Just a few days ago, Meryl Streep gave an acceptance speech at the Golden Globes. During this speech, she was ranting on about how Donald Trump should not have won the 2016 presidential election, and how she felt that he was somewhat responsible for all of the hate and disrespect that our country currently has. Streep was instantaneously accused by Trump’s supporters of being wrong, of cluelessness, and of bad timing. She was simply speaking her mind to us. So does that mean that only politicians can say that they hate Donald Trump? Celebrities are allowed to talk about politics just as much as anyone else. Are celebrities only supposed to talk about their career? That would mean that politicians are only allowed to talk about politics. Video
Donald Trump is not doing good as president. Some may still believe he is doing good for our country, but the facts will change their opinion. This argument can be proved based on the facts that are in the news everyday. The news shows articles about him firing multiple people in the white house, his insensitive attitude to important things happening in our country, and him degrading women. People are not happy with Donald Trump’s presidency, and the hatred for Trump continues to grow by his actions.
Celebrities serve as entertainers while the president handles ongoing dilemmas to keep their country safe. By mixing the two positions, all would be a joke. Elaborated in Source B, it states that “television’s celebrity system… presidents are losing their distinctiveness as social actors and hence are often judged by standards formerly used to assess rock singers and movie stars”. As claimed, the source depicts that the television’s intentions are to make candidates relatable to singers/movie stars, pulling them away from their important role of providing for their country. With this, it suggests that the purpose of broadcasts aren’t to promote the ideas of how the candidates will guide the country into a better future, but rather, are more fond of the drama and reality aspects of the candidate’s lives.
According to Webster dictionary, a celebrity is defined as a famous or celebrated person. Celebrities serves as role models, heroes, cultural commentators, charity spokespeople, and political candidates. An exploration of celebrity culture uncovers changing conceptions of legitimacy, authority, and credibility at play in our culture (The Hedgehog Review, 2005) .There is a celebrity culture that has engulfed Canada, and indeed North America for a while now because celebrity culture is alluring, even to those who are embarrassed to admit it. There has been increasing infiltration of celebrity culture into politics. The media might have deliberately and unwittingly contributed in perpetuating this celebrity culture.
Another over reach of power by the Obama administration, he is illegally ignoring congress and magically creates laws, right or wrong, where none existed before. By doing so, he gives zero chance for anyone or any state to debate or object to what he is trying to do, that is why we have a congress.
The Top 5 Reasons Why He is the Best Candidate to take on the Democrats.
“Everyone has a right to their own opinion”, a fairly famous quote both true for celebrities and ordinary citizens alike. When there’s a topic getting a lot of attention from the main media outlets, celebrities are asked for their opinion on where they stand on the topic. Yet, whether they are asked to give a statement or not, they are still allowed to have the right to do so. No matter how large or small your influence is in society, your voice shouldn’t be hushed away because it wasn't as agreeable as the others.
The churches in the Byzantine Empire were extremely close to the government. Enough for Christianity in the government to be called caesaropapist. Caesaropapism is a polotical theory that believes the head of state should also be head of the church. The role of Christianity impacted the political views of people and the government directly. The Christian church was seen as a department of the state by the Emperors and government officials. In the patriarchs, bishops, and priest's sermons, they encouraged their followers to obey the government. In the Islamic culture, religion and government moved almost as one. The caliphate of Islam was the head leader of the government as well. Islam created a stable running bureaucracy and then began to
Should public figure like actors, singers, arties, speaker and other individuals that are look upon be more involve or stay out of politics because of its big impacts they can have upon a big group of individuals.
Imagine a workers boss getting paid from his or her success while the worker gets nothing in return. If you have not realized already that is a pretty basic definition of a pimp and that is exactly what the NCAA does to their athletes (Latham). The NCAA should pay their college athletes for their hard work.
According to Source C, “Our national politics has become a competition for images or between images, rather than between ideals.” This idea can lead to consequences because the person who has a better personality is not guaranteed to be the one who is more capable of leading a country. When the unqualified person is chosen to lead the country, then its citizens will suffer. In source B, the author states, “ Because of television’s celebrity system, Presidents are losing their distinctiveness as social actors and hence are often judged by standards formerly used to assess rock singers and movie stars.” Chances are people who are rock singers and movie stars do not know how to run a country because they focus only on their own image and prioritize that above everything else. In the case of an election, the president should be someone who holds up to the ideals of democracy. With the help of the television, candidate's actions are monitored at all times. But this influence can potentially transform the election into a personality contest that defeats the purpose of a fair
It is definitely arguable that musicians and other social media stars have no duty to be politically active or aware. They never intended to be politicians. These idols are often young and clueless when thrown into the spotlight and are free to use their social media as they please, just like any other person.
Professional Athletes should be held to the same political standards as anyone else, and not be punished from being outspoken just because they are famous. For example, athletes should be allowed to publicly speak, and not be held to a higher political standard than an ordinary human being. Like Chip Kelly, 49ers coach said in a press conference over Colin Kaepernick's kneeling during the national anthem, “that is their right as a citizen.” Athletes, such as Colin Kaepernick,
Donald Trump was elected president of the United States of America on November 8th, 2016, and now has been running our country for over a year. As Trump’s first year in office slowly began, his reputation seems to be creating different outside views of our nation and arguments started producing everywhere. After competing with Hillary Clinton for the presidential term in office, Trump defeated her along with her democratic supporters causing one of the most shocking elections in U.S. history. Using public media web pages, we are reviewing both sides of the argument regarding Trump’s election and we are going to decipher why each arguer supports their side, and why each side is reasonable for the benefit of our country.
Many have thought the entertainment world should be separate from the world of politics. Some celebrities go on to be involved in politics, such as Ronald Reagan and Sonny Bono, but rarely does an entertainer command a large sphere of influence in the world of entertainment and politics simultaneously. While entertainers can move the masses, their voice is usually discarded among politicians. In addition to this, many have highlighted the negative influence of the entertainment industry, and particularly rock music, on American culture. Often, it is seen as a corrupting force that leads people astray. For many people, rock and roll seems to highlight all that is wrong with American popular culture. These critics fail to take note of
Age, by many, is considered as nothing more than a number. However, those who believe that it is a mere figure with no other significance do not factor in the problems that come with it. In terms of emotions such as happiness, age holds no value; one can feel that emotion at any time in his/her life. Yet, physical capabilities can reach a limit and begin to degrade as one becomes older and passes throughout his/her life. Curtain begins with Captain Arthur Hastings revisiting the Styles Court, the mansion that houses his first scene of crime, through a call of help from his old friend and fellow detective, Hercule Poirot. Poirot is plagued with limits to his physical capabilities due to old age; therefore needing Captain Hastings to act as his