
The Pros And Cons Of Alcatraz

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what the worst prison would be like. Alcatraz was the worst prison ever it had the most baddest criminals ever. Alcatraz was nicknamed "the rock" because it was out in the middle of San Francisco Bay. It was also thought that no one could escape the prison because of all the dangers. Alcatraz opened on August 11, 1934 and closed on March 21, 1963. Alcatraz had some of the worst criminals some of the key moments were when Al Capone the worst bad guy came to Alcatraz, it also effects the people today because they see how bad it was for the prisoners to escape and have to stay there. During Alcatraz over thousands of people went to Alcatraz. On of the first people to go to Alcatraz was Al Capone the most wanted criminals. Al Capone was the most dangerous criminal back then. He killed his first person when he was 15 years old. Later on he sold bad stuff and he then got caught and went to prison. After he was finished with his prison sentence he killed another person. A couple years …show more content…

Alcatraz is located on San Francisco Bay in the middle of the cold waters which are supposed to be sometimes below 30 degrees in the winter, fall, and spring. It was said that no one could escape the island although more than 30 people have but they either been shot, died in the cold waters or were taken back to Alcatraz and put into a even worst cell. Most people called Alcatraz "The Rock" because it was just built on a big rock in the middle of the bay. Alcatraz was first found by a Spanish explorer named "Juan Manuel de Ayala" and he found it in 1745 and built Alcatraz right on the island but the Spanish explorer also called it "the island of the birds" due to its large amount of birds. In the 1850's the military built a base on there but they never used it so they turned it into a military prison. They built the building of Alcatraz using all of the

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