Introduction In the main analysis, this essay will describe the predictions and effects of financial accounting reports to discuss the statement based on the previous answer. In the conclusion, the essay will explain how the question helps to understand the importance of learning about accounting in its context. Main Analysis Predictions of Financial Reporting There are four preconditions of financial accounting reporting. Firstly, there are debates that upheld and against the regulation of financial accounting. The supporters of the ‘free-market’ technique dispute that there are proprietary economic incentives for organizations to report accounting information proactively, and forcing accounting regulation is costly inefficient (Deegan & Unerman, 2011). By comparison, the supporters of the ‘pro-regulation’ viewpoint dispute that regulation is requisite as financial information is a ‘public good’, and users of accounting information are ‘free riders’, so organizations will report a lower quantity of information than socially optimal (Deegan & Unerman, 2011). Secondly, various stakeholders have various viewpoints of the evolution of regulation. According to public interest theory, regulation is introduced to safeguard the community and regulators attempt to maximize public welfare (Deegan & Unerman, 2011). According to capture theory, regulated organizations will obtain command of the regulating procedure (Deegan & Unerman, 2011). According to private interest theory,
The purpose of this paper is to define accounting, and identify the four basic financial statements. The paper also explains how the different financial statements are interrelated to each other and why they are useful to managers, investors, creditors, and employees.
SFAC No. 8 addresses the cost constraint on useful financial reporting, “Cost is a pervasive constraint that standard setters, as well as providers and users of financial information, should keep in mind when considering the benefits of a financial reporting requirement.” (SFAC No. 8 BC 3.47) However, the ability to place a dollar value and fully enumerate a cost or benefit is almost an impossible task for standard-setters. Additionally, there is no way to successfully identify and measure all of the economic consequences associated with a new standard. The FASB should be applauded though for advancing uniformity in accounting standards, however; uniform financial reporting suggests a one size fits all approach. “Smaller, non-publicly listed firms (and their auditors) argue that accounting standards are formulated mainly for larger, publicly traded firms” and that “compliance costs are disproportionately higher and the
In accounting there is much to be learned, about the financial aspects of a business. In the past five weeks I have learned the importance of financial reports and how they relate to the success of an establishment. These reports may include balance sheets and income statements, which help accountants and the public grasp the overall financial condition of a company. The information in these reports is really significant to, managers, owners, employees, and investors. Managers of a business can take and deduce financial
The study of Gowthorpe and Amat (2005) illustrated two different types of behavior of the preparers of financial statements. To demonstrate the manipulative behavior of preparers of financial statement, the researchers used the accounting regulation in the USA and Spanish economy. The research demonstrated the weaknesses of U.S. standards in relation with a preparer lobby. Major corporations challenge regulators by insistent their interests. Consequently, the regulation attempts to mediate and compromising between the regulator and the preparer of financial statements (p. 61). Unfortunately, the interests of financial statement users are not taken into consideration. Moreover, practices of macro- and micromanipulations do not reflect the financial user’ needs. The main goal of financial statements is to deliver the useful information to investors. However, bargained accounting regulation is unable to fulfil the key objective of financial statements (pp. 62-63). It leads to the conclusion that the accounting at macro- and micro levels is ethically questionable. Business ethics should demonstrate a high quality of the individual. Preparers of financial statements exercise the manipulative behavior through the amoral arguments and no obligation for the unethical actions. The financial misrepresentation destroys the shareholders’ income, economic activity in the country, and the public trust.
As the business environment grows and companies find new ways to expand into their respective - or even new – markets, it is important that reporting standards stay up to date with changes and continue to assist companies in providing their users with useful accounting information. Information is labelled as being useful when it meets the
cognizant of the fact that the choices he makes can affect the price a buyer pays
Financial statements are used to determine the business activities of a firm and the role of accounting analysis is to determine the accuracy and quality of the information provided. This analysis would look into the degree of its accounting figures captures its business reality through the policies used and its resulting noise, potential forecast errors and its impact on Myer’s profit.
Baruch Lev and Feng Gu authors of “The End of Accounting and The Path Forward for Investors and Managers” indicate that over the past 110 years, the structure and content of financial reports has not changed, and that the role that these reports play in influencing the decisions of investors has greatly diminished. Lev and Gu make a case that non-transaction events that are not captured by the financial reports such as those disclosed through 8-k filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) have a greater impact on stock prices, and thus more useful to investors. In addition, they suggest that one of reasons for the decline in usefulness of financial reports stems from the increase of estimates that has made its way into these reports (Lev and Gu 2016).
Accounting information can be useful in order to help predict future performance in the short and long term. It is important to note however that accounting information including accounting ratios show a company’s performance at a period in time. It is historical data. Trends can be identified by comparing data in sequential periods and future forecasts can be determined using historical data. There is no evidence or proof however, that these patterns will predict the future at a level of complete certainty. In my opinion, it would be hard to argue that decreasing profits over an extended period of time, or deteriorating liquid assets and increasing long term debt will have a
The accounting system we use today started in Venice in renaissance period over 520 years ago. The trade business increased hugely during this time and all the financial recordings had to be written down to help people see how their business is doing. During that time in 1494 the first book about was published in accounting by Luca Paciolli and was called “The Collected Knowledge of Arithmetic, Geometry, Proportion and Proportionality”. He was called “The father of Accounting” and most of his described principles have been used up until this day.
There are many aspects to be considered in regards to accounting regulations such as economic, social, and political factors. These factors prohibit the issue regarding regulations form being clear cut or easy to decipher. The economic, social, and professional perspectives in which the issue can be viewed from often have significantly different vantage points and often represent competing interests. However, without regulation it is difficult to maintain a healthy economy and provide individuals a fair chance at achieving their own financial objectives. Therefore, while not all regulations effectively serve their stated purposes, the goal for regulators and legislators should be to improve the effectiveness of regulations and not to try to do away with them completely. In the last decade there have been many examples of how deregulation has worked to destabilize the global economy.
This essay will begin to look at the main financial statements used by decision makers in businesses today. This essay will go into detail about the income statement and statement of financial position and whether these two statements provide decision makers with their financial information adequately. This essay will also include the various advantages and disadvantages of each financial statement as well as describing whom the decision makers are and why financial statements are important to them. A conclusion will be present at the end of this essay to demonstrate an overall view of whether financial statements are beneficial to decision makers.
External users of accounting information (especially investors) use accounting information like annual and quarterly reports to base their investing decisions on, and to compare different companies with one another. Internal users of accounting (mostly
Ethical and legal obligations apply to all members of society. As one in society, the obligation to act in an ethical, law abiding manner on a daily basis is vital to the integrity of daily life. Many professions have their own code of ethics. Financial reporting is not exempt from such ethical and legal standards. One’s lively hood depends on decisions made in the business world. Business transactions are done daily and can impact one’s economic stability. Trust is placed in the hands of corporate America and an obligation of financial reporting to reveal a complete honest and legal picture of an entity’s accounting practices is important in attaining trust. This paper will discuss the obligations of
Regulation is defined as a set of rules that is designed to control and govern conduct by authority (Deegan 2009, p.59). On the basis of this definition, Deegan (2009, p.59) has defined regulations relating to financial accounting as rules that are developed by independent authoritative body to govern the preparation of financial statements which are accounting standards. Since decades ago, there have been arguments for and against the existence of accounting regulations. With a stance of pro-regulation, this essay is going to examine the reasons that financial accounting and reporting should be regulated and the merits of accounting regulations.