
The Pros And Cons Of Child Labor In Bolivia

Decent Essays

“Bolivia becomes the first nation in legalise child labour from age of 10 years” El Tiempo, The Independent, The Telegraph, Forebes Despite new initiatives to address child labor, Bolivia is receiving assessment because it continued to implement a law that delayed advancement in eliminating the worst forms of child labor. Bolivia's Child and Adolescent Code, passed in 2014, allows children as young as age 10 to be self-employed under certain conditions. Otherwise, the Government made efforts by incorporating into law the Agreement between the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Republic of Argentina to Prevent and Investigate Trafficking in Persons and Protect and Assist Victims. The Government also signed agreements with Brazil and Peru to combat human trafficking There's a huge lack of official data and information in the country about this situation. 22 public and private institutions that integrate …show more content…

the child labour in Bolivia appears as a "evil necessity" that would be a way of overcoming the extreme poverty in the country. By means of the work, the children manage to satisfy his needs and those of his families and even help buying their school supplies. It would be necessary, in agreement with the Government, to create a legal frame to regulate and to protect these children who have remained invisible and victims of the exploitation and of the abuse. In addition, the child labour, would allow to the child to construct a social conscience. "Child labour already exists in Bolivia and it's difficult to fight it. Rather than persecute it, we want to protect the rights and guarantee the labor security of children," said Senator Adolfo Mendoza, one of the bill's sponsors. Many poor families in Bolivia have no other choice than for their kids to work. The bill offers working children safeguards, he also said. "To eliminate work for boys and girls would be like eliminating people's social conscience," Evo Morales

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