company is referring to as a trip planner. This piece of technology allows the vehicle to communicate with charging station in the nearby area in an effort to make sure the driver never runs out of battery. The trip planner will alert the driver when and where the vehicle should be charged so that it does not die before reaching a charging station (Davies, 2015). The perception problem for electric alternatives is one of the largest issues preventing it from becoming a star. A 200 mile range allows for plenty of driving, but consumers are weary to transition due to the perceived lack of infrastructure. Another alternative to fossil fuel comes in the form of natural gas. The scientific journal labeled A Natural State, extrapolates on …show more content…
The natural gas alternative aids in the contribution in reducing the United States reliance on foreign oil and has the potential to become a star if more resources are focused into this technology for consumer based vehicles. A company by the name of Air Liquide, recently stated that in collaboration with Toyota, an entirely integrated hydrogen fueling framework would be implemented in the United States (Fuel Cells Bulletin, 2014).Toyota is involved with the project due to the recent release of the Mirai model which runs on hydrogen. “Hydrogen has great potential to provide clean energy. Used in the fuel cell, hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, with water as the only by-product” (Fuel Cells Bulletin, 2014). The Mirai is the turning point for the automotive sector according to Wardlaw. The vehicle had more than twenty years of research and development prior to its release. The author argues that the technology is here and ready for mass consumption, but that the only piece missing is the infrastructure (Wardlaw, 2015). In response to the issues with infrastructure, Toyota has opened up its patents on the technology as a means of increasing collaboration with hydrogen technology (Fuel Cells Bulletin, 2014). By eliminating the boundaries that patents create, the industry can increase expansion and progress forward more
Throughout the entire modern age, mankind has used fossil fuels to meet its energy requirements. Coal, oil and natural gas have lit homes and powered machinery for centuries, driving civilization forward. But as human
In 2008 the world faced the worst financial crisis since the great depression. Many banks closed their doors for good that year. Among them were both small and large banks. One specific bank that collapsed that year was IndyMac, one of the largest banks in the United States. IndyMac marked the largest collapse of a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured institution since 1984, when Continental Illinois, which had $40 billion in assets, failed, according to FDIC records (“The Fall of IndyMac 2008). This paper will talk about the cause of the collapse of IndyMac in 2008, the handling of the issues, as well as the aftermath of the collapse.
Another area of technology that the automobile industry is working on is fuel cells. Even though it is predicted that automobiles using fuel cells will not be released until 2010, Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV), may be the next revolutionary idea in automobiles. FCVs reflect a completely new way of thinking about automobiles. FCVs use electric
In this scenario, Samantha has listed four reasons that lead her into believing that Michael is losing interest in her. Samantha has used many mental shortcuts, also known as heuristics, when making judgments. Sometimes heuristics can be helpful, but in other cases, heuristics can lead to errors and biases. First, Samantha reasons that Michael has been spending less time with her in the past few weeks, which is familiar to what her old boyfriend did before breaking up with her. Although Michael has explained in terms of the unusual amount of work he has recently; nevertheless, Samantha’s previous experience with her old boyfriend affirms her false belief with a biased assumption.
Olsen, Jon. “Natural Gas Is An Energy Solution That Works Today.” Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
Because of technical improvements, nonrenewables are found, extracted, and employed more efficiently than ever. Since 2000, companies have located more natural gas sources in the United States. This occurred because of advances in exploration methods. New ways to process coal have led to fewer impurities. The energy efficiency of coal has also improved so that more energy can be created from less coal.
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice of director Zack Snyder has got six months to go before it fires up the big screen. The motion picture where Ben Affleck's Batman will fight it out with Henry Cavill's Superman. Jesse Eisenberg and Jeremy Irons are two new cast members to the world of Batman and Superman. A Eisenberg (rose to the comedy-drama television series Get Real) will portray the arch-nemesis role of Lex luthor. This is what the actor has to say about his character, "The opportunity to do an extremely interesting character on a film of that scale is incredibly exceptional."
Natural gas is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy, rising to the occasion as an alternative to other fossil fuels such as coal because it burns cleaner. As the oil reserves in many parts of the world are being depleted, the availability of a viable alternative such as natural gas is becoming increasingly important. So too is the lure of the future possibility of energy independence for countries both developed and developing.
The human race is in the midst of an energy crisis. The gasoline used around the world is currently a non-renewable resource. As the title suggests, the gasoline will eventually be totally consumed in part by the gas guzzling vehicles common today. For this reason, scientists have spent decades researching and developing alternative sources of fuel in order to power daily life on Earth for many years to come. There is a wide array of renewable fuel sources in use presently. These alternatives vary in efficiency, affordability, and many other aspects. Hydrogen powered and electric powered vehicles are two comparable alternatives that have increased in popularity and functionality in recent years and will continue to do so in the near future (10 Reasons, 2015).
(LLNL, 2010) The difference, however, is that the world is trying to get away from high Carbon emitting fuels such as petroleum and coal. Since this is the case natural gas is currently the front runner for alternative methods with politicians and scientist agreeing that there must be a change to the old habits of achieving energy without costs. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) natural gas has edge out all other fuel sources for electricity generation in the United States with 31.7%, however, coal is still only 1.6% behind with 30.1% overall. As coal based power plants are retired or converted into natural gas based plants hopefully we can see these number start to separate in favor of natural gas as carbon emissions will drop
Depleting nature of the conventional energy sources and increasing cost of electrical energy are forcing mankind to look for possible modifications in the existing systems towards lower energy consumption without sacrificing the purpose for which it is used. The household refrigerator used extensively all over the world for preserving various food products is one such system which accounts for the substantial part of the house electricity bills. Refrigerator is a machine which lifts up the heat from low evaporator temperature (pressure) and pumps it against the high condenser temperatures (pressure).
Recent years have shown an increasingly large need for a practical renewable energy source for such reasons as diminishing fossil fuels and increases in greenhouse gasses. Hydrogen appears to be a way out of this gasoline-dug hole, or at least, a way out in the future. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are being engineered as we speak as the technologies to refuel them cleanly are being proposed. Unfortunately, most of the technologies associated with hydrogen are still in the prototype/pre-production stages and require better enhancements before becoming mainstream. This paper assesses the practicality of hydrogen power in cars both now and in the future while explicating the actual process of how a
For the past three decades Oil dominates the agenda of political discussion. With scares over price volatility, sizes of reserves, international imports and least of which are the environmental impacts due to carbon dioxide and other emissions. Various speculations and educated guesses place our total depletion of crude oil within the next 50 years and there is a general consensus between environmentalists that we steer toward a hydrogen transportation system given the projected work and nonexistent carbon dioxide emissions (Environmental Technologies class lecture, Santa Clara University). However many barriers stand in the way of attaining such a goal, most of which pertaining
In today’s society fossil fuels are the primary source of energy for most of the industrialized world. Utilizing fossil fuels has been very important to the industrialization development throughout the world. Industrialization in many parts of the world, energy has been needed at a much higher density then before and fossil fuels have fulfilled that need. Coal, gas, and oil are the three major sources of fossil fuels in the world. Despite other means of energy such as wind power, hydroelectric power etc., fossil fuels are still the main source of energy across the continent. Fossils fuels are critical to the function of society. “Fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) are the dominant source of energy today and will be for decades to come.” (Everett, B. October).
There are many different energy sources that I utilize and rely upon daily. Without these energy sources I would not be able to heat my house, cook food, store food, drive, or have hot water. Growing up in the United States I was raised in a country where we are all accustomed to having these luxuries in our daily life without realizing that they are a luxury. Every day I use more than a few energy sources; some of these energy sources are petroleum, gasoline, and electrical energy.