The Communication Process:
Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It’s a dialogue in which the sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding.
The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction.
Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context.
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The Communication Process:
Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It’s a dialogue in which the sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding.
The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction.
Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context.
The speaker is the source of information and ideas for an audience. The job of the source is to translate ideas and images in his or her mind into verbal or non-verbal symbols that an audience can recognize. Verbal symbols are words, sentences, sounds, vocally produce noises or alternative utterances that are said aloud in order to convey some meaning. For example, stop! Is a word conveying a particular action by sound and can be written out or spoken. Nonverbal symbols are messages sent to a receiver from the source by means of body language, facial expressions, eye contact, touching, signs and gestures. For example, the speaker may encode in gestures how big something is by separating his or her hands or something small by bringing them closer
Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings, or impressions in ways that gains common understanding of messages. Communication can be used to bring out changes in attitudes and used to motivate people and establish and maintain relationships, it is also vital for seeking and providing information.
According to Schwartz (2001), communication can be said to be the process that involves the sending and receipt of messages of information among individuals. The communication process consists of two things. It involves the sending and receipt of a message. The message sent and received can be classified into two broad categories. These categories include non-verbal and verbal messages.
Communication is part of everyday life between people and can be used in many different ways. People communicate to build relationships with one another, but also to maintain those relationships formed. When a relationship is built through communication, people then can express their needs, wants and feelings to each other, as well as being able to reassure an individual. Communicating allows people to share thoughts, ideas and information to others where
Communication is a process of transferring information from one person or from a group of people to the other. Communication can also be defined as a way and form of passing or receiving a message. People communicate to express or share a concern and allow the passing of message. By not communicating can limit the people’s ability to connect with each other. For instance care worker to care users and other professionals in the care setting environment. People communicate so that they can understand the needs of others and it ensures ways of building trust and resolving conflicts. Communication is a two way process that enables sharing of experience.
Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information, in other words, talking or writing, listening and reading. Good communicators listen very carefully, speak or write clearly and respect different opinions. Strong communication skills can
Communication involves people and interactions, and is a process that happens from the beginning of a conversation to the end. Communication can be represented through symbols and cues, both verbal and nonverbal. In addition, meaning is what people extract from a
Communication involves the exchange of messages and is a process which all individuals participate in. Whether it is through spoken word, written word, non-verbal means or even silence, messages are constantly being exchanged between individuals or groups of people (Bach & Grant 2009). All behaviour has a message and communication is a process which individuals cannot avoid being involved with (Ellis et al 1995).
Communication is a two-way process that takes practice and time to be fully effective and is very important in every aspect our personal and professional lives. We communicate every day of our lives both verbally or nonverbally. The process of verbal communication is the exchanging information by transmitting an idea, send that idea, receive feedback, understand the idea and the feedback and provide feedback to the person who sent the message. The main components of communication are context, encoder, message, medium, decoder, and feedback. The context could be social, chronological, cultural, or physical. The individual sending the message will
Communication is a two-way process that takes practice and time to be fully effective and is very important in every aspect our personal and professional lives. We communicate every day of our lives both verbally or nonverbally. The process of verbal communication is the exchanging information by transmitting an idea, send that idea, receive feedback, understand the idea and the feedback and provide feedback to the person who sent the message. The main components of communication are context, encoder, message, medium, decoder, and feedback. The context could be social, chronological, cultural, or physical. The individual sending the message will
Wallace and Roberson (2009) stated that communication is "a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information" (p.15 ).
20 years ago when someone said communication people thought of actually talking face to face with someone, but now that technology and communication have meshed together when someone says communication people think of texting someone on your phone or emailing someone off their computer. Communication by definition is “the imparting or exchanging of information or news,” or
Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures1. Effective communication is a reciprocal interactive process in which sender and recipient have responsibilities to ensure that a message has been received and understood.
Communication does not have an assigned definition. In that regard, various definitions have been presented in the past in an attempt to define communication. In its simplest form, communication according to Hamilton (2010) "is the process of people sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings with each other in commonly understandable ways." However, to get a broader perspective of what communication really is; one might need to consider yet another definition of the word. Communication in the opinion of Troester and Mester (2007) concerns itself with "the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages and the creating, interpreting, and negotiating of meaning from those messages by their users to achieve certain goals in certain situations."
Communication is defined in the book as "a systematic process in which individuals interact with and
The definition of communication is “giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages though appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek information, to give information or to express emotions”(Communication Theory, 2017)