(Hamar, Coberley, Pope, & Rula, 2013). Some individuals will respond and be able to find ways that are healthy avenues to deal with any life stressor simple by listening to a counselor who is able to talk about coping skills.
All of the individuals who are listed to include nurses, doctors, nutritionist, and counselors are ideal persons to consider when deciding the planning phase of this plan. The legal standpoints are also something that has to be considered. One example is any information that is gathered from the participants must be kept with the utmost confidentiality, and only shared with the individuals who are determined to need to know the information. Another consideration is the financial aspect. A large portion of the rural elderly live on a fixed income and may not be able to participate if the fees charge are very large (Sanghani et al., 2010). All of these things need to be considered and this plan will need to be planned in a way that will best the serve the individuals involved to best serve these individuals.
All of these individuals who are being considered to help with this plan should be good communicators, so as to help determine what avenues that they are willing to offer and when the particular service would be available. All members of this plan will need to be willing to considered communication with the participants as well as the team members in order for this plan to be a success. The members involved will need to be willing to
The social service agency chosen to profile in this essay is COPE Community Services. They are located in Tucson Arizona and have many locations around town to better service and provide convenience for members. They provide integrated care for members. COPE's services include behavioral health, opioid treatment, medical services, therapy, youth services, and community health services. COPE accepts a wide range of members seeking services from the general mental health to severely mentally ill population. An Intake is completed to identify services for members. COPE accepts insurances from AHCCCS, Medicare, Tricare, and other contracted private insurances.
Each person is unique with different gifts, abilities, and struggles. Counselors are committed to walk with individuals on their journeys to growth and healing without judgement.
Task Three. The needs of a client group and the types of services that exist to meet their needs.
Being a counselor and helping people is what I enjoy most about my job. My issues resolution approach can help both non-serious and serious issues and my strategies development plans have proved to be successful over and over again in the past. In one-on-one work, I will spend time with you and get to the root of your issue and determine what needs attention and healing. My large toolbox of approaches and skills help me to address and heal anything that is bothering you.
The therapist will ask coping questions; these can help clients recognise their capability of coping with certain challenges
Wellness is a vital aspect to the counseling profession. Lawson and Myers (2011) indicate that counselors are more susceptible to mental and emotional disorders than others within the population. Therefore, it is imperative for counselors to understand wellness and build strategies for resilience. Furthermore, wellness is the healthy balance of a person’s mind, body, and spirit. For counselors to be effective within the profession it is important for them to understand the need for wellness (Wolf, Thompson, Thompson, & Smith-Adcock, 2014). An inability to manage both personal and work life can cause burnout and affect the counselor’s wellbeing and the clients they serve (Lee, Cho, Kissinger, & Ogle, 2010). Research depicts that well counselors are more likely to promote wellness, while impaired counselors are likely to harm their clients (Lawson & Myers, 2011). Counselor educators and students are learning the importance of self-care to help maintain mental, physical, and spiritual health. Self-care is the strategy that an individual uses for relief, which include extracurricular activities that are relaxing and fun to that individual. Self-care includes healthy activities that can include sewing, gardening, exercising, and many other
The significance of this communication plan is to serve as a recorded document to bridge
Second, counselors believe most mental health challenges are developmental in nature. Therefore, counselors must have an understanding of human growth and development to be effective in their work. A client may experience developmental challenges that resulted in emotional dysfunction and the development of maladaptive coping skills. Counselors view this process as normal and natural in the development of human beings.
Proper nutrition is another key to helping the older adult stay healthy. Many older people tend to say that they know what is involved in a healthy diet but do not feel that the can afford to eat healthy (Walsh, 2015). A third component of this plan is finding ways to help the older adult in finding ways to coping with the mental stressors of daily life. The focus of these components of this plan will be discussed more in the context of this paper and will include some suggestion that would further benefit those in the rural communities. Each of these areas that this plan would promote can be promoted by different health care providers. This paper would like to discuss the disciplines that will help to promote this plan, potential communications that would happen among these disciplines. This paper would also discuss how the incorporate health plan is a culturally based plan. This plan will empower the individuals who participate in the plan and assist them to maintain their
Patient is able to perform activities and reduced reliance on others for meeting own needs.
A person who has experienced trauma in their life often struggles with feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. Most of us go through “crisis’s” in our lives and with deal with them through whatever coping skills we have acquired through our life experiences. However, when one deals with a traumatic event coping skills are not effective. In the lecture, trauma is defined as “an event outside normal human experience.” With such an event, there is nothing the person can do to prevent or stop the abnormal event from happening (i.e. car accident, being abused by as a child, rape, etc.). Though people may respond to trauma in different way, all are helpless to stop the event. The trauma shakes the person’s sense of safety, security, and
Counseling others is a difficult job that requires people to listen, take notes, and respond in ways that are positive and helpful. It is important that trust be built between the counselor and the patient so that the patient will feel comfortable speaking about issues that are private or embarrassing. There are many different types of counselors including drug counselors; marriage counselors, grief counselors, job counselors, diet and exercise counselors, and others that can help people improve their lives in different ways. Counselors are trained to offer advice and listen to issues that may be bothering other people. They are not allowed to prescribe medication or expected to provide
Hardiness/resilience is a personality characteristic originally identified by Suzanne Kobasa (1979) and redefined in further studies by Kobasa, Maddi, and Kahn (1982), and many others, as cited in (Schafer, 2000; Morris & Maisto, 2005). It was established in these studies, that participants who displayed the
When I was younger, I saw a counselor for family matters that were causing stress in my life, and I believe that I grew to be a better version of myself from it. My counselor created a safe environment that made me comfortable enough to express my concerns, and thereby receive advice on how to deal with the stress. I believe that talking to someone about something even as small as everyday stress can greatly advance a person’s life quality. For example, some months ago my mother began having regular meetings with a counselor due to her anxiety, and her outlook on life has clearly improved. We enjoy discussing what she learned after each session, and I can truly recognize how her thinking process is actually changing because of the
(Finnegan et al., 1996) the 'specific linkage theory recommends that there are subjectively formative pathways from avoidant and conflicted connections which relate to unpredictable consequences in adolescents behaviour as a result. This supports the critical and unremitting sense for a need to associate with their care giving figure that allows a young person to distance themselves in order to keep these coping styles in place, as young people start to realise that inner-emotional state do not coincide with the outer expression they chose to give.