Integration of Arab immigrants is one of the most contentious issues in Europe and is becoming a huge area of concern for many European countries. More than one million asylum-seekers arrived to Europe through the Mediterranean Sea in 2015. The United Nations High Commissioner in Refugees (UNHCR) evaluated that approximately 84% of these migrants are from countries that qualify them as refugees (because of war or other circumstances). This sudden huge influx of immigrants poses a huge challenge for the European countries and how they will be integrated in European society will define the social, economical, and political future of Europe.
According to BBC, in 2015, approximately 400,000 migrants from Syria applied to leave for the EU. It is, by far, the biggest driver in migration. People from war-torn
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They must receive tax benefits, the right to perform funerals and marriages with civil validity, and financial support for Muslim faith schools. Muslim religious leaders must be encouraged to participate in multicultural dialogues with other religious leaders. Policies should be implemented that employees can take days off for religious holidays. Some recent policies have even gone as far as trying to ban the religious clothing for Muslim people. One such example of this occurred this summer in France. Many towns had tried to ban the burkini, a swimsuit that fully covers the body and is worn by some Muslim woman. The ban faced huge backlash and was eventually strike down in the court of Nice, France due to insufficient justifications for the controversial decree. Banning headgear will more isolate Muslim women and drive them way from workplaces. One way this disagreement can be settled is by setting a rule that as long as Muslim woman are following the laws of the land, they should not be banned from wearing their
It may be stereotypical to say that many successful doctors come from India. What if I told you that most foreign-born immigrants are very successful in America, would you believe me? Immigrants possess a unique work ethic which is much different from those born here in the United States of America. Their upbringing, lack of economy, food, shelter, etc. makes them who they are. They take initiative to achieve more because they came from less, whereas most of us in the U.S. has had privileges.
The reason behind Syrians fleeing their home country is to get away from the absolute violence, Syrian civil war has caused, the collapsing infrastructure of the country, and to keep children safe.The outbreak of a civil war in March 2011 caused 9 million Syrians to leave since then (“Syrian Refugees: A Snapshot of the Crisis – in the Middle East and Europe” 1). The Syrian Civil War has left more than two-hundred forty thousand people dead, including twelve thousand children.
Arabs have been coming and settling in the United States for quite a while. In fact, Arabs have been coming here for hundreds of years. Spanish explorers brought Arab slaves to the United States in as early as the 15th Century.
As a country, the United States has propagated an image of a "melting pot" of all human ethnicities. One of the many groups of people who have chosen the United States to be their home is that of the Arab Americans. This ethnicity typically describes those of ancestry from the Middle East, but this group can have a wide range of religious and cultural beliefs from different countries. Often Arab Americans are perceived to all have similar appearances, however phenotypically they can range from "people with blonde hair, blues eyes, or kinky hair and dark skin" (Alimahomed, 2011). The experience of Arab Americans changed drastically after the September 11th attacks on American soil in 2001. This paper attempts to explore the effects
The Burkini Ban is currently taking place in France and is representing everything that is wrong with society today. The burkini was created as a modest swimwear in favor to those who have Islamic views and want to cover their bodies, while also providing them with comfort. The following articles cognizance the issue, "Why France Should Lift The Burkini Ban" by Lynn Yaeger, "France is right to ban the burkini" by Gavin Mortimer, as well as, "Three More Towns To Join Burkini Ban." The Burkini Ban is discriminating towards Muslim women, yet others are scared of Muslims, are not accepting multiculturalism, and are in favor of the ban. The ban is stripping away one's religious rights and caused a controversial outbreak.
The relevant matter of whether or not Middle Eastern immigrants pose a threat to society has created serious divide among US citizens. Some Americans perceive these immigrants as a threat to society and a burden to the United States while others think otherwise. Due to the media and attacks on US soil, many individuals are skeptical of those coming from the Eastern Hemisphere, specifically Muslims. Because of fear perpetrated by many in the United States, a multitude of people have little to no trust for Middle Eastern immigrants. There are several misconceptions held by Americans about these immigrants such as an extreme elevated crime rate and their lack of contribution to society.
I’ve never heard about this issue before. This article mainly talks about how France banned burkins; a type of bathing suit that muslims wear to the pool and beach. Armed police officers are ordering Muslim women to either remove their bathing suits or leave the beach. They want muslim to be wearing bikini or anything but burkinis. “ About 30 French seaside towns banned any kind of religious clothing from their beaches.’ Personally, I think it’s insane and ridiculous that the in France, they are banning bathing suit. “The ban constitutes a grave and illegal breach of fundamental freedoms,” How does wearing burkini affect or impact other people of race? “In August, a French court overturned bans on burkinis in Cannes and a nearby seaside town.
Arab immigrants living in the Western society often compare their identity to the White race. The two main factors that differentiate the Arab immigrants and the Western White race are the two factors of gender and religion. Gender relations is often associated with Arabs creating their identity compared to the whites, this is because gender is associated with gender roles and the hierarchy of power (Ajrouch, 2004, p. 372). Another type of comparison is the factor of religion; White Christians often follow the Bible, which talk about the ideal breadwinner man and caretaker women. But, studies have shown that between Christians and White women both were affected by religiosity and ethnicity that relate to traditional gender roles (Ajrouch, 2004, p. 374) In the western society, Arab women can choose to accept or
The banning of the burqa has become an issue in many places, including France. The French Parliament has decided it is time to ban the burqa in public. They believe is a sign of the subjugation and submission of women to males. Some believe it is used to cover up abuse and they also believe it is unfair to the public that citizens cannot see the women’s faces. However it is unfair for these women to be banned from wearing what they choose as just everyone else does.The banning of the burqa should not be allowed because it is discriminatory towards Muslim women and violates their freedom of religion and their freedom to express themselves.
The anticipated law, whose purpose is to ban the use of the burqa and veil, finally took place in France. The ban started within school, and expanded into a restriction within the entire country. France drew international attention, questions, and opinions on the justification of this new law. Even though France’s main response to their justification of the ban is to preserve the French culture, the law also positively addresses other problems such as: religious freedom, public safety, and women’s rights.
The European refugee crisis began in 2015, when a rising number of refugees and migrants made the journey to the European Union (EU) to seek asylum. Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. According to the data that was shown in Business Standard and also confirmed by BBC News, the top ten nations which account for 90% of the sea arrivals in 2015 were: Syria (49%), Afghanistan (21%), Iraq (8%), Eritrea (4%), Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia (2 %), Sudan, Gambia and Mali (1%). Also the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees confirms that the top three nationalities of refugees are Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi. Of the refugees and migrants arriving in Europe by sea in 2015, 58% were men, 17% women and 25% children. (Wright, 2015). According to Eurostat, EU member states received over 1.2 million first time asylum applications in 2015, 4 countries (Germany, Hungary, Sweden, and Austria) received around two-thirds, while Latvia received a very small part of them.
Along with nationalism, there has been an increase in xenophobic sentiments, both of which can be attributed to burgeoning debt, sluggish economic growth, and high unemployment. In addition, because many countries have not yet recovered from the Eurozone crisis, even when immigrants settle in Europe it is not necessarily easy for them to create a stable life. Also, the increase in immigration has put a strain on a nations’ food and water supply, as well as their healthcare and education systems, which threatens the livelihood of natural born citizens, Finally, the increase of immigrants coming from destabilized Middle Eastern countries, such as Syria and Libya, presents a security concern, especially with the rise of ISIS and the increase of terrorist attacks across Europe.
On July 13, 2010, France passed a bill which abolished all burqas, headscarves, and helmets. This law applies to those who obscure their faces in public. The people of France and everybody, in general, should not wear a burqa for many reasons. The burqa creates many problems and issues such as safety, domestic violence, and the promotion of segregation. In the senate of France, 246 voted for the banning and only one voted against the banning. The burqa is unhealthy for France in general and should be banned, for information is so gruesome, the reader can tell that it was a reasonable decision in which France took action.
Burkinis have brought a lot of attention to many people in France and should not be banned in France. A burkini is a type of a swimsuit worn by Islamic woman that covers the whole body except hands, face and feet. Many French resort towns have banned burkinis on private and public beaches. Women usually wear these because it is a modest dress and their culture actively promotes them to wear it. Burkinis have caused a huge outbreak that involves people threatening women wearing burkinis that they will call the police. Therefore, this has affected Muslim women living in France. Muslim women need to wear burkinis because of personal and religious reasons and everyone should have the right to wear and believe in whatever
Ever since France introduced its so called “burqa ban” in 2011, there have been many cases involving the Muslim women who choose to wear these veils. Not only are understanding women being fined for their choice of dress, mainly the niqab, which leaves a slit for the eyes, but an increasing number of defendants are being tried for attacking them (Ramdani). The law only has affected a small number of women; out of an estimated 5 million Muslims living in France, only around 1,900 women were concerned by the ban in 2011 (Willsher). However, the ban has made Muslim women in full face veils, or niqab banned from any public activity including walking down the street, taking a bus, going to the shops or collecting their children from school.