
The Pros And Cons Of Arab Immigrants

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Integration of Arab immigrants is one of the most contentious issues in Europe and is becoming a huge area of concern for many European countries. More than one million asylum-seekers arrived to Europe through the Mediterranean Sea in 2015. The United Nations High Commissioner in Refugees (UNHCR) evaluated that approximately 84% of these migrants are from countries that qualify them as refugees (because of war or other circumstances). This sudden huge influx of immigrants poses a huge challenge for the European countries and how they will be integrated in European society will define the social, economical, and political future of Europe.

According to BBC, in 2015, approximately 400,000 migrants from Syria applied to leave for the EU. It is, by far, the biggest driver in migration. People from war-torn …show more content…

They must receive tax benefits, the right to perform funerals and marriages with civil validity, and financial support for Muslim faith schools. Muslim religious leaders must be encouraged to participate in multicultural dialogues with other religious leaders. Policies should be implemented that employees can take days off for religious holidays. Some recent policies have even gone as far as trying to ban the religious clothing for Muslim people. One such example of this occurred this summer in France. Many towns had tried to ban the burkini, a swimsuit that fully covers the body and is worn by some Muslim woman. The ban faced huge backlash and was eventually strike down in the court of Nice, France due to insufficient justifications for the controversial decree. Banning headgear will more isolate Muslim women and drive them way from workplaces. One way this disagreement can be settled is by setting a rule that as long as Muslim woman are following the laws of the land, they should not be banned from wearing their

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