
The Pros And Cons Of Atomic Bombing

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A total of 185,000 to 209,000 people died in the combined bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ( In august 1945, president Truman dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in an effort to end the war. A lot of people just think that because we won the war, it was a good decision, but it wasn’t really. First of all the dropping of the bomb was immoral. Secondly, we could’ve won in a different way. Lastly it started a war with Russia because they saw what the atomic bomb was capable of. Dropping the bomb wasn’t morally right. The droppings of the atomic bombs killed over two-hundred-thousand people. These people weren’t all military either, almost all of them were civilians. Their whole fight was pretty much done, they barely had a navy and they didn’t have any allies left. ( So when we bombed them, they were partially defenseless and didn’t have much of a way to fight back other than willpower. …show more content…

There were many other options nearing the end of this war. We could’ve tried something more diplomatic again, just because it failed one time it doesn’t mean we couldn't rewrite it and change their minds. If we were to try to just fight we would probably have to kill more people than what happened from the bomb because if we would bring actual fights they wouldn’t stop. ( even if we had no other choice but to drop the atomic bomb we could’ve dropped only one atomic

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