
The Problem Of Refugees Worldwide

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The number of refugees worldwide has increased as a result of acts of terrorism, ethnic cleansing, war and genocide (Assiri, 2014). It is estimated that there are over 12 million refugees worldwide (Crowley, 2009). A significant number of these refugees arrive in Australia yearly. Each year Australia receives 125,000 immigrants, 10 percent are refugees classified under the Humanitarian Program (Davidson, Skull, Calache, Murray, & Chalmers, 2006). Refugees are recognized as one of the most vulnerable population groups. Vulnerable population groups present with multiple cumulative risk factors for health complications, they are more likely to have worse outcomes from particular health problems as compared to the rest of the population (Pacquiao, 2008). Refugee’s often have a personal history marked by physical and psychological health problems. Most Refugees have experienced poor living conditions and have come from regions where access to healthcare is limited. Before migration, the experience of torture, loss, trauma is common. The acculturative stress connected to settlement in a new country can further complicate health problems. Common health issues for refugees include infectious diseases, dental diseases, poor nutritional status and mental health problems (Johnston, Smith, & Roydhouse, 2012). Healthcare professionals need to acknowledge these complex health issues. Refugee’s experiences with Australian healthcare professionals and services can significantly impact

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