
The Pros And Cons Of Biological Weapons

Decent Essays

This week’s reading material was reviewed objectively and based on the information, terrorists appear more likely to attack with biological than nuclear or chemical. Considering nuclear is a growing concern with recently acquired material, the build would ultimately need testing to determine if function meets intent. Learning of the cost of testing may steer terrorists away from nuclear and more towards biological.


Taking a look in history and ignoring weapon effectiveness, biological weapons were created and used frequently. According to Kostadinov & Galabova (2010) biological weapons were used in 700 BC (p. 296). Specific examples in the United States; the British provided smallpox infected blankets to Native Americans and infected clothing created for union troops during the Civil War (p. 297). The intent behind these weapons was to create the utmost fear and devastation of the enemy. Considering biological weapons could be produced without any of today’s technology, the confidence to do so in the 21st century would appear to increase, moreover the attempt most appealing.


According to Abramson (2012), “The likelihood of a State actor obtaining and possessing a biological warfare capability remains highly relevant, partly because the processes used in developing biological agents are also found in such innocuous …show more content…

4). Global detectors make it near impossible to experiment with nuclear without the superpowers knowing. Information like this may strongly deter terrorist groups from the effort and move to more covert activity in production and testing. According to Magnuson (2013), biological weapons are the most difficult to detect and can be produced by a small number of individuals. The amount of space required for production would be small, possibly no bigger than the thousands of drug labs law enforcement doesn’t

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