This report will outline the problems of drug addiction that have arisen in the young teens and as well give possible solutions on how to overcome it. Drug addiction, increasing immensely in our society, is currently the biggest problem in young teens these days. Looking at the future of our country drowning in drugs is a big disappointment. To prevent drug addiction parents should guide their children into the right path, schools should promote healthy living, and the government should step forward to set up campaigns to educate parents about this topic. The riddance of drugs is a leading factor to abolish crimes in the community. After reading this report, you will have an understanding of how to reduce drugs from the city and the possible solutions to help over come this issue.
Drug addiction has been increasing immensely among our society today and is spreading rapidly among young teens which is not only harming their health but is also ruining precious time of their life.
• Parents should guide their children into the right path:
A child is greatly impacted by it’s parents during their childhood. Children are like clay and parents can mould them in their initial stage of the life cycle how ever they want. Parents should have enough knowledge about ways children get attracted toward drugs, so that they can prevent addiction for the future. Often children with problematic backgrounds start consuming drugs because of the
The drug abuse is the most serious issue not only in United States but other parts of the world too. The statistic has shown that 24.4million of American including teens from age of 12, had used an illegal drugs. The primary purpose of drug is a medicine which is to cure diseases, but people in United States nowadays, have misused the usage of drugs by consuming them without recommendation or supervision from the expert.
You might find it difficult to read the data related to teenage drug abuse and addiction. Based on recent stats, the picture is not pretty and the information indicates that Americans are not doing enough to combat the problem of teenage drug
Substance abuse is one of the major issues affecting the community since many young people are either involved in the use of illicit drugs or the illicit use of legitimate drugs. As a result of this pressing issue, it's important for various stakeholders to be actively involved in helping young people involved in substance abuse. The involvement of community members and leaders in fighting substance abuse is also fueled by the fact that drug abuse is a problem that can be dealt with effectively at the community level. The involvement of these stakeholders is through developing and implementing substance abuse programs that are relevant.
Not only can children be put in drug use situations but so can parents. When parents struggle to maintain a stable household or income and employment it may expand stress on the family and its powerlessness, pushing negligible people to discover answers or comfort in illegal drugs. In general, addiction and use of
Drugs create a problem for people everywhere. “It’s important not to downplay teenage drinking or drug abuse.” Let your teen know how you feel about drugs and alcohol. The world needs more effective drug programs, Now how do we create a good drug prevention program that works for all types of people? Many people struggle with drug use and it is sad to watch them go through it. Programs around the country and the world are trying to figure out what technique is the most effective for drug users. Many people who have a drug problem have been abusing drugs since they were younger. That can make it harder for them to stop using drugs because they have used it for so long and their bodies have become tolerant to the drug.
Drugs and alcohol have been used for medical and recreational purposes throughout history. With advancement of technology it has become easier and easier to access these substances. It is not only illegal drugs but prescription drugs that are being misused and wreaking havoc across the world. Even with billions of dollars being paid out to stop the war on drugs, the problem persists. People from all walks of life have been affected by drugs or are becoming drug addicts themselves. One particular group afflicted by the misuse of these substances is the children of drug addicted parents. According to Cattapan and Grimwade, “Drug use seen in one generation affects the lives of the next”. Children with one or both parents on drugs face huge
“This could mean that addiction is rooted in genetics and might be inherited, but it could also mean that drug abuse could be impacted by environmental factors, such as the family background in which the child was raised and influenced” (Drug Use Hurts Kids 2017). Another problem with kids growing up around drugs could be that they’re not being taken care of the right way. As stated by The National Institute of Drug Abuse, “People with drug problems can forget to take care of the kids. There might not be anyone making meals or helping the kids get washed and dressed. There might not be anyone to buy clothes or do the laundry. There might not be anyone to take the kids to the doctor or help with homework.” (National Institute of Drug Abuse 2017). Unfortunately, kids who grow up in underprivileged homes and neighborhoods are more likely to remain ‘in the system’ then children are born. Children who grow up in an environment where abusing drugs is not only tolerated but accepted can develop a sense of dependability to the drugs they’re around. This creates a whole new generation of drug abusers that, later in life, will continue the cycle all over again.
These beliefs include: bad kids’ use drugs, goods kids’ do not use drugs, and individuals suffering from addictions are hopeless, fragile, and sinners. The treatment and prevention for addiction has struggled to receive sufficient funding from the government. The author believes without the financial support from the government, prevention campaigns and research involving effective new treatment methods is not plausible. The prevention campaigns help by creating additional awareness for children and adolescents about drugs, and the short and long term side effects drugs have on an individual’s body and mind. The reason for the lack of support from the government is due to a negative stigma on addicts. The negative stigma is that individuals suffering from addictions are choosing to cause harm to themselves, rather than being in need of help and support. When viewing the stigmas that the health insurance companies and the clinical teams have placed on treating individuals that are suffering from addictions. The health insurance companies feel that they are not obligated to treat individuals that are suffering from addictions. The reasoning following that is insurance companies believe that drug use is not technically viewed as an illness unless they are considered to be in crisis. Once an addict is in crisis the clinician may struggle to offer effective services to the client. When a client is tackling a
In the present times, drug abuse is a major cause for concern and has an adverse effect on society in general. Although students comprise of a large section of drug abusers, grown-ups also capitulate to drug abuse. In fact among the middle-aged people there is an inclination to abuse prescription drugs.
Drug abuse is too much consumption of drugs which results in problematic consequences as a result of the excessive consumption. The issue of drug abuse has presented major controversies as to whether or not is detrimental to health and should not be used or whether people have the absolute right to do whatever they may please with their lives so long as nobody else is being affected. The abuse of drugs has not only disastrous consequences for a drug user but his or her entire family as well. In the present times, the abuse of drugs is at its peak. Particularly in the third world countries and the developing countries, individuals and specifically youth has been involved in such nefarious activities which are only ruining their lives. At the name of freedom and liberty, many countries are disseminating such a mentality that every adult is free to his or her own life styles (Regier et al., 1990).
Families are supposed to provide the environment where people understand and support each other. However, when there are a lot of conflicts and aggression, children tend to turn to drug abuse as a stress management solution. People who are undergoing the domestic violence and abuse have the high chances of using drugs that those living peaceful lives. Children can also start abusing drugs because of lack of restrictions from the parents. When the parents are not strict with their children about the use of drugs, it becomes easy for them to start abusing drugs. Parents should, therefore, prevent the drug abuse at home by avoiding a lot of quarrels and negotiating to come up with the right solutions to the problems. They should also remain role models and teach their school going children to stop associating with the
Maryland is known as the U.S heroin capital; “one in ten of Baltimore’s residents are addicted to the drug” (Yang, 2014). Graph one’s statistics represent the number of deaths caused by heroin in Baltimore, Maryland from January through June 2007-2014: (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene [Graph 1], 2014). As the graph above illustrates, drug abuse is a disease that is often overlooked and if untreated it could turn into a recreational activity for the people using them and eventually increase the number of drug enthusiasts throughout Baltimore. Many teens begin to utilize illegal substances and become attached which causes situations such as dropping out of school, roaming the streets, and hurting the people who care about them. Baltimore can be free from drugs by offering free mentor programs for troubled youths, providing more state government funded outreach programs for drug abusers and their family members, and enforcing random mandatory drug screenings for welfare participants.
This essay is based on a client Ibrahim (30 year old, male) who is currently living with his three siblings with their biological father and step mother. The client has a history of juvenile delinquency with outrageous behavior. Due the suspensions from the school, he has a low academic performance. Currently, he is jobless due to abusing drugs and low academic performance, which made him feel depressed. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the clients’ problems with the help of consistency theory and understand the possible neurological underpinnings that may have occurred in his brain. Also recommend possible interventions that are most fitting for client.
A drug is a chemical substance applied into treating, diagnosing and preventing one from disease infections or a substance that is used by a person to enhance his or her physical and mental state in the perceived effect. Drugs used for different purposes and their effect depend on which cause for usage. It causes both positive and negative consequences directly to the user and in the long-run it affects the whole society or community. Drug addiction is the activity of uncontrollable dependence on a substance by the user no matter the harm caused by its usage. It is a habit that has been in many years hard to curb especially among the youths. “We must recognize that substance abuse and addiction is a disease, not a moral failing or easily abandoned self-indulgence,” (Califano, 2008).The cases of drug abuse have been on the rise over the recent years and resulted in crimes. The cases have a great effect affected the society in general since the reliable energetic youths have turned to drug abuse. However, some measures have been initiated to mitigate, curb and treat drug addiction in the society as outlined in the essay.
Drug addiction is one of society 's biggest problems and it is rampant among teenagers and young adults and one of the most abused drugs is marijuana. Cannabis sativa or marijuana usually grows throughout tropical and temperate climates and then plant 's stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds are then dried. What attracts to most users is the mind altering effect these parts produce which is addictive to some extent. It is usually smoked as cigarette, or in a pipe. It is also smoked in blunts, in which cigars will be emptied of tobacco and refill with marijuana or sometimes it is combined with another drug. It can also be brewed as tea or mixed in food. Hashis is a more concentrated, resinous form which is sticky black liquid, hash oil. The