
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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With all the shootings that have happened in the last couple years you would think that more people would be for gun control but 52% are actually for gun rights or the right to own a firearm while 46% are for gun control. Gun rights allow legal US citizens to own a firearm and that right is protected by the 2nd amendment.
After the Newtown, Conn. school shooting many people in the US were gripped by fear and were asking for more control on guns. Stores that sold guns were taking them off of shelves, gun buybacks were set-up, more and more kids were wearing bulletproof backpack, and some kids even took their own guns to school for protection. And lawmakers said they would tighten gun laws. Gun violence dropped in 1990 but according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, 1994 gun laws had too many loopholes and had little to no effect on mass shootings. One reason gun control wouldn't work is because there are over 300 million people who privately own some type of gun. Now in theory more stricter gun laws could work. In 1996 Australia spent over $500 …show more content…

Because of this its almost virtually impossible to have a mass buyback of weapons like they did in Australia. In the wake of a mass gun crackdown gun sales went through the roof and over 100,000 people joined the National Rifle Association or the NRA as most people call it. And because of the 2nd Amendment which states “The right of the people to keep and bear arms may not be infringed” which means that Americans are supposed to be able to own guns without government intervention. This guarantees Americans the right to defend themselves, should the situation come up. Now in the past arming citizens was a safeguard to protect themselves from government tyranny or dictatorship. Some people see that the removal of guns would be the first step in removing their rights little by

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