
The Pros And Cons Of Biological Warfare

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People will do almost anything to win or achieve their goals and that is sometimes a good thing. However, there have been instances where people have taken the idea to the extreme. So extreme that it was even banned at the end of World War 1 at the Geneva Convention. The topic is Biological Warfare. This type of warfare uses toxins or contagious agents instead of using guns and explosives. Toxins and agents such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. All of them are different things and have different effects but all have the same goal, and that is to disable or kill humans, animals, and plants to win the war. This warfare is cruel and inhumane and should never be used by anyone. If anyone did they should be punished severely. Why shouldn’t we use this? Well one example is World War 1. During the first month of World War 1 the French created the first ever tear gas grenades and it was used against the Germans. Tear gas works by irritating the eyes, nose, mouth, and lungs causing the person to have skin problems, trouble breathing, and having chest pain. Expectedly it was effective against the Germans but the they weren’t about to give up. After that attack, they took significant study to making chemical weapons and using it in the battlefield. After some time the Germans made their own tear gas and used it in the Eastern Front. Germans used it on the Russians and were unsuccessful but sadly they still did not give up. They still continued on making and improving their biological

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