
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Experimentation

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“Studies published in prestigious medical journals have shown time and again that animal experimenters are often wasting lives—both animal and human—and precious resources by trying to infect animals with diseases that they would never normally contract (Animal Rights).” This upsetting fact could be prevented if laws were passed to end animal testing. Animal experimentation should be made illegal because innocent animals are being harmed and or killed daily, medicines do not have the same effect on animals as they do people, and animal experimentation is expensive.
To get a better understanding as to why animal experimentation should be illegal, one must consider the opposition. Many argue that making animal experimentation illegal will negatively effect the way further physicians are trained. However, alternative options could be taken in order to train rising physicians. According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, “nearly 95 percent of U.S. medical schools […] do not use any animals to train medical students […]” (“Animal Testing Is”). Most schools have proven to be able to train students that want to pursue a future job in the medical field, without having to use animals throughout their teachings.
One reason why animal experimentation should be illegal is because innocent animals are being caused terrible pain and killed daily. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the number of animals being tested on in the United States is

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