As we learned in module, experts can have a large impact on a new mother’s decision in regards to breastfeeding. We can provide them with the most update to date information that can result with good health outcomes for both the child and the mother. After reading the article perpetuating “Scientific Motherhood”: Infant feeding discourse in parents magazine, 1920-2007, I found it interesting how media can also play such a role in people life decisions. As the study stated that although there were limitations such as it only looked at parents magazine, it showed the change and correlation in percentages of breastfeeding mothers, as “experts” changed their minds from promoting bottle feeding to breastfeeding (Foss, 2010). I think it’s
Having a baby and being flexible is really important when it comes to bottle feeding and breastfeeding. Bottle feeding makes this a little harder because of heating to the bottle, measuring, and sometimes trying to find a bottle. Breastfeeding make this a little easier because if you pump milk the night before, you can have up to three bottles for in the refrigerator. Sometimes if you do not have any milk in a bottle, one can also just let the baby breastfeed by sucking on the nipple. Serena Meyer and Ryan Teglene explain in their article
Very few experts disagree with the fact that breastfeeding is the optimal choice for the infant. However, decreasing breastfeeding rates raise many questions as to why mothers are not choosing the best nutritional choice for their children. Despite breast milk being the obvious choice for infant feeding due to the health, psychological, and economic benefits, many mothers still decide to feed their infants formula due to lack of knowledge and support, difficulties with breastfeeding, and social embarrassment. Changes need to be made with formula companies, medical professionals, and the public opinion of breastfeeding in order to give nursing mothers the support they deserve.
In Gina Ciagne’s article “Breastfeeding Has Heart and Can Save Yours” researched showed that just like men, the number one killer of women was cardiovascular disease (2012). In the article it also stated that women “who breastfeed could lower their risk of developing heart disease and related issues” (Ciagne, 2012), Ciagne also stated that the body resets after pregnancy if the woman is breastfeeding (2012), While reading this article length was fairly short, and the vocabulary used was very easy to read and understand. Ciagnes credential listed was a CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor), The writing style Ciagne used were in ways mothers could relate, using emotions and repetition while still being informative. All in all the articles conclusion with the results were consistent.
In “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty, it explores the idea that in war, people are actually killing their brothers. This theme is portrayed through the use of irony and imagery. Initially, the author uses death imagery to emphasize the scene of the story, “with the machine gunner’s head hanging lifelessly over the turret. The woman’s corpse lay still in the gutter.” This quote gives the reader a visualization of the street in the story where everything is lifeless, silent and depressing.
In todays society there are so many books and online sources that can be found on the “how-to” of raising a child. The question is though, which one of the sources should be trusted enough to follow through and to implement techniques on children. For one of the most important decisions that a mother and family can make is the option of breast milk or formula. In a growing society where mothers are given dirty looks for nursing in public, or media outlets rage in disapproval to mothers that share nursing stories, it almost seems crazy not to pick up a bottle and feed a child. Our society has made formula feeding a “norm” and had turned its back to mothers that ponder the choice of breast-feeding. This is a complete shame;
Christina McvayLisa Barrick English 101 September 19, 2017 Boobs Vs. Bottles All mothers want the best for their children. Multiple studies have shown that breastfeeding should be highly considered. Although, breastfeeding and bottle feeding are both alike in few ways, the numerous benefits of breastfeeding make it the best option for many mothers. Mother’s breast milk contains over 100 components, which therefore formula milk does not compete. Breastfeeding is a better option because of the cost, convenience, and all the wonderful numerous health benefits. Breast milk contains all the germ fighting antibodies that help prevent a child from getting sick. Breast milk contains antibodies. Antibodies, are passed from the mother to the child through the breast milk and help strengthen a child’s immune system. Antibodies, fight against numerous infections, viruses, prevent chronic conditions, and much more. More importantly, breastfeeding may perhaps protect babies against sudden infant death syndrome, more commonly known as, “SIDS”. Breast feeding is very beneficial for all premature babies. Breast milk naturally contains countless vitamins that a newborn requires, which formula does not contain. Breast milk contains protein that a child can easily digest, therefore breastfed babies are usually less gassy, spit up less, and less constipated. Breast milk helps give one’s child calcium and iron a lot faster with direct intake. Also, the fats from breast milk are very essential for the health and the growth of one’s baby. Likewise, breastfeeding is very beneficial for mothers, while formula is not. Breastmilk contains 20 calories per ounce, therefore, the more one feeds their child, the more calories the mother loses and increases weight loss. What mother does not want to lose the extra calories that she just ate from her last meal? Or the extra weight she may have packed on during her pregnancy? Can bottle feeding do that? No, probably not! Breastfeeding mothers can also see a change during ovulation. The more breastfeeding mothers are feeding their babies, the more prolactin their body releases. Prolactin keeps progesterone and estrogen steady, therefore the mother’s egg is not released, which would have triggered
“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. […] The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went to Madrid” (290 paragraph 1). Ernest Hemingway crafts a well written dialogue in this story about a man and a girl. The story begins with a detailed description of a train station in Spain surrounded by beautiful hills. The story then turns into dialogue between the two. A man and a girl who appear to be traveling sit down at a
When females become mothers, it is optional if she wants to breastfeed or not. Yes it is better to breastfeed and also it’s healthy for the child, and the mother. The issue today, Is Breastfeeding Inevitably Best for Healthy Development? I agree with Julie E. Artis, that the broad promotion of breastfeeding has the potential to unfairly stigmatize women who do not breastfeed while overstating the benefit. Reasons why I agree with Julie E. Artis because mothers should not be stigmatize, because they chose to not to breastfeed. I feel as though, not all mothers are not comfortable with breastfeeding, or are not able to breastfeed, so mothers will prefer not to breastfeed. Julie E. Artis had a few statements about; mother should breastfeed at their own risk. I agree with her with this statement, because mothers might have health problems, culture and ethnicity values, and also conformability which play a factor as well. Breastfeeding is best or breast is best for short, that what the U.S Department of Health and Human Services from the Surgeon say’s, but it is also good for mothers to breastfeed at their own risk, because mothers are making a choice that works for them and their infant.
Breastfeeding is a individual women who chose to feeds their baby with milk from the breast there are several reason why women should breast feed. You create this bond between the mother and the baby. It may lower the risk of the baby having an cold or flu (bump2017). It protects the baby from different types of symptoms. Mothers who breastfeed are likely to have a lower risk of breast cancer. When breastfeeding it higher the child IQ.
Thesis: Breastfeeding provides unique nutrients for the baby, protects from disease, has health benefits for the mother, and provides a unique bond between mother and baby.
Whether to breastfeed or to formula feed is one of the many decisions parents have to make when caring for a newborn baby. The decision may seem simple in which parents base there decision on comfort, convenience and finance but little do most parents know the decision being made can have damaging long term effects than that of the present. There is plenty of research that state the significance of breastfeeding that go far beyond the extent of bonding between mother and newborn. Although, that too is important. Breast milk is known to contain antibodies which can help the newborn in developing a strong immune system which influence all the body systems. Research has shown that breast-milk can help prevent long term diseases such as
Any infant enters the world completely relying on their mother, whether it’s to provide security, comfort, or their first meal. Breastfeeding, although pretty self-explanatory, is the act of a woman feeding a baby with milk from her breast. It is recommended that a baby be breastfed for the first time within an hour of their birth and exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (Belsky, 2012). However, there is a stigma attached to breastfeeding in some areas of the world, especially the United States, so a common alternative is formula. There are many benefits not only the infant can gain from being breastfed, but also benefits the mother can obtain from providing this nutrition for her child. This paper will discuss
In completing post-class questionnaires, participants scored significantly higher for breastfeeding knowledge, rated breastfeeding as significantly more important, and cited significantly higher confidence levels in breastfeeding than in pre-class questionnaires. In the 6-week postpartum interview, 70 of the original 153 mothers were interviewed. 91% were
For thousands of years, breastfeeding has been the main source that women have had to feed their babies. In today’s society, however, breastfeeding has become a controversial issue due to the increased sexualization of the female body, especially women’s breasts. This same society has failed to consider the benefits that breastfeeding mothers offer to society and, most importantly, the benefits breastfeeding offers to children. It is important to consider and remember that breastfeeding is natural and nursing mothers should be free to nurse everywhere because it is their legal right, it is the first source of nutrition for their children, it eliminates excess waste in the environment, and it benefits society.
“This is not a nice man … innocent is not a word that suits him in any way,” says Brian Webster when speaking of Matthew Poncelet, the man on death row in the movie Dead Man Walking. Many people feel that the death penalty is immoral and it should not be used; however I feel completely opposite. I believe that capital punishment is a fair sentence for a murderer to receive.