Athletes who take steroids can develop acne, have mood swings or increased aggression, high blood pressure, increased risk of liver or cardiovascular disease, increased risk of
In the past three decades, steroids has been becoming a serious problem more than ever in the athletic field. Steroids are anabolic drug "to build" growth hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones) principally testosterone and estrogen and progestogens (female sex hormones). Steroids were first developed for medical purposes. They're used in controlling inflammation, strengthening weakened hearts, preventing conception, and alleviating symptoms of arthritis and asthma. Unfortunately research has shown that steroids have been abused in almost every kind of sport. Although steroids contribute to a muscular body, usage should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate and mentally destroy the body.
The issues that surround the use of steroids among athletes raises much controversy and debate. What most users tend to overlook are the dangers and risks of steroids. One of the biggest problems with steroids is the fact that athletes only look at the immediate results, muscle and strength, and not at the long-term results that will damage their health.
When athletes get into college year, most of them start facing challenges in their life that they can’t overcome. That’s when they start thinking of other alternatives like steroids for their problem because everyone wants to get drafted by a professional team from the sport that they feel passionate about. With out knowing the risks that follow after that decision that they made and all the people they will harm emotionally.