
The Production Of A Production Plant Essay

Decent Essays

In a production plant there is a of many microcultures within an organization broken down in different groups such as production, engineering, and leadership groups. For this paper I will describe the microcultures within the production as they share the same training of corporate culture as the other groups the culture within the group is very different. I have worked in production for many years and for the last ten months have been part of the leadership group therefore I will approach the paper using participation observation.
The production group is broken into four individual groups A,B,C, or D and each group possess their own personality and beliefs on how the process should be ran. I have had the opportunity to work on B shift in operations prior to entering into the leadership role, therefore I will use my experience in the field and as an outsider to describe the nature of the microculture within B shift. Each shift is ran with a five man crew, three operators and two loaders working twelve hour rotating shifts while the plant runs twenty four hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year. The production group shares a common goal with the leadership group such as continue running and get the orders out, however the way of thinking between the two groups is very different. The nature of the production group consists of believing their contributions to the process are more important than the leadership group. The operators know a process inside and out due

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