
The Pros And Cons Of Free College

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In a lower class household, Matt just finished high school. With decent grades and wanting to go to college, but not having enough money for the expensive college price prevented those plans from happening. The free college topic has recently come up as a popular debate topic of politics and just by hearing that, many people become appealed. An uneducated person on the topic might initially believe that nothing could go wrong with this and while some people still think this, others strongly disagree. Lots of people believe free college creates less student debt and helps scholars in the long run, others think that taxes would increase for the older people that worry about taxes. Some people believe that free college would harm our country and sounds misleading. Making college free would not come without a shift in who pays, instead of the students paying for their colleges now the taxpayers would pay (Kelly). Forcing taxpayers to pay for students’ college seems unfair since the people that paid for their college would now pay for the new scholars. Also, if college becomes free for students, an increase in taxes and enrollment rate would occur. From the National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 40% of high school seniors become properly prepared for college while 70% proceed to college right after high school (Petrilli). Since free college would most likely increase enrollment that would mean more students not prepared and ready for college would attend. With more

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