
The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

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Gentrification is not a new phenomenon, but in recent years it has become more prevalent due to many cities, especially low-income districts being renovated and rejuvenated by business and economic opportunities. Many of the cities that are being affected by gentrification are primarily sought out for renovation due to their location. Chris Hamnett views, “Gentrification as essentially a class-based process whereby working-class or rundown area of the city are transformed into middle-class residential areas often with attendant changes in commercial use” (Hamnett 467). Governments, states, and cities need to implement better the political, social and cultural neighborhood changes, including wider economic changes, related to gentrification, into the concept of displacement to understand the entirety and temporality of the process (Davidson 2389). It is easy to blame the incoming middle-class civilians for displacing the low-income/working class locals from their neighborhoods, but not having rent control is more at fault for the low-income residents' displacements. …show more content…

Landlords and real estate investors see they can profit from the city's economic boom that brings the middle-class and wealthy in the first place, so why would they not want to make a profit. Some scholars like John Betancur argues that gentrification can be considered class warfare, but there are two sides to every viewpoint. John Betancur states, “The gentrification literature is divided into two main streams: the first highlights the displacement of lower by higher classes… while pointing to the dislocations and conflicts it imposes on communities… The second stream dismisses displacement while claiming that gentrification plays a major role in urban revitalization and cultural revival (Betancur

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