
The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton Immigration Reform

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This election is unique, and even if the choice may seem clear there are many people on the fence about who has the best fit to be our president. However, with Clinton leading in the polls, and for good reason, the American people may just be realizing that a reality television mogul has no business running for president of the United States. Even though some people may say that we could benefit from Trump’s background in business, that’s about the only thing that would work in our favor if he becomes president. Setting our nation back fifty years is not something that would benefit us but if we let Trump halt immigration, take away rights women have fought for so long and continue to say and do unbelievably ignorant things then we will only …show more content…

Not only does Clinton’s plan help immigrants achieve full and legal citizenship in a reasonable amount of time but she also plans to make healthcare available to everyone, yes everyone, even the immigrants who have not yet received their legal citizenship. Clinton has defended both Obama and DACA and DAPA against partisan attacks and to close private detention centers and prisons to prevent families from being ripped apart. Hillary has consistently portrayed her positive stance on immigration. In 2003, 2005 and 2007, she cosponsored the Dream Act which; with the right requirements, permits an individual to enlist in the army or go to college regardless of the legislation. Clinton has also referred to immigration as a “source of vitality an innovative …show more content…

Trump seems to be changing up his story and even seeming to forget his stance on abortion. In 1989, Trump cosponsored a dinner that was honoring a former president of the NARL (a well known pro- choice organization) and later did not attend because of threats from pro-life supporters. Then again in 1999 Trump did an interview with NBC, he was asked about his stance on abortion and his answer was clear, “I’m very pro-choice.” Somewhere between 1999 and 2011 is where we start seeing inconsistencies in Trumps “personal” views. During the first presidential debate in 2015 he tells a story about a child that was going to be aborted but was not and how great the child is today. Implying that he has shifted more towards the pro-life side of the spectrum. Then later on in 2015 during a Jake Tapper interview for CNN, Trump was caught off guard when Tapper stated, “I know you’re opposed to abortion.” Trump responded, “Yes, I’m pro-choice.” Then when he was asked if he was pro-life or pro-choice he said, “I’m pro-life, I’m sorry.” Finally, in 2016, his ideas are fully radicalized and he is advocating punishment for women who chose to get

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