Nowadays an college education is required for a successful life in today’s society. Those who choose to work hard on their academics and GPA will usually attend an university. Therefore a tuition is paid upright to attend each semester. This gets fairly expensive after year add up. So many students wonder if free tuition is an possibility. Thus I believe that a free college tuition funded by the U.S. government will boost attendance and push students to work harder towards a college degree.
College tuition as expensive as it is, should be free so that students can focus on there school work. Due to students having jobs outside of school to help pay for their tuition. This then creates more stress as students have to rely on their jobs so that
Introducing free college tuition would have a positive impact of The United States, even so much as two year associate’s degree would have a hung impact. Free college tuition would give hope to the families which can’t afford the cost of tuition. Fran Cubberley states in his paper “The reality of Free Community College Tuition” that “1,300 students who completed our entry process through course registration ultimately dropped out before classes were underway. One of the major reasons was they could not pay their tuition.” Cost for tuition is huge factor on why people don’t attend college. Just think of all the amazing talent that the world is missing out on because people don’t have the money to attend college and get a degree or
To let in some light about the topic; Average debt in the US is at very high rates. “Studies show that there is no better short-term or long-term investment for the rest of society than higher education” (Page). College is expensive, let's make it more affordable. “This topic Deserves an open mind and a balanced exploration of the potential benefits, drawbacks, and alternatives” (“Should”). No matter the topic there is drawbacks. With free tuition there are not many to talk about. “As of the 2013-2014 school year, the countries with tuition-free public higher education included: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, The Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey and Germany. Free college, in Europe especially has proven to be a popular idea” (“Should”). Other major countries are successfully improving with free college tuition. US students want to add America to that list.
College tuition should not be free in any means necessary. Students would not take college seriously if there was no price. College students would totally take advantage of the opportunity to go to college for free and completely blow it , it would even the playing field for everyone to be equal because college tuition is what keeps everyone else out. College would then be accessible to anyone who wanted to go.
Should college be free? In “The Problem is That Free College Isn't Free,” Andrew P. Kelly argues that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in “Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works,” Celeste Carruthers states having free college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try community college first. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn’t be the American taxpayers’ responsibility.
According to USA Today, In 2017, the graduating class of colleges will come out with a four year degree and close to $30,000 of debt from student loans (“The Average Student Loan Debt in Every State”). The idea of free college was recently brought up in the 2017 presidential campaign by Bernie Sanders. He made it clear that if he became president, he would use the taxpayers money to make college free. College should be free to attend due to the fact that people who may be smarter than others may not be able to attend college because of their lack of income, U.S. tax dollars could fund tuition payments, and it will help our workforce by adding more people with degrees into it.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
Making college tuition free would eliminate this reason for not graduating. This would also serve to improve college’s graduation rates, as fewer students would feel the need to drop to part-time status or take a break from education for financial reasons”. I feel as if more people would go to college if it was free. As you should know people like it better when things are free, “by negating the large bill of a college education, we could see an increase in the amount of students able to attend college. This then creates a more well-educated workforce and a population that has better critical thinking skills.
College tuition should not be free by any means necessary. Students would not take college seriously if there was no price. College students would totally take advantage of the opportunity to go to college for free and completely blow it , it would even the playing field for everyone to be equal because college tuition is what keeps everyone else out. College would then be accessible to anyone who wanted to go.
Many students don’t get the chance to further their academic career after high school. Some aren’t able because child care is too expensive or they have to work to support themselves. Everyone should get money for school if they need it. Some parents can’t afford to help the students pay for college, while others can. Money should be given for need rather than want. But I believe there should be stipulations to getting the free schooling. College should be free to those who want to get a degree and need the funding.
One often overlooked point about “free” college tuition is that it is not ever free. The money does not just appear out of nowhere. What people normally mean by the statement of “free” college, it means free college for students. If the students are not paying than who would have to pay? The only other option would be the federal government. Right now, Americans owe more than $875 billion dollars in student loans. If the cost of tuition continues to grow at the rate it is, that number is only going to grow. If the federal government were to pay this, it would only further the country in debt.
good career if college was free.The recent studies of tuition increases have proven that it is obvious college should be free.
Should the United States develop a system for free college tuition? Free college tuition would benefit many college students and people interested in getting a higher education because as of the moment the education system is built around money and having to get student loans or scholarships if you cannot come up with tuition up front. It would also take a lot of money out of the economy for the first 10 years or so, mainly because it would take people being able to graduate with a degree for a higher salary for the United States to be able to charge more on taxes to make up for the money lost going to pay for the faculty salary and the student textbook fees. Many are for a free college tuition system but many are also against it because nobody wants to pay even more on taxes but once the people who are against it would see the amount of money begin put back into the economy from the raised taxes there would be able to see the goal of the whole idea. The United States needs to develop a system for free college to give students the ability to get an education they never would have been able to get before and would allow for more money to be brought into the economy from more Americans getting higher paying jobs and make the U.S. a more prosperous nation.
Free education not only means an individual improving in the labor market, but also ensuring a job and safe environment to live in. Now days, getting a job with an average salary requires a college degree. It is not easy to live without having a college degree. So if not everybody can attend college to get a degree, many people would end up living in the street because nobody would hire a non-educated person. (Reference). That is one of the main reasons why free college tuition can solve the problem of poverty in many nations. In addition to getting a job, free education can directly be related to the reduction of crime rate and illegal activities. According to Groot and van den Brink, crime including roughness is more regular among the lower educated people than high educated people (2010). In fact, increase number of crimes can also mean a low GDP of a country. Groot and van den Brink’s result, that “The total costs of crime are about 2.5% of GDP each year” (p. 279). So by providing a free education for everybody a society can live in a more grown and professional environment.
College being free could be a big benefit economically nationwide and not just for students who do decide to go. If it were free more people would attend, resulting in gaining more education to get jobs. Today, jobs require some type of college degree or technical skills. With free college education people would be able to get the good jobs, resulting in more money being circulated through the economy, meaning the government would have more tax revenues to
As of 2017, more than 44 million Americans and 82 percent of college graduates are in debt because of student loans. These loans are made to help these people pay for college that are financially unable to pay for it themselves for whatever reason. The total amount of student loan debt racks up to a total of 1.3 trillion dollars and as of last year became the largest leading form of national debt outranking credit card debt and auto loans. As Bernie Sanders said during a press conference “let us be clear, when you hear people who oppose this legislation, this is not a radical idea in 1965, average tuition at a 4-year public university was just $ great schools like the City University of New York and the State University of California, do you know what tuition was? It was $0. If they could do it in the 60’s we could do it now.” The reason this topic has become such a controversial issue is that there are many American students who are brilliant minded but come from poor families who cannot afford to send their child off to pursue a higher education after high school. A poll showed that about 62% of Americans believe that they can’t afford the tuition cost of college. That isn’t hard believe considering that fact that the estimated cost of attending college for four years has increased by over 1000% since the 1970’s.