
The Progressive Era And Its Impact On American History

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The Progressive Era was a period of broad and varied movement which changed American values and life styles by having everlasting impact on American History. Most of the people during the progressive eras, lives changed through. During the Progressive Era Women wanted the right to vote and work outside their homes. Workers wanted better wages, hours, and safe condition while they are working. Coming with people who had race, which means all people wo were not white, they wanted a freedom, place to work and let their children attend school like others. These issues had to get fixed during the Progressive era. That is what makes the progressive a Progressive. Starting with women suffrage, one of the major initiatives of the Progressive Era was the women’s suffrage movement. However, many organizations that were established to fight for the voting rights of women either marginalized or ignored African-American women. Thus, African-American women such as Mary Church Terrell became dedicated to organizing women on the local and national level to fight for equal rights in society. The work of white suffrage organizations along with African-American women 's organizations ultimately led to the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which granted women with the right to vote. It was hard for women to get heard. Woman is woman. She cannot unsex herself or change her sphere. Let her be content with her lot and perform those high duties intended for her by the Great Creator, and

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