This election is unique, and even if the choice may seem clear there are many people on the fence about who has the best fit to be our president. However, with Clinton leading in the polls, and for good reason, the American people may just be realizing that a reality television mogul has no business running for president of the United States. Even though some people may say that we could benefit from Trump’s background in business, that’s about the only thing that would work in our favor if he becomes president. Setting our nation back fifty years is not something that would benefit us but if we let Trump halt immigration, take away rights women have fought for so long and continue to say and do unbelievably ignorant things then we will only …show more content…
Not only does Clinton’s plan help immigrants achieve full and legal citizenship in a reasonable amount of time but she also plans to make healthcare available to everyone, yes everyone, even the immigrants who have not yet received their legal citizenship. Clinton has defended both Obama and DACA and DAPA against partisan attacks and to close private detention centers and prisons to prevent families from being ripped apart. Hillary has consistently portrayed her positive stance on immigration. In 2003, 2005 and 2007, she cosponsored the Dream Act which; with the right requirements, permits an individual to enlist in the army or go to college regardless of the legislation. Clinton has also referred to immigration as a “source of vitality an innovative …show more content…
Trump seems to be changing up his story and even seeming to forget his stance on abortion. In 1989, Trump cosponsored a dinner that was honoring a former president of the NARL (a well known pro- choice organization) and later did not attend because of threats from pro-life supporters. Then again in 1999 Trump did an interview with NBC, he was asked about his stance on abortion and his answer was clear, “I’m very pro-choice.” Somewhere between 1999 and 2011 is where we start seeing inconsistencies in Trumps “personal” views. During the first presidential debate in 2015 he tells a story about a child that was going to be aborted but was not and how great the child is today. Implying that he has shifted more towards the pro-life side of the spectrum. Then later on in 2015 during a Jake Tapper interview for CNN, Trump was caught off guard when Tapper stated, “I know you’re opposed to abortion.” Trump responded, “Yes, I’m pro-choice.” Then when he was asked if he was pro-life or pro-choice he said, “I’m pro-life, I’m sorry.” Finally, in 2016, his ideas are fully radicalized and he is advocating punishment for women who chose to get
They could do the right thing now by passing a bill called the Bridge Act. It stands for Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy. Its chief sponsors are Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat, and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican. It would extend protections to the dreamers now eligible for DACA through 2020, once again buying time to negotiate a comprehensive immigration reform
Many people believe that Hillary Clinton is the clear choice to become the next president of the United States. However, this is untrue in countless ways. Hillary Clinton is unfit for office because she will destroy the economy, she is untrustworthy, and she will increase the national debt significantly.
comprehensive immigration reform could bring to this country, to the native- born and immigrants workers as well. Also, he makes emphasis in how the number of undocumented immigrants has increased since 1990’s; therefore, the economy of United States has dramatically increased.
In one of his last strides before he leaves office to push for an immigration reform, President Obama urged congress on Saturday’s weekly address to pass a previously agreed upon immigration bill that would “bring more undocumented immigrants out of the shadows so they can get right with the law.” [1] But in many cities across America, undocumented immigrants live as everyday citizens without fear of deportation nor dire necessity to embark in the long and often times complicated immigration process.
With education being the number priority and the reason why many immigrants came to the United States, but with many organizations have been helping many immigrants in achieving their citizenship, but also helping students with scholarships with non-profit foundation, meaning that the no federal organization gave them money with no strict requirements about their status in the U.S to get this scholarships. An organization located here is here in Texas that is called the North Texas Dream Act which helps millions immigrants that still don’t have legal status yet and helps them in many ways by giving funds and scholarships to students that are in need to find money to finish their career and start a good life. Other ways of achieving funds to pay for tuition at certain college or universities by receiving in state tuition that is based on financial aid but the requirement aren’t very crucial they just to live in the state for two years and graduated from high school or got a GED. For example Texas has the application Texas Application for State financial aid and many don’t even know it exists being that it existed for more than a decade. If parents were to leave and be deported the student
Another topic of discussing is immigration. Immigration is something that is probably never going to go away. Some of the immigrants here today are the main reasons we have what we have today. Immigrants have been over here for some their entire life. Because immigration is so common today, many people overlook it because of the normality of it. Hillary Clinton’s views on immigration differs completely from Donald Trump. Clinton stated that she thinks it is okay for immigrants to live here in the United States if they have not committed a crime. Hillary Clinton also stated that they could stay if they agreed to learn English, pay taxes and also pay a fine to the government. I see nothing wrong with immigrants wanting to live in America if
Clinton questions, she sees it as an opportunity for the growth of our country. Moreover, besides supporting DACA and DAPA which are necessary for certain people’s eligibility for citizenship, Clinton is keen to establish a Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation with a full and equal path to citizenship to make sure that people in a variety of situations are eligible for citizenship.
In 2014 there were 24,000 children arrested at the border for trying to enter America illegally("More Children and Teens Crossing into U.S. Unaccompanied." Newsela. ). This shows that more and more people are trying to enter the United States after the immigration reform bill was proposed. The Immigration Reform is supposed to slow down illegal resettlement while broadening the circumstances in which immigrants can come into our country. Obviously this is not the case because before the reform was proposed there was a count of only 13,000 immigrants coming illegally. The immigration reform should not be passed because obviously we have some things we need to straighten out.
Our country is known as a country of immigrants. Doors are open all the time for those who are willing to come legally to add an extra values to our nation. Our country needs immigrants who have ideas, skills, and knowledge to allow us leading the world. We do not need immigrants who are willing to enter to our soil illegally and become dependent on our government help. Our country needs people who are proud to be independent, supporting their families, and paying their income taxes. Those taxes help the government improve and build our road, schools, hospitals, and more. If our officials become more tolerant with illegal immigrants, they are automatically facing our country and economy to jeopardy. Our officials should learn from what happen
Immigration is an increasingly hot controversy in southern California; there have even been various rallies recently with many supporting a path to citizenship and others arguing that we need to close our boarders and prosecute violators. Immigration is the spotlight not due to money, but because it affects problems like race, the role of government, national identity and change. There are more advantages than disadvantages on supporting illegal immigration and supporting an amnesty.
Hillary's role on immigration is that we need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship. If congress won’t act, she’ll defend President Obama executive actions and she’ll go further to keep families together. She’ll end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers, and help more eligible people become naturalized. Hillary’s words are that ‘’First we rely on partners in Muslim countries to fight
Build the Wall! Build the Wall! We want the wall! Currently, these are the things that we are hearing in the United States. Building a wall to not allow immigrants to cross into our border. Except, we are not the only country, that deals with immigration. What exactly is immigration? Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination of where they are not native’s country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle there. Immigration has its pros and its cons. Immigration policies can be related to four other aspects of policy: political, economic, social, and demographic. Economic issues are medium term decisions, while, social issues are long-term concerns. Let’s talk about
Illegal immigration is a burden on Americas society because illegal immigrants work here, which is good for them, but they send that money back to the country they are from, which takes money from our economy.
Illegal immigration can be a double-edged sword. One side is that local economies are supported by the undocumented workers and the other side disadvantages the state with unpaid taxes by the workers and their employers. Both are pro et contra (for and against) arguments of unlawful immigration in the U.S., however without immigrants can the U.S. economy survive? Basically, it cannot. Yes, immigrants take the work others do not want for little pay, leaving fewer jobs for those who also demand higher salaries but depriving the U.S of those workers may leave farms with unpicked produce that never feed our communities. Without the immigrant work force a large percentage of American economic life would be impacted, hurting the few largely immigrant populated states of Arizona, California, Florida and Texas first, but then the ripple would reach all of U.S. The impact estimates could be horrendous. Then lastly, most importantly everyone deserves equal rights as humans, whether legal or illegal.
Abstract: Until the bill passed, much of the debate surrounding the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, or DREAM Act, brought about legal, ethical, and logistical concerns. Illegal immigration and the population unauthorized alien in the United States were key issues in the ongoing debate on immigration reform. However, the benefits of this bill outweighed its disadvantages. Immigration policies in the United States concerning undocumented workers are strict and direct. Employers are not allowed to employ illegal or undocumented immigrants. The DREAM Act which was enacted by the Obama administration’s announcement of deferred action for deportation of undocumented youths provides alternates. Under the provision of this law, a person is eligible for citizenship if they came to the United states at age 15 or younger, are currently 35 or younger, have been resent in the country for at least five years, completed high school, and completed at least two years of higher education or honorably served in the armed forces for at least two years (Guzman & Jara, 2012). The advantages of Dream Act as well as its disadvantages on the US economy would be analyzed. Future analysis and other immigrant working situations would also be evaluated.