An alien race known as the Ziegrich have come to Earth offering their technology to humankind. In return, they want our information, and we would acquire their technology, known only as Vegieleid, an advanced kit of tech that can be used to travel to time and travel in the speed of light. It can replicate food and can also replicate organs. Some of the tech and can be used to mind control. If the United States government acquired the tech kit they would use it for good and the “evil” they would use it for is to mind control people and probably use it to brainwash people ( the bad ones). If it was the North Korean government, then that would also be negative. They would definitely use it for evil and will try to conquer the world and try to
Aliens aren’t real. My first reason is because they’re Fallen Angels (Demons), this s a fact. Aliens bodies aren’t like ours just as demons bodies aren’t like ours either, they’re spiritual beings. It explains how they move so fast, it explains their supernatural abilities, their fallen angels from heaven. They are smart enough to posses a human’s body and make them do things in unnatural ways, to make us continue wondering if aliens do exist and not think outside the box. They know how we think, because they’ve been human before, they know what we want to believe and don’t. Demons are the only things known to do such devious acts.
The proclamation issued by the president is sufficient to permit the entry of any class of aliens based upon his authority. Also under SEC 215, paragraph (B), it deems that “After such proclamation as is provided for in subsection (a) has been made and published and while such proclamation is in force, it shall, except as otherwise provided by the President, and subject to such limitations and exceptions as the President may authorize and prescribe, be unlawful for any citizen of the United States to depart from or enter, or attempt to depart from or enter, the United States unless he bears a valid passport.” It clearly leaves the settlement in the hands of a President of the United States.
There are several different meanings to the word “alien.” An alien could be a resident born or belonging to a different country, a foreigner, a person who has been excluded from something, or a creature from outer space (extraterrestrial). For this argument, a creature from outer space would be the appropriate definition. Many believe extraterrestrials do exist. Many even claim to have seen aircrafts belonging to these extraterrestrials. There have been thousands of “sightings” of unidentified flying objects in which many believe do not look like or belong to anything Earthly. A lot of these sightings have not and can not be explained. Major governments around the globe will not come out and tell the public
Most white Americans believed indigenous people are inferior portraying them as the noble savages, just savages, and often foolish children. The Indians could not claim equal status with other nations, because initially, by their very nature are not equal to the white people.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. In other words, you are asking how can the United States justify not providing affordable health insurance for people residing and working in country? Baiden (2010) offerings two important points, “Most, if not all of these undocumented immigrants work hard and contribute to the country's economic growth” furthermore, “The problem is that such individuals suffer high degree of exploitation at the hands of their employers” (p. 5). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for government insurance programs, are unlikely to have employer provided insurance, and often do not have the resources to purchase private insurance. Furthermore, research has identified vulnerable populations such as low income, uninsured
Mary Oliver uses the aspects of nature and humanity in her poem "Except for the body" to emphasize the subjectivity of beauty. Oliver recognizes that there could be something more appealing in the eyes of others, despite her greater respect for the natural world. The poem starts with a statement expressing the beauty of someone you love. " Except for the body of someone you love," it states.
Undocumented immigrants provide jobs, pay taxes, and have had many positive outcomes toward the United States therefore, they should be allowed to be granted citizenship without going through all the hardships such as inhumane treatments, labeling/categorizing, harassment and detains. Undocumented immigrants are always supposedly up to no good and seen as the enemy. “There is no need for immigration so why have it?” you may ask. Throughout the years, many people have traveled to the United States from other countries to get a well paying job in order to maintain their families, to provide everything it takes to be successful for their kids, and overall to have a brighter future. Would people with bad intentions actually go through the
Undocumented Immigrants: Beneficial to the United States There are about 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States today. Undocumented immigrants from different parts of the world come to this country for variety of reasons, reasons like getting a better life for themselves or their for their families, to find better jobs, or seeking a better education. Undocumented immigrants are willing to do jobs, that could sometimes be risky, that other people in the U.S. aren’t willing to do. The government should provide documents for immigrants because they benefit this country with cultural diversities, help by joining the U.S. armed forces, and growth in the U.S. economy.
It seems that the United States is approaching a crucial moment both for the real economy and for the financial crisis that caused this severe recession. Of course, this is good news that comes after many months of bad news, but we must continue to take into account how extremely difficult it is to forecast the behavior of the economy and financial markets during the crisis. The general predictions have been wrong again and again, and unexpected and even unprecedented events have followed one another closely. A cautious optimism should be the order of the day. We fear that the recent reactions of financial markets and some analysts reflect too much optimism without paying sufficient attention to uncertainty. Public policies should continue
Each and every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, are desperate to enter into the United States of America. Although these immigrants are entering into the United States for different reasons, they all hope for the same things once they reach their new home, happiness and stability. There is a multitude of reasons why an immigrant might have left their homeland; reasons such as religious differences, escaping civil wars, and some are refugees. Most immigrants believe that America is the best country to immigrate to due to their freedom, benefits, and protection. Although on paper, the idea of accepting immigrants into our country is a great idea, many U.S. citizens are against incoming immigrants because the increase in their taxes.
Every four years in America there are elections, campaigns, disputes, word battles, rallies, press conferences, and a person who becomes the new president elect or maintains his position of power. In the previous years, 2016, these exact things happen between Donald Trump and a women, the first one to run for presidency, Hilary Clinton. In November 8, 2016 Trump became the president elect and became the official US President in the beginning months of the year 2017. President Trump has his own plan in order to run the country and make it as he says, “Great Again”. However, the only problem with his plan is that it affects the citizens, the voices of the country, and definitely violates their rights.
Driving a vehicle under the influence impedes the capability of an individual to drive safely. The people in the vehicle as well as on the streets are considered to be at risk. This indicator directs the link between transportation and negative health outcomes. This measure supports the policies and laws against alcohol impaired driving. The annual estimated cost of alcohol related motorized crashes in the United States is more than $59 billion (Blincoe et al., 2014). In the year 2012, a total of 10,322 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, which is around (31%) of all traffic related crashes in the United States (U.S. DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2012).
The United States government hides aliens from the citizens. They hid area for as long as they possibly could and still refuse to allow us any insight as to what is within. They claim sightings are military testing’s or that what some saw was never there. Looking at our technological advancements over the past few decades how could this be possible.
In most Shakespearian tragedies, the hero possesses a character trait which under normal circumstances would be a virtue, but which under the special circumstances of the play proves to be a fatal flaw. Macbeth consists of several situations where the hero portrays many such qualities that drive him to commit wrong actions. Macbeth’s desires convinced him to ignore the impact of his actions. In addition, his doubtfulness controlled his consciousness and finally his blindness affected his aptitude to seek reality. An analysis of Macbeth’s actions and behaviour reveals that Macbeth should be justified as a tragic hero validating the belief that he possesses several fatal flaws which eventually resulted in his downfall.
Abstract: Scientists claim that other life forms do in fact exist based on probability. The conditions necessary for life are likely to be present on various other planets. Signs of possible life have been found in material from outer space. Much research has been dedicated to proving the existence of life on Mars. SETI is a program entirely dedicated to finding and establishing communication with extra terrestrials. If other life forms are found, communication with these beings will be a difficult task. Laws to protect humans from the dangers of extraterrestrial beings are already in effect. Although contact with alien beings has not yet been made, technology today may make it a reality in the near future.