General purpose: To inform my audience how pot-holes are formed and what they can do to help fix them.
Specific purpose: To inform my audience how pot-holes are formed in Chicago, due to the climate. And what Chicagoans can do to help fix them by using the city’s’ free on line service.
I. (Attention getter):
According to the Chicago tribune’s website, in 2011 alone, 600,000 potholes were repaired, filled, or resurfaced by the city of Chicago. If this is divided in to a 40 hour work week, that averages out to 1,640 potholes a day — (200 + potholes an hour) or 3 potholes a minute
II. (Listener relevance link): Potholes are a nuisance to automobile drivers, bicyclist, and yes even walkers alike. Many of us travel through Chicago using at least one of these means to go to work, a social event, or at the very least school, This year’s spring is expected to have more potholes than recent years. This is largely due to the large amount of Chicago’s temperature fluctuation this winter season.
III. Your experience/background with the topic (speaker credibility statement):
Having lived in Chicago my whole life and from my 6 years of driving, I can speak from experience when I say there is not a neighborhood that does not have potholes. According to Summit County’s engineer’s website, potholes are most commonly formed during spring due to the change in temperature.
IV. Central idea (thesis statement) and preview of
We know that paving a parking lot or driveway can be a huge disruption to your business. We pride ourselves in planning well in order to get in and get it done as fast as possible. So if your business has a parking lot or driveway that is cracked or littered with potholes, give Lexington SC Paving Company a
Evidence: A study presented by the white house on its website reported that 65% of roads rated in less than good condition. 25% of bridges require significant repair or cannot handle today's traffic. Also because certain roads cannot be used there is more traffic. The Texas Transportation Institute estimates that American commuters in urban areas collectively lost 5.5 billion hours stuck in traffic in 2011, meaning the average commuter lost nearly a week to traffic. their calculations further suggest that traffic congestion caused American commuters to purchase an extra 2.9 billion gallons of fuel, costing them more than $120 billion in added fuel costs and wasted time.
The main issue discussed at the meeting was increasing the funds in the city’s budget for the purpose of restoring and paving roads in St. Augustine. Of the nine people who spoke, all shared the common sentiment that in previous years, the money allocated by the city’s budget for road repair had been incredibly insufficient. The deterioration of roads has had a negative impact on tourism, business, and everyday life for St. Augustine residents. There were tales of visitors scoffing at “pathetic” road repairs, as told by a resident and business owner, David Holliday, which were affirmed by Bernard DeRaal, owner of a popular tourist restaurant, Cap’s on the Water, who advocated improving roads for the benefit of tourists. Resident Delta Long, shared her story of losing her car to a flood while taking her son to school to demonstrate that the poorly maintained roads are prone to flooding and pose a safety threat. Ed Salvin of the Clean up the City of St. Augustine Initiative, brought up another example to express the frustration of citizens, in which he spoke about the time a pickup truck got stuck in a sinkhole. All of the commenters advocated an increase in city funds for road repair and a reduction in unnecessary expenditures. Susan Rathbone, a citizen of St. Augustine and President of the Davis Shores Neighborhood Association, pleaded with the commissioners to stop wasting money on luxury items for city hall such as iron gates and expensive draperies. She and several
Final Paper Everyone has experienced the agony of driving on a road with people who drive awful. In Dave Barry’s satirical essay named “Driving while stupid”, he explains that every city has bad drivers; However, Miami has the worst drivers in the country! The writer Dave Barry uses many methods for his writing; some include the use of hyperbole, satire, examples, and compare and contrasting.
While potholes are usually found most abundantly in cold weather climates, no part of the country is immune to them. Road safety officials traditionally ask motorists to report potholes to their local Department of Motor Vehicles so that public utility workers can patch them up as quickly as possible.
How many times have you been on the road when your car begins to bounce because of how bad the roads are? In Wisconsin, 71% of the roads are in bad shape, by Shullsburg fixing their roads, this would decrease the amount of faulty roads in the state by 5%. Because of these reasons, I believe Shullsburg should look into these issues.
Beyond the road reconstruction, in 2012, out of all traffic death, pedestrians accounted for 16.16% which is the 5th highest in the nation and 3rd highest in the child pedestrian fatality rate.3 This indicates that the state and city developers need to take in account more pedestrian and cycling safety measures in their city planning and
Being the fourth largest metropolitan city in the United States and the largest city of Texas, Houston is subject to a mighty amount of traffic that affects its roadways. As one would suspect, these roadways are constantly deteriorating due to this severe usage, but this problem isn’t being addressed proportionately. The Houstonians need improvements made towards roadways now to decrease traffic, provide an environment that is more safe, and reduce the above average financial costs to operate their vehicles in Houston compared to other cities in the United States.
With roads in such substandard conditions and with no signs of repairs coming in the near future, Baton Rouge drivers have to be careful on the roads. One cannot always take the freeway to get to places and there might be heavy traffic if everyone tries to use it. Along with the fact that sometime a route cannot be planned around a terrible road as it is the only way to the destination. With these factors in mind, one must be prepared to drive for the safety of oneself and others. Whenever coming to a pothole or any other danger that may come with an inadequate road, it is important to drive slowly and cautiously. This is most important due to the fact that driving carefully on even the safest of roads in order to avoid a vehicular
It has been a busy couple of weeks for residents in Kelowna this past May. The tragedy all began on May, 4th, 2017. This is when a large storm hit Kelowna without warning which in turn caused a flood. A state of emergency was not declared until two days after the storm occurred. (McCullough, pars. 2, 7) The natural beast that struck Kelowna was a flood. (McCullough, par. 3) Many parts of Kelowna were affected by the flood, including the local businesses and residents. Two local golf courses were affected by this event: Shadow Ridge, which were forced to close all of their 18 holes; and Kelowna Springs who closed only their back 9 holes. The general manager at Kelowna Springs reassured that the holes would be back in operation sooner rather
Thomas Davenport, built a electric cars. Americans, Ryker and William Morrison built a 6 passenger electric car. In 1897 taxi's in New York city were electric cars.
Relevancy Statement: An unexpected flat tire could happen to anyone in this room, if not you, your parents, friends, or someone you may not know that you can help.
Like most Americans, I expect to find in every city, every town, even in every village in the country, an outdoor recreation area or what is usually called a park; and I am seldom disappointed. No matter how new and unfinished a town may be, or however old and poor, I know that it will contain, wedged in among the crowded blocks of buildings, a rectangular space with grass and trees and meandering paths and perhaps a bandstand or a flagpole.
Throughout the Riverton interactive case, there was many beautiful and unpleasant aspects that made up Riverton. The beauty came from the art museum, friendly neighborhood, and etc. However, the downfall of the town occurred during the night when homeless individuals slept in bushes and left beer cans all over each neighbors yard. So, this social worker and county commissioners wanted to provide an alcohol impact zone.