
The Power of Writing Essay

Decent Essays

How My Light is Spent…

When I consider how my light is spent,

Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,

And that one Talent that is death to hide,

Lodged with me useless...

Taken from Milton's sonnet describing his blindness, these verses have always touched me in a

profound way. The idea that one could have a talent so special that it would be death to hide is an

incredible thought.

When I was a freshman in high school, I received a Young Talent Award in writing. The award was

presented to me by a …show more content…

I had never thought of writing as part of my

bigger picture and had never included it in my future plans. Yet, after reading just one piece of my

work, a complete stranger believed in my talent enough to encourage me to never stop writing.

I spent last winter working with a college professor to develop a script I had written for a production. It

was my first attempt at writing for the stage and I was scared of the response I would receive. Despite

the simplicity of the piece, the professor always respected my work and my thoughts concerning it. I

consider Rick, the professor, one of my heroes. He has incredible vision, a quality I truly admire. I was

leaving Rick's office one day, when one of his students stopped me. She told me that Rick had spoken

of our work together with great enthusiasm. He had commented that he could feel my mind creating

and planning as we worked. He felt there was so much more substance just waiting to surface and

develop. He believed that I had the potential to accomplish bigger and better things. While so many

had tried to stifle my dreams, Rick made them grow.

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