With COPD being the fourth cause of death in the United states (Beers. M, 253), why isn’t there a greater sharing of information with the public. I go back to the problem with smoking a cigarette. There are many programs that will inform people about the health problems associated with smoking. COPD is one of the conditions that cigarette smoking can cause. I think it is a common misconception that if you have COPD, it is your fault because you smoke. When in reality you may never touch a cigarette and could develop COPD from stepping outside.
R.W. appears with progressive difficulty getting his breath while doing simple tasks, and also having difficulty doing any manual work, complains of a cough, fatigue, and weight loss, and has been treated for three respiratory infections a year for the past 3 years. On physical examination, CNP notice clubbing of his fingers, use accessory muscles for respiration, wheezing in the lungs, and hyperresonance on percussion of the lungs, and also pulmonary function studies show an FEV1 of 58%. These all symptoms and history represented here most strongly indicate the probability of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a respiratory disease categorized by chronic airway inflammation, a decrease in lung function over time, and gradual damage in quality of life (Booker, 2014).
| This is important because we need to look at the relevant data and realize that she seems to be in distress and first take care of that. Also realize that she seems to have an infection. With this information we are able to prioritize
History of Present Illness: Mr. Magnuson is a very pleasant 77-year-old gentleman who was previously seen in this office by Elvira Aguila, MD for COPD and hypoxic respiratory failure. He is here today for routine followed up. He was last evaluated in January 2015. Since that time, he states that his dyspnea is worse. He feels that it is related to the weather. He does state that he works around the house, although he does have significant functional limitations because of shortness of breath. His wife also confirms that he is able to do less and less. He has a stable, minimal cough. He is using 4L of oxygen at night as well as, as needed throughout the day. He continues to smoke three to four cigarettes on
October 2014 had some unusually high temperatures for Southwestern Pennsylvania. While most residents were enjoying the summer like weather, I came to find out that not all were. Extremes in weather can trigger COPD exacerbation. COPD symptoms, such as cough, phlegm production, and shortness of breath, tend to get worse for some patients when the air is very cold or when it is hot and humid. The body is always working to try to maintain a normal body temperature, which is about 98.6 F. When exposed to extreme temperatures, such as during the heat of summer, the body uses extra energy trying to cool itself down in order to maintain normal body temperature. The use of extra energy causes the body to demand more oxygen. People with COPD often
This is a case study on a 76 year old man.Mr Alan Chari(pseudonym used to protect the identity of a patient),was admitted over night in my department.He is a divorcee who stays with son.He is a retired teacher and his son is permanently employed by a local company as an electrician.He is independent with activities of daily livings but is occasionally limited by his ill health.He used to be a heavy smoker .After realising the burden COPD has on general New Zealand population ,affecting about15% of the adult population over the age of 45 years according to asthmanz( 2010) ,l took this case study to gain in-depth understanding.
The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC 2008)states that a nurse should be able to protect and promote the health and well-being of those in their care. This essay will be discussing the health promotion role of a nurse looking after a patient that has Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) .The essay will focus on a 65 year old gentleman Mr Abraham who has been admitted into a general medical ward,with an acute exacerbation of COPD. Mr Abraham is well known to the ward as he is admitted regularly, the ward staff are aware of the fact that he continues to smoke and uses his inhalers incorrectly.
The effectiveness of Family Support Caregiver in improving the Functional Status of Client with Pulmonary Diseases.
This assignment will explain the pathophysiology of the disease process chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It will examine how this disease affects an individual looking at the biological, psychological and social aspects. It will accomplish this by referring to a patient who was admitted to a medical ward with an exacerbation of COPD. Furthermore with assistance of Gibbs model of reflection (as cited in Bulman & Schutz, 2004) it will demonstrate how an experience altered an attitude. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (NMC, 2005) regarding safeguarding patient information no names or places will be divulged. Therefore throughout the assignment the patient will be referred to
The topic is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is an umbrella term used for respiratory disorders such as chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It is a serious condition that restricts airflow to the lungs and is not fully reversible. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Australia. More than 1 in 20 Australians over 55 have COPD and is also the fifth leading cause of death. There is also a rate of 1,008 per 100,000 of the population aged 55 and over being hospitalized for the condition. The rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders compared with non-indigenous Australians are 2.5 times as high (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016). There is no cure however; the management can slow the disease progression and is therefore crucial to the quality of life of patients.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, or COPD, is a relatively common chronic illness that is treatable, however there is currently has no cure. COPD is an illness that encompasses two major illnesses these illnesses are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Both of these illnesses wreak havoc on the lungs of the affected person by causing mucus to build up in the bronchioles henceforth reducing the effectiveness of the alveoli which impairs gas exchange. According to the American Lung Association, “COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States. More than 11 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, but an estimated 24 million may have the disease without even knowing it” (American Lung Association [ALA], n.d.). As this data from the American Lung Association shows, in the United States alone we may have a total of 35 million people (almost one tenth of the American population) living with COPD. QSEN, which stands for Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, has developed six competencies related to nursing care. These competencies are Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, Safety, and Informatics. These aforementioned QSEN competencies break down how nurses should be treating patients and working with the health care team.
During the second week of my clinical rotation, I had the privilege of being with the respiratory department, as a result of that my research of the Continuity of Care topic will be based on the topic of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). COPD patients are usually readmitted due to acute exacerbations also known as (AECOPD). (Laverty et al., 2015). In this paper, we explore the COPD discharge care bundles which have been developed by different authors. The care bundle consists of a short list of certain evidence-based practices to be utilized or implemented before discharge for all patients who have been admitted with COPD, based on reviewing national guidelines, evidenced based practices, expert opinion, other relevant literature, peer-reviewed journals and patient consultation. (Hopkinson et al., 2012).
This is can be caused many things such as smoking or inhaling smoke at your occupation, where you live, and many other things. The black carbon and or black tar that comes from the smoke you inhale finds its way to blocks your airways. The black carbon is sticky that can look like a sort of mucus.
The positive outcome of the acute treatment of the patient helped me feel more confident in communicating with patients. The patient commented on his appreciation of having the ambulance service available, in his time of need. I told the patient this was my first week on the road, and he said that he was happy with my performance. My paramedic mentor gave me positive feedback on my ability to communicate well with the patient. The treatment package contributed to a good understanding of how the therapeutic respiratory drugs worked and how quickly they became effective. I found out that COPD patients should only permitted to have increased oxygen levels for no longer, than six minutes as stated in (section 27 of B R O’Driscoll, etal
All over the world, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a very significant and prevalent cause of morbidity and mortality, and it is increasing with time (Hurd, 2000; Pauwels, 2000; Petty, 2000). Due to the factor of COPD being an underdiagnosed and undertreated disease, the epidemiology (Pauwels, Rabe, 2004) is about 60 to 85 % with mild or moderate COPD remaining undiagnosed (Miravitlles et al., 2009; Hvidsten et al., 2010).
Having COPD affects a person's quality of life; it's difficult not to become anxious when you cannot catch your breath. Unfortunately, it's a vicious cycle; the more anxious you become, the harder it is to breathe. Possible treatments include inhalers and other medications, oxygen therapy and lifestyle changes, however, if these options are not effective enough to improve an individual's quality of life, stem cell therapy is a way to possibly reduce the symptoms of COPD and other chronic lung diseases, including pulmonary fibrosis. Not all doctors recommend stem cell therapy since it was considered an alternative treatment when they attended medical school.