ABSTRACT Cloud is simply a vast storage area to store data. The data stored is confidential. Cloud storage is a model of data storage where the data is stored in logical pools, and the physical storage spans multiple servers and often locations, and the entire physical environment is typically managed and owned by a enterprise or large company. These cloud storage providers are responsible for keeping the data available and accessible, and the physical environment protected and running. These third parties are nothing but Trusted Third Party (TTP). People and organizations buy or lease storage capacity from the providers to store user, organization, or application data. Most of the large companies and enterprises use multi cloud storage to store their confidential data which cannot be accessed by everyone. The data stored in the multi cloud is verified and examined in different ways to make it efficient. The integrity of the data is very important in data operations as we are using a lot of different platforms in particular. Because the process of integrity verification of data in multi cloud storage it ensures us that the data is of high quality, correct, more consistent and easily accessible by the clients. Some of the integrity verification methods are homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy. We prove the security of our data based on multi prover zero-knowledge proof system, which can satisfy completeness, knowledge soundness, and zero-knowledge
Cloud computing is where an individual can save data on a server rather than their own system, such as on their hard drive. This allows more data to be created without it effecting the individual’s computer. An example is one drive by Microsoft.
Generally speaking, computer users have two broad choices when it comes to storage--self-storage using proprietary systems and cloud storage, which is off-site. Cloud storage offers benefits that include being able to access your stored items from anywhere anytime. The storage also provides secure backups of your files. The good news is that you don't necessarily need to pay for cloud storage because many storage services offer free accounts that provide a limited amount of storage.
Laws and Regulations: One of the main difficulties with cloud storage, as it relates to private healthcare information, is there are many shareholders involved. Individual consumers look to keep information accessible and private. Healthcare providers look to provide quality care while maintaining a competitive advantage over other firms and staying within the bounds of the law. Healthcare insurance coverage providers must keep a competitive edge and must work with healthcare providers to gather and provide information, provide it to individuals and maintain competency under the law. Cloud storage providers must seek to capitalize on new technology while offering a relatively new service. They too must understand legal ramifications as related to the transmitting and storage of private health information. HIPAA offers two main shareholders: covered entities, and business associates. A covered entity is defined as a health plan, healthcare clearinghouse or a health care provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a transaction. A business associate is a person or entity “that creates, receives, maintains or transmits” PHI (private health information) on behalf of a covered entity”.
This is a very interesting article. The whole concept of using social gaming constructs to help children with ADHD focus more with a brand new series brought to the table and it was something that I wanted to read more about. In this article they used the testing of children with ADHD and the constructs of social gaming the theory behind the dopamine that is released when individuals of playing video games. Using that dopamine for the children with ADHD in theory will allow those children to now concentrate and focus a lot longer on tasks that they need to do. In my opinion that is an awesome discovery and definitely one that should be further prosecuted. The end outcome of the study was inconclusive, but they definitely made progress with
Cloud as the term signifies means the computers in a network to be used for data storage remotely and for maintenance. The cloud computing offers reductions in costs and also has increased scalability, reliability and flexibility in its own processes, and is considered as todays one of the most exciting technologies and has seen a rapid growth over the past ten years. The Cloud computing uses advanced level of computational
Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides various applications and services like storage, servers, infrastructure, networking with low cost, on-demand self service, pay as you go model, location independent resource pooling, reasonable price , rapid elasticity etc. Cloud computing is one way to increase the capacity add capabilities without investing in new infrastructures like computer hardware involves storage memory, licensing for new software, training for a person and in a dynamic way.
In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer 's hard drive. What cloud computing is not about is the hard drive. When someone tries to store data on or run programs from the hard drive, it is called local storage and computing. Everything end users’ need is physically close to them, which means accessing your data is fast and easy, for that one computer, or others on the local network. Working off your hard drive is how the computer industry functioned for decades; some would argue it 's still superior to cloud computing, for reasons I 'll
Cloud storage is a new concept based on cloud computing, it is a model of data storage where the digital data is stored in logical pools, the physical storage spans multiple servers (and often locations), and the physical environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting company. These cloud storage providers are responsible for keeping the data available and accessible, and the physical environment protected and running. People and organizations buy or lease storage capacity from the providers to store user, organization, or application data. So cloud storage is a cloud computing system that aims on storing and managing data.
Abstract-- Cloud storage engages customers to remotely store their data and value the on-interest superb cloud applications without the heaviness of close-by hardware and software organization. Regardless of the way that the favorable circumstances are clear, such a service is moreover surrendering customer’s physical responsibility for outsourced data, which unavoidably acts new security risks toward the precision of the data in cloud. From educational and industrial viewpoints at present, cryptography is considered as a key advancement to deal with security and assurance issues. The cloud computing appears, important potential to give functional, easy to manage, adaptable, and skilled resources on the fly, over the Web. Regardless, the
“Cloud” is a popular concept in the world of technology today. “Put everything in the cloud” is a popular statement used by cloud database vendors. A cloud database is a database that has been optimized to create a virtualized computing environment.
The new cloud storage, known as OneDrive, features many new updates that can be used with Microsoft Word as well as other Microsoft Office applications such as Excel and PowerPoint. What sets it apart from its predecessor, SkyDrive, is that OneDrive gives you one place for all of your files, including photos, videos, and documents, and it’s available across the devices you use every day. One of the main problems with SkyDrive was that for a cloud storage it was very difficult to use effectively. In fact the vast majority of Microsoft customers still had their data spread out everywhere from numerous folders after being fully aware of SkyDrive’s purpose. Many users familiar with the cloud still had content stored on a device that wasn’t backed up elsewhere.
Everyone is going to the “cloud” for storage, but what exactly does that mean? Where is the cloud and is it secure? What are the benefits of storing data on the Cloud?
Dating back to the 1950’s, cloud storage started as a mainframe form of computing. Because it was so expensive to buy and maintain mainframe computers for each employee, they purchased one where multiple users had access to it through dumb terminals. At the time, employees didn’t need big storage sizes or processing power. In the 1970’s, the virtual machine was created. It took the mainframe to the next level by allowing several different computing environments to exist in one physical environment. It was possible to perform one more operating systems at the same time in an isolated environment. By the 1990’s telecommunications companies started to over virtualized private network connections to give organizations access to the same physical infrastructure. This was a big deal because before the telecommunications companies only offered single dedicated
The current scenario in cloud computing has evolved from traditional need of cloud platforms as a single platform of data storage and virtual machines to Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Due to growth in availability of number of cloud providers in the market, providers are facing intense pressure of competition for providing best prices and complement it with the best Quality of Service(QoS). QoS is dependent on various factors like latency, acceptance rate as well as reliability. Cloud providers must meet all these requirements and keeping the running costs as low as possible. The pattern of access to these services varies depending on the time of access.
There are millions of users that use cloud technology. They store personal information and data all on the cloud. No, cloud technology is not magic. It is an intelligent way to store information i.e in shared data centers all around the world where rows and rows of heavy duty computers makes it easy for us to retrieve it anytime and anywhere we want.