I applause people who can have natural birth. I have seen friends and family giving birth and it was not pretty. The long hours of pushing and crying is something I can never endure. When it comes to giving birth, I plan to use all the medicines they have. This is a decision that mothers should make. I do not think this something that should be discussed between spouses. It is not the husband who goes through the pain so the father's opinion should not matter. The pain that natural birth involves outweighs the risks of the medicine. Some people fear that childbirth medications have a lasting impact," some researchers claimed so but their finding have been challenged" (Berk,133). Although, childbirth medications have side effects, there has
Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 the Nation has been divided into two schools of thought. Both sides have convincing arguments that are heard all around. The Pro-Life group believes that abortion is ultimately murder. Even if that human is not born you are killing the potential of a living homo sapien. The Pro-Choice group on the other hand looks at this not as murder but an infringement of our constitutional rights and that we are empowering women to make this a decision about their body and not to be obstructed by the government’s views.(Abortion Procon.org) Maureen Shaw is a feminist, writer, and a mother. She has wrote many articles for websites including, Quartz, The Atlantic, Huffington Post, and many others. Maureen Shaw a writer on social issues has wrote an article on how becoming a mother has “made her even more Pro-Choice.” on the website Rewire. This article describes how the conservatives in the United States and those of conventional thinking have a clouded view on why women have abortions and why they are getting abortions. Shaw’s journey into motherhood has strengthened her view on abortion and on the right-wing political ideologies to judge her motivations.
Working Title: Are HBCU’s Still Beneficial to Civilians who want to Receive a Higher Education?
Expectant mothers should educate themselves more about natural birth. This is because there are many consequences and high risk associated with drug intake to release pain and caesarean delivery. This is because if more women are aware about the facts involved with using these medications, they will correctly choose what is best for their own bodies and the health of their babies.
There are several people that cannot make up their mind. Things do not go as planned and spontaneous things just occur. During pregnancy, the mothers plan their birth plan and the procedure that they would like. Things just happen, and they need to change their plans. There are several debates on the best birth plan. With continuous debates on epidural and natural childbirth, it is difficult to see if one or the other has more benefits. Further investigation will reveal the facts and science along with experiences with epidural and natural childbirth. If there are less factors that cause harm using epidural than natural birth, then they will prefer epidural over natural birth.
I hold the belief that a woman should have the right to have an abortion if that is what she would like. This means I identify as a pro-choice supporter. If the government ever decide to illegalize abortion, it would mean that women do not 'own' their body and instead the lawmakers do. As soon as a third party, such as lawmakers, are given the power to decide that abortions are wrong and they decide to ban abortions, women are no longer in control of their own bodies which makes them powerless.
Abortion is a subject that numerous people have strong opinions about; some believe that it is a form of murder and should be banned, yet others believe that the decision should be for the woman herself to make. In my eyes, the choice to abort or not abort is the woman’s, not the public’s. However, many men disagree with pro-choice.
Of course when making any decision it is important to critically think out the whole situation. It is very important to not make irrational decisions. In order to help make the best decision the pros and cons should be taken into consideration. The pros of having an abortion could be but not limited to, being unable to financially afford a child. There may be health risk for the woman so an abortion may save a life. The pregnancy may have been a result of violent crime or assault. “The 'Hyde Amendment' refers to an amendment first offered by Rep. Henry J. Hyde in 1976 to the Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare, Appropriation Act, 1977. The amendment restricted the use of appropriated funds to pay
Imagine that daily necessities such as food or clothing became a bargaining chip for slave women to have more babies. The choice to have a baby or not have a baby was taken away from slave women. “Often, slave owners held out extra rations of food and clothing to women as incentives to have children” (Morris 988). It goes to show the value placed upon these women, instead of offering a reward beyond their everyday necessities, their basic needs are withheld and only returned if they will become pregnant. According to the Slave Society on the Southern Plantation, a certain man in Virginia said that he was fortunate “because his women were uncommonly good breeders; he did not suppose there was a lot of women anywhere that bred
When I first learned I had to read “Rip Van Winkle” I assumed it was going to be just another story that I was going to dread reading. However, after reading the first paragraph of “Rip Van Winkle” I knew it was different and then before I knew it I had flown through the pages like there was no tomorrow. “Rip Van Winkle” is full of remarkable yet strange characters, mesmerizing landscapes, and magical and mysterious events.
My research on why people don’t concentrate on the alternative and put their funds into iPS and adult stem cells is because a lot of people don’t think or agree that fertilizing embryos is a good idea. They feel like it’s wrong. Just like Abigail Chandler a former IVF patient has a feeling her embryos should not be tested on due to the fact that she doesn’t want her embryos to fail and be destroyed. Many are against this because this may lead to rejection of healthy embryos or the implantation of embryos with development problems. I believe fertilizing embryos is a bad idea but has its benefits. It provides major benefits which includes decreasing the suffering of infertile couples. It also reduces the distress and social issues and lastly the usage of embryos for research purposes. A patient
“A person’s a person, no matter how small,” Dr. Seuss. Ever since the Roe v. Wade case in 1973, abortion has been a very controversial topic, whether it be, if we should let abortion happen up until birth, 2nd trimester, or nothing at all, people usually have very strong opinions on this topic. Whether you believe that fetus’ are not babies until they are born, until they can live outside the body and survive, or other, doctors have found that a fetus's heart starts beating at about 5 weeks after conception, and that is about the time a woman finds out she is pregnant. So, abortion after 5 weeks stops a beating heart no matter what you believe. Another big issue about this topic is if aborting babies with disabilities is ok. Usually pregnant
I chose this topic because it is a very important topic the world is trying to deal with. I have a very strong beliefs and the people that I know have very strong beliefs concerning abortion. Merriam-Webster dictionary describes abortion as, 1(“The termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.”) 2(Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973. From 1980 to 2013 abortions have caused the deaths in over 13 million deaths in the U.S. alone.) That is equal to the number of people Hitler exterminated in World War II.
When I was a child, the world was so different to me than how it is now. When I was a child, I believed many things that aren't true anymore. One of these things was baby making. I though that babies were made from G-d. I though that when a women reached a certain age either G-d would giver her a child or would wait. I thought this happened once a woman got married. Than after having the baby for nine months, the child would come out of the mother’s belly button. This is obviously not at all how baby making works, however the real topic does not need to be discussed. The point of the matter is that when I was younger I believed a lot of things that simply weren’t true. This was because I did not know any better. This is like Jim believing
The only con there really is to natural childbirth would be that it is painful. However, if a pregnant woman does not deal well with pain or if she has a complicated delivery, an epidural might be an answer for her.
Birth of a child can be such a happy time, especially when the little one is very healthy. We all have seen the movies when a new child is born, some of us are lucky to see it first hand. Some of us do get goose bumps, me being one of them. It is just so exciting to see that little life come out of what has been in that big belly for nine months. We sometimes refer to the birth of a child as labor. If only it was as easy as the name sounds. However, it is not. There are three main stages in birth. The first stage is the longest stage that can last 12 to 14 hours with the first birth, and later births are shorter. Dilation and effacement of the cervix take place here. That is when the uterine contractions gradually become more frequent and