“Studies published in prestigious medical journals have shown time and again that animal experimenters are often wasting lives—both animal and human—and precious resources by trying to infect animals with diseases that they would never normally contract (Animal Rights).” This upsetting fact could be prevented if laws were passed to end animal testing. Animal experimentation should be made illegal because innocent animals are being harmed and or killed daily, medicines do not have the same effect on animals as they do people, and animal experimentation is expensive.
To get a better understanding as to why animal experimentation should be illegal, one must consider the opposition. Many argue that making animal experimentation illegal will negatively effect the way further physicians are trained. However, alternative options could be taken in order to train rising physicians. According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, “nearly 95 percent of U.S. medical schools […] do not use any animals to train medical students […]” (“Animal Testing Is”). Most schools have proven to be able to train students that want to pursue a future job in the medical field, without having to use animals throughout their teachings.
One reason why animal experimentation should be illegal is because innocent animals are being caused terrible pain and killed daily. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the number of animals being tested on in the United States is
For many years, the field of science has used animals in medical experiments worldwide, because of this innocent animals are being killed everyday. They are being tested with new drugs, new treatments, and by many makeup companies. Connecticut recently celebrated the passage of the “Beagle Freedom Law”, a law that requires laboratories to work with charities and rescue groups to find homes for research cats and dogs. Animals are being tested so humans do not have to be but animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings, although animals are the closest thing to humans. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of innocent animal subjects. Over 100 million animals suffer a year from testing. Testing animals is a lot more expensive than alternative methods and it is wasting government research dollars. Animal testing is not only a bad idea, but it is also inhuman and it should not be tolerated. The FDA should stop allowing animal testing. An animal does not give out the same results on a test than a human would.
For years, scientists have experimented with animals to study how diseases and disabilities affect them. Take neurologist Thomas Gennarelli for example. Dr. Thomas Gennarelli used primates as test subjects. For a little bit over 15 years, he bashed primates to imitate head injuries in human beings. He believed the results of his experiments would be beneficial in the future on how we should treat head injuries. The team that worked for him recorded the data via videotapes. Unfortunately, as much as he tried, Thomas Gennarelli flopped and could not create duplicate head injuries. In 1984, participants of the Animal Liberation Front broke into the University of Pennsylvania’s Medical school and swindled the tapes that’s withheld the data from the experiments. They edited the tapes to show the most gruesome abuses of the primates and submitted it to People for Ethical Treatments of Animals. Peta then submitted it to Congress and the media. Participants of these experiments claimed they appease the primates with drugs, so they would feel not pain. The videotapes told a different story. Just before the hammer smashed their heads, the primates tried to escape. The researchers used foul language and performed unsanitary procedures upon the primates. They mocked and chuckled at attentive primates with broken arms. The National Institutes of Health analyzed the videotapes. Thomas Gennarelli was condemned of 9 charges such as unacceptable veterinary care and lack of guidance for the
”More than 115 million animals worldwide are used in laboratory experiments each year” (About Animal Testing). Animal testing has been used since the BC years, and it is used to understand and compare how things might affect the human body. In 1937, a pharmaceutical company released a drug that was poisonous to humans unknowingly. It ended up poisoning many people, and resulted in several deaths. After this incident, experiments on animals became more important in the medical world (Hajar, Rachel). Animal testing should be illegal, because it is unfair, inhumane, and morally wrong.
Many scientists claim that without animal testing, medical breakthroughs and research would not have progressed to where it is today. Some people claim that animals do not have rights and mankind naturally has dominion over them, making it acceptable to use them for scientific experimentation. This is simply not true. Animals can feel pain. They can suffer. One critic of animal testing maintains that pain is an intrinsic evil, and any act that causes pain in any other creature is morally wrong (Andre). A scientist should not be allowed to perform any experiment on an animal that they would not perform on a fellow human being. Animal testing is not only inhumane, it is bad science, and in light of other alternatives, it should have been halted decades ago. Millions of people still labor under the delusion that animal experimentation is the only way to test new medications, cosmetics, and household chemicals for human use. The media, experimenters, universities, and lobbying groups have propagated this misconception, arguing for the role animal testing has played in past medical advances and exaggerating the potential for it to lead to new cures (“Animal Testing”).
Animal research has been going on for thousands of years. It is estimated that in the U.S that about 26 million animals are used for testing and experiments each year. Animals are used to find treatments for diseases, test medication, and test products to see if they are safe for human use. People might say that animal testing has help with the creation of live saving treatments for humans and animals. Others, like me, believe that some of the test performed on animals may be cruel and inhumane. In this essay I am going to show the pros and cons of animal research to get a better understanding for this practice.
What if I told you that more than 100 million animals are killed each year due to animal testing? What if I told you that these animals are burned, crippled, abused and poisoned on a regular basis? What if I told you that in order to obtain your favorite shampoo, hand sanitizer, lotion, etc. that innocent animals must be tortured? Throughout history animal research and experimentation has played a key role in scientific benefit and discovery. Even I cannot deny the numerous medical breakthroughs that have been founded using animals as test subjects; however, this does not excuse the physical and emotional persecution these poor animals must endure. Animal testing should be illegal. The use of animals in testing facilities is
Millions of animals in our generation today are being tested for human products. Experimentation causes many animals to fall vile with disease and having no choice but to be experimented on. Animal experimentation should be banned all over the United States. Not only is it cruel and inhuman method of research, but challengers view it as an essential evil to test on animals.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of an innocent animal? How much harm can they do to you? Picture yourself being this helpless animal; you are being put into different rooms for horrific experiments. Scientists are holding you down carelessly, injecting unknown chemicals into your system, and causing nothing but pain and distress. Then you ask yourself, what did I do to end up in here? When you look around, there are many others just like you. You feel as if your life is insignificant. The sad truth is that, Animal Experimentation (AE) is used for human benefit only, not caring that these harmless animals have feelings just like the rest of us. Testing cosmetics, drugs, and dangerous treatments on animals is unfair. Although animal testing has improved medical progress, experimenting on an animal should be prohibited because animals react differently than humans, the costs of these experiments are outrageous, and it is unethical.
All around the world, millions of animals are being taken and tested on for our own personal gain. In fact, according to ProCon.org, an estimated 26 million animals are tested on every year in the US alone (“Should Animals Be Used”). Many people see this as a completely harmless procedure, but that is simply not the case. Animal testing should be illegal because of the harm it causes.
One reason that animal testing should be prohibited is that it’s cruel and harmful. For example, in the article “The Price of Killing Off Animal Testing” by John Ericson, animal rights activist Justin Goodman once “saw scientists drill holes in the heads of monkeys” while studying at the University of Connecticut. This is one of many callous examples of the way “lab rats” are treated. These animals have absolutely no choice about whether or not they would want to participate
Experimentation and testing on non-humans such as animals has been happening in the world for an extremely long time. There are many people in the world that agree and disagree with these actions. The animals used for testing are not treated as living creatures but as test subjects for a science experiment. Animal experimentation means the using of animals for research on a purpose of determining if it’s a safe drug or procedure to be used on humans. “Just under two-thirds of Americans (62%) believe that medical testing on animals is morally acceptable, while 32% feel it is morally wrong. This finding is not completely surprising -- medical testing can include researching cures for deadly diseases such as AIDS and cancer, and many people
In laboratories, scientists discover new projects and are quick to start testing those discoveries. This issue needs to be brought to attention to stop the experiments and save 100 million animals from dying. Animal experimentation should be banned and illegal because it is a form of animal cruelty and violates animal rights, animals react to certain things very different from humans making them poor test subjects, and on top of all that, it is a huge waste of money due to the animals constantly dying.
First of all, testing on animals must be outlawed in order to protect the rights of animals. Their rights are infringed by endless experimenting. We may not believe this but animals and humans are alike in more than one way.
For centuries, animal experiments have been widely disseminated due to men's inability to find other ways to try new and innovative medications to treat different diseases that affect humankind. This is a problem of great importance because animals are used indiscriminately for profit and the advancement of medicine. Some people say animal experiments are necessary to improve the health and well-being of humanity. Other people claim that experimenting in animals is unfair and unethical because animals are living beings that experience pain and fear just like humans. In my opinion, if both humans and animals belong to the same planet, they should enjoy same privileges, regardless of their cognitive, social, and physical level. Now, let us evaluate three different arguments directly related to animal testing: animal cruelty, living organisms, and animals’ rights.
Those who agree with animal experimentation argue that animal experimentation must continue because of the scientific research that animals provide. Many diseases have been accurately treated with the use of animal testing. Kristina Cook, a PhD student of Chemistry/Biochemistry and Pharmacology, states in the article, “Stand Up for Science: Facts About Animal Research”, that “animal research has enabled us to find treatments for cancer, antibiotics for infections, vaccines to prevent some of the [deadliest] and debilitating viruses and surgery for injuries, illnesses and deformities” (Cook n.pg.). Many